VUL Captain's Quiz
What day do you play on?
What is your roll on the team?
Assistant Captain
Rules Guru
Where on the website can you find the field permits and washroom codes?
The "Fields" page, found under the "Games" menu.
The "Rules" page, found under the "Learn" menu.
The "Field Guide" page, link found on the Home Page and on your "MyVUL".
The "About Us" page.
How does the VUL typically communicate important messages to captains?
By phone
By email
Posting in the forum
Writing an article
What is the best way for you to contact another captain?
By finding their email and phone number on their team page.
By posting in the Captain's forum.
Email the League Manager and ask that your email be forwarded.
You can't.
How much notice do you need to give another team if you have to forfeit?
At least one week.
At least 48 hours by email or 24 hours by phone.
At least 8 hours by phone.
You don't have to tell them, you can just not show up at the field.
How does the VUL communicate information with all players?
By emailing everyone directly.
By posting in the forum.
By writing an article and posting it on the website.
By emailing captains and asking them to share the info with their team.
How old do you have to be to play and captain in the VUL?
17 to play and 19 to captain.
16 to play and 18 to captain.
18 to play and to captain.
There is no age minimum.
Which of the following rules are true?
You must have at least 3 males and 3 females to play.
No foot blocks are allowed.
Players must play at least 5 regular season games to be able to play in playoffs.
All of the above.
What should you do when there are other users on the field that refuse to leave, even after you've showed them the VUL permit?
Call the VUL League Manager.
Call the parks board at 311.
Try to share the field.
Re-schedule your game with the other team.
Which of the following is true about field procedures?
Leave your garbage on the sideline.
Bikes and dogs are allowed on the turf fields.
Be rude and yell at those that accidentally walk across the field.
None of the above.
There are 4 categories when completing a spirit rating for game reports: Timeliness, Rules Knowledge & Use, Safe & Clean Play and Positive Attitude & Communication. What rate would you likely give most average games?
Excellent, unless the other team did something un-spirited.
Good, reserving excellent for teams that go above and beyond.
Fair as there will likely be some issues in an average game.
Poor unless they play a spirit game.
How is the schedule set up?
8 weeks of round robin games (with re-seeding) with no games on one weekend (check website for details)
10 weeks of round robin games (with re-seeding) with no games on one weekend (check website for details)
6 weeks of round robin games (with re-seeding) with no games on one weekend (check website for details)
If you need more players for your team or subs, where can you find help on the VUL website?
Email the League Manager.
Matchmaker and the personals forum.
On the Pickup page.
The VUL doesn't provide assistance with that.
What is the carbon flip?
The team that drove the fewest cars to the field wins the 'flip'.
The team that drove the most cars to the field wins the 'flip'.
Whichever captain can hold their breath for the longest wins the 'flip'.
Using discs made out of carbon to flip instead of plastic ones.
What is the purpose of the Rules Guru role on your team?
To act as an Observer or Referee to the games. It is ok to interrupt play if players are using the rules incorrectly or if someone makes an incorrect call.
Preparing a presentation for their team on the rules of Ultimate.
Ensure your team has a basic understanding of the rules to avoid conflict at the field.
To act as an additional assistant captain at the games.
What is included in Game Reports?
A comment box that can be used to inform the League Manager about the game, injuries or field conditions.
A check box to be able to send a copy of the report to the opposing team
Spirit Scores
Points scored for both teams
Winner of the carbon flip
All of the above.
If games are cancelled due to rain or any other reason, captains will be informed by 3pm the Friday before the games. What method will the League Manager use to inform captains?
Twitter only (follow @vulgames).
Email only.
Email and Twitter (follow @vulgames).
Phone calls.
When considering the Spirit rating for "Timeliness," what is a reasonable rating to give other teams?
From the designated start time: "Excellent" is right on time; "Good" is 5-10min; "Fair" is 10-15min; "Poor" is >15min
From the designated start time: "Excellent" is <10min; "Good" is 10-20min; "Fair" is 20-30min; "Poor" is >30min
From the designated start time: "Excellent" is <20min; "Good" is 20-30min; "Fair" is >30min; "Poor" is if you don't start at all
{"name":"VUL Captain's Quiz", "url":"","txt":"What is your name?, What is your team name?, What night do you play on?","img":""}
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