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Advanced Coaching Essentials: Booster 3

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The “Coaching Conversation Guide” is an excellent tool for aligning your coaching conversation with the steps of the “Coaching Process” you choose to use (Connect, Focus, Activate, Review).  In addition, it reminds you to utilize the “Essential Skills:”

  • Listen to Learn
  • Inquire for Insight
  • Tell Your Truth
  • Express Confidence

The Coaching Conversation Guide will allow you to be more deliberate and organized when having a coaching conversation.

Conduct a coaching conversation with a direct report using the “Coaching Conversation Guide.”

To complete this booster, tell us which steps of the “Coaching Process” and “Essential Skills” you used. Check all that apply:

(Reminder: The “Coaching Process” is fluid. You do not have to use all the steps in a linear fashion.)


Listen to Learn
Inquire for Insight
Tell Your Truth
Express Confidence
What insights did you gain about your natural tendencies?
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