Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in hep-th on Thu, 30 Dec 21
[2112.13851] Seung-Joo Lee: On Towers of Light States at Infinite Distance
[2112.13853] Achilleas P. Porfyriadis, Grant N. Remmen: Large Diffeomorphisms and Accidental Symmetry of the Extremal Horizon
[2112.13861] Guido D'Amico, Nemanja Kaloper, Alexander Westphal: Very Hairy Inflation
[2112.13863] Federico Carta, Alessandro Mininno, Pramod Shukla: Systematics of perturbatively flat flux vacua
[2112.13878] Miroslav Rapcak: Branes, Quivers and BPS Algebras
[2112.13883] Juan Miguel Nieto GarcÃa, Leander Wyss: Jordan blocks and the Bethe ansatz I: The Eclectic Spin chain
[2112.13944] James P. Edwards, Christian Schubert: Plane Wave Backgrounds in the Worldline Formalism
[2112.13999] Hiromichi Nishimura, Toshiaki Fujimori, Tatsuhiro Misumi et al.: Resurgence and semiclassical expansion in two-dimensional large-$N$ sigma models
[2112.14042] Raphael E. Hoult, Pavel Kovtun: Causal first-order hydrodynamics from kinetic theory and holography
[2112.14089] Vinay Malvimat, Rohan R. Poojary: Fast Scrambling due to Rotating Shockwaves in BTZ
[2112.14092] I-Hsi Chen, Po-Shuo Huang, Shang-Yu Wu: Entanglement of Purification for Momentum Relaxed Superconductor
[2112.14120] Andrei Smilga: Modified Korteweg-de Vries Equation as a System with Benign Ghosts
[2112.14130] Jin-Beom Bae, Zhihao Duan, Sungjay Lee: Can the energy bound $E \geq 0$ imply supersymmetry?
[2112.14143] Stoimen Stoimenov, Malte Henkel: Meta-Schrödinger invariance
[2112.14177] Lewis Sword, David Vegh: Kasner geometries inside holographic superconductors
[2112.14187] I. Lovrekovic: Conformal Carrollian Spin-3 Gravity in 3d
[2112.14191] Freddy Cachazo, Nick Early, Bruno Umbert: Smoothly Splitting Amplitudes and Semi-Locality
[2112.14210] Aaron Poole, Kostas Skenderis, Marika Taylor: Charges, conserved quantities and fluxes in de Sitter spacetime
[2112.14237] David Blanco, Tomás Ferreira Chase, Juan Laurnagaray et al.: Rényi entropies of the massless Dirac field on the torus
[2112.14269] Gokce Basar, Gerald Dunne, Zelong Yin: Uniformizing Lee-Yang Singularities
[2112.14270] MatÃas N. Sempé Guillermo A. Silva: Fermionic Matrix Models and Bosonization
[2112.14288] Severin Barmeier, Prafulla Oak, Aritra Pal et al.: Towards a categorification of scattering amplitudes
[2112.14323] I. M. Burbano, Justin Kulp, Jonas Neuser: Duality Defects in $E_8$
[2112.14361] Ming-Hui Yu, Cheng-Yuan Lu, Xian-Hui Ge et al.: Island, Page Curve and Superradiance of Rotating BTZ Black Holes
[2112.14373] Jay Armas, Akash Jain, Ruben Lier: Approximate symmetries, pseudo-Goldstones, and the second law of thermodynamics
[2112.14388] Kanato Goto, Masahiro Nozaki, Kotaro Tamaoka et al.: Non-Equilibrating a Black Hole with Inhomogeneous Quantum Quench
[2112.14419] I.L.Buchbinder, V.A.Krykhtin, M.Tsulaia et al.: Supersymmetric Cubic Interactions For Lower Spins From "Higher Spin" Approach
[2112.14441] Takeshi Oota: Perturbation of multi-critical unitary matrix models, double scaling limits, and Argyres-Douglas theories
[2112.14481] Nikolay Kozyrev, Sergey Krivonos: ${\cal N}{=}4$ supersymmetric Schwarzian with $D(1,2;α)$ symmetry
[2112.14492] Adi Armoni, Henry Harper-Gardner: GMOR relation for a QCD-like theory from S-duality
[2112.14544] Valentina Giangreco M. Puletti, Victoria L. Martin: Hidden Conformal Symmetry in Higher Derivative Dynamics
[2112.14550] Hee-Cheol Kim, Sung-Soo Kim, Kimyeong Lee: Gauging $\mathbb{Z}_N$ Discrete Symmetry of 5d SCFTs
[2112.14571] Yang Liu: Higgs inflation and its extensions and the further refining dS swampland conjecture
[2112.14593] Kanato Goto, Tomoki Nosaka, Masahiro Nozaki: Chaos by Magic
[2112.14609] Hamid Afshar, Blagoje Oblak: Flat JT Gravity and the BMS-Schwarzian
[2112.14610] Igor Bandos, Unai D.M. Sarraga: 3D supersymmetric nonlinear multiple D$0$-brane action and 4D counterpart of multiple M-wave system
[2112.14619] David Vegh: Segmented strings, brane tilings, and the Y-system
[2112.14628] Sibylle Driezen: Modave Lectures on Classical Integrability in $2d$ Field Theories
[2112.14639] José Manuel PenÃn, Kostas Skenderis, Benjamin Withers: Massive holographic QFTs in de Sitter
[2112.14647] Christian Ferko: Supersymmetry and Irrelevant Deformations
[2112.14648] Lorenzo Coccia, Christoph F. Uhlemann: Mapping out the internal space in AdS/BCFT with Wilson loops
[2112.14677] Niko Jokela, José Manuel PenÃn, Konstantinos Christos S. Rigatos: Gravity duals for defect quivers in the Veneziano limit
[2112.14696] J. Alexandre, N. Defenu, G. Grigolia et al.: Quantization and renormalization of non-differentiable potentials
[2112.14712] Ana Achucarro, Sebastian Cespedes, Anne-Christine Davis et al.: The hand-made tail: Non-perturbative tails from multifield inflation
[2112.14736] Monica Guica: A definition of primary operators in $J\bar T$-deformed CFTs
[2112.14753] Kaiwen Sun: Blowup Equations and Holomorphic Anomaly Equations
[2112.14764] Mohammad Akhond, Guillermo Arias-Tamargo, Alessandro Mininno et al.: The Hitchhiker's Guide to 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ Superconformal Field Theories
[2112.14765] Juven Wang, Zheyan Wan, Yi-Zhuang You: Cobordism and Deformation Class of the Standard Model
[2112.14766] Yuho Sakatani: Poisson-Lie T-plurality for dressing cosets
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Thu, 30 Dec 21","img":""}
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