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Blazeguards are wild, energetic, and spicy people. Their house animal is the dragon and their house color is red. Famous Blazeguards include Taylor Swift, Will Smith, and Michael Jackson. 

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Stormhawks are intelligent, cunning, and complex people. Their house animal is the hawk and their house color is purple. Famous Stormhawks include Morgan Freeman, Sheen Estevez, and Squidward. 
Blightfrogs are nature-loving, kind, and creative people. Their house animal is the frog and their house color is green. Famous Blightfrogs include Mozart, Leonardo DiCaprio, Barack Obama, and Harry Potter.

Frosthorns are resilient, reserved, and confident people. Their house animal is the yeti and their house color is blue. Famous Frosthorns include Gandhi, Napoleon, and Timmy from Fairly Odd Parents. 
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