Explore Your Cultural Compass

A vibrant collage representing diverse cultures, travel destinations, ethnic foods, and art, in an engaging and colorful style.

Explore Your Cultural Compass

Discover more about your personal preferences and values through this engaging quiz. Gain insights into your views on culture, travel, food, politics, and social issues.

Find out how you relate to the world around you by choosing your responses to each question. Are you adventurous or traditional? Open-minded or set in your ways? Take the quiz to learn more!

13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by WanderingMind21
If given the opportunity at no cost to you, would you visit a Fine Arts Museum?
Oh Yeah!
It depends, whats on exhibit?
Probably not, but its not totally out of the question
No way, not interested
You decide to have a family vacation, money is not an issue, you visit...
Someplace new and exciting, doesn't matter where
Tried and true, "The 'ol vacation" spot
Must be out of the country, its not traveling if you don't leave the country!
Why go to Vegas, when Atlantic City is only a few hours away
You're with a friend who likes ethnic foods, your friend suggests [Indian food, Tai, Middle Eastern, etc.], you...
Politely decline and ask for some classic American
You check out the menu to see if there is anything
Gross, theres no way, how about McDonalds
Of course, I never miss an opportunity to eat and try new things
When a close relative bashes a religion, you reply...
I'm sorry you feel that way, but others have an equal right to practive without discrimination
I'm not much for religion either, screw 'em
Don't speak bad about my faith!
Yeah, whatever man!
When voting, you typically vote...
Other political party
I typically don't vote
Your best friend gets tickets to watch World Cup Soccer, he/she asks you if you want to go. You say..
Yeah, I'm always ready for a match
I don't like sports
I guess, but I've never watched before
Hell no, thats not football
Your job requires you to learn Japenese prior to your new promotion, you decide...
Okay, lets do this
Boring, lets get this over with
I don't like speaking other languages
Always willing to learn something new
You heard the President was going to make it possible for illegals to work in the U.S. But live in Mexico, you...
Disagree, no illegals period
You believe that it should be a decision left to voters in the Border States, such as Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California
I agree with the President
It could work, lets test pilot a program
The President decides to pull all troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, you feel...
Happy, you have family abroad
Its about time, war is wrong
Good, hopefully we can make that region of the world better by allowing them to deal with their own problems
We should stay until every Extremist is dead
Would you say you are..
More open to new experiences
I'm a creature of habbit
Don't like changes
I'm always trying to broaden my views
When having guests over, you decide that conversation about Politics/Religion should be...
Not allowed, don't want to offend anyone
Let's keep it civil, no badmouthing
I love good friendly debate and welcome it
Anthing is fair game in my house
Do you like fashion?
OMG, yaass!
Ha, Ha, Ha.. No!
I tend to stay stylish, but don't follow all trends
Who has time fo that, I just buy what is at Target or Walmart
Do you like living...
The same place my entire life
Someplace new every few years or so
I've lived in a few different places
Let's move to a new city!
{"name":"Explore Your Cultural Compass", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Discover more about your personal preferences and values through this engaging quiz. Gain insights into your views on culture, travel, food, politics, and social issues.Find out how you relate to the world around you by choosing your responses to each question. Are you adventurous or traditional? Open-minded or set in your ways? Take the quiz to learn more!","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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