Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Fri, 25 Jun 21
[2106.12603] Stephen Montgomery-Smith: Perturbations of the coupled Jeffery-Stokes equations
[2106.12606] Ibrahim Mohammad, Marc Dupuis, Paul D. Funkenbusch et al.: Oscillating currents stabilize aluminium cells for efficient, low carbon production
[2106.12617] Sergei Seletskiy, Alexei Fedotov, Dmitry Kayran: Effect of coherent excitation in coherent electron cooler
[2106.12619] Kookjin Lee, Nathaniel A. Trask, Panos Stinis: Machine learning structure preserving brackets for forecasting irreversible processes
[2106.12631] Andrea Valassi, Stefan Roiser, Olivier Mattelaer et al.: Design and engineering of a simplified workflow execution for the MG5aMC event generator on GPUs and vector CPUs
[2106.12634] D. Attié, M. Batkiewicz-Kwasniak, P. Billoir et al.: Characterization of resistive Micromegas detectors for the upgrade of the T2K Near Detector Time Projection Chambers
[2106.12647] Karl Pelka, Guilhem Madiot, Rémy Braive et al.: Floquet control of optomechanical bistability in multimode systems
[2106.12690] Petrônio A. S. Nogueira, Peter Jordan, Vincent Jaunet et al.: Absolute instability in shock-containing jets
[2106.12703] G. Orr, M. Azoulay, G. Golan et al.: GaN HEMT based high energy particles detection preamplifier
[2106.12721] T.Chen, L.Li, X.-X.Zhang et al.: Hourly Warning for Strong Earthquakes
[2106.12754] Amar P. Misra, Debjani Chatterjee, Gert Brodin: Landau damping of electron-acoustic waves due to multi-plasmon resonances
[2106.12758] Jayesh Dhadphale, Vishnu R. Unni, Abhishek Saha et al.: Neural ODE to model and prognose thermoacoustic instability
[2106.12783] Calin Martin: Azimuthal equatorial flows in spherical coordinates with discontinuous stratification
[2106.12799] Mohammad Abu Hamed, Alexander A. Nepomnyashchy: Phase field model for cell spreading dynamics
[2106.12824] Paolo Olivucci, Daniel J. Wise, Pierre Ricco: Reduction of turbulent skin-friction drag by passively rotating discs
[2106.12862] Paolo Micheletti, Jerome Faist, Tudor Olariu et al.: Regenerative Terahertz Quantum Detectors
[2106.12889] Ching-Hsuan Huang, Jiayang He, Elena Austin et al.: Assessing the Value of Complex Refractive Index and Particle Density for Calibration of Low-Cost Particle Matter Sensor for Size-Resolved Par...
[2106.12890] Felix Ulrich-Pur, Thomas Bergauer, Alexander Burker et al.: A Proton Computed Tomography Demonstrator for Stopping Power Measurements
[2106.12897] Xiang Zhang, Liang Hu, Xue Deng et al.: Robust optical frequency transfer in a noisy urban fiber network
[2106.12898] David Alonso-Gonzalez, Michel Frising, Ferry Prins et al.: A deep learning approach to resonant light transmission through single subwavelength apertures
[2106.12899] Aneesh Dash, Viphretuo Mere, S. K. Selvaraja et al.: Independently reconfigurable internal loss and resonance-shift in an interferometer-embedded optical cavity
[2106.12903] Xin Zhao, Hong-Bo Chen, Li-Hua Lu et al.: Compass-free migratory navigation
[2106.12908] D. Hu, G.T.A. Huijsmans, E. Nardon et al.: Collisional-radiative non-equilibrium impurity treatment for JOREK simulations
[2106.12918] Yuxuan Wu, Yuxing Jiao, Yanzhen Zhao et al.: Noise induced new quasi-period and periods switching
[2106.12919] Edoardo Zoni, Remi Lehe, Olga Shapoval et al.: A Hybrid Nodal-Staggered Pseudo-Spectral Electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell Method with Finite-Order Centering
[2106.12925] Katharina Dort: Test-beam and simulation studies for the CLICTD technology demonstrator -- a monolithic CMOS pixel sensor with a small collection diode
[2106.12929] Mario Christopher Bedrunka, Dominik Wilde, Martin Kliemank et al.: Lettuce: PyTorch-based Lattice Boltzmann Framework
[2106.12932] Mitsuki Kobachi, Fumiaki Miyamaru, Toshihiro Nakanishi et al.: Dynamic quarter-wave metasurface for efficient helicity inversion of polarization beyond the single-layer conversion limit
[2106.12943] H. Strauss: Thermal Quench in ITER Locked Mode Disruptions
[2106.12945] K. M. Patel, S. Withington, C. N. Thomas et al.: Simulation Method for Investigating the Use of Transition-Edge Sensors as Spectroscopic Electron Detectors
[2106.12979] Ehsan Vaghefi, Song Yang, Li Xie et al.: A multi-center prospective evaluation of THEIA to detect diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic macular edema (DME) in the New Zealand screening program
[2106.12988] Alfred Y. Wong, Alexander Gunn, Allan X. Chen et al.: Enhanced D-D Fusion Rates when the Coulomb Barrier Is Lowered by Electrons
[2106.12999] Vincenzo Barone, Jacopo Lupi, Zoi Salta et al.: Development and validation of a parameter-free model chemistry for the computation of reliable reaction rates
[2106.13005] Meenu Upadhyay, Markus Meuwly: Thermal and Vibrationally Activated Decomposition of the syn-CH$_3$CHOO Criegee Intermediate
[2106.13011] Sallamari Sallmen, Tarmo Nurmi, Mikko Kivelä: Graphlets in multilayer networks
[2106.13016] Tobias Sixt, Jiwen Guan, Alexandra Tsoukala et al.: Preparation of individual magnetic sub-levels of $^4$He($2^3$S$_1$) in a supersonic beam using laser optical pumping and magnetic hexapole fo...
[2106.13028] Amali Priyanka Jambuge, James T. Laverty: Assessing Scientific Practices in Physics Paper-based Assessments
[2106.13030] Nicolás Guarín Zapata: Design of a fretboard using the stiff string equation
[2106.13036] Navid Soltani, Elham Rabbany Esfahany, Sergey I. Druzhinin et al.: A scanning planar Yagi-Uda antenna for fluorescence detection
[2106.13042] André Fuchs, Swapnil Kharche, Matthias Wächter et al.: An open source MATLAB package to perform basic statistical analysis of turbulence data and other complex systems along with its applicatio...
[2106.13050] Petter Johansson, Guillaume Galliéro, Dominique Legendre: How molecular effects affect solutal Marangoni convection
[2106.13060] D. A. Kaltsas, G. N. Throumoulopoulos, P. J. Morrison: Hamiltonian kinetic-Hall Magnetohydrodynamics with fluid and kinetic ions in the current and pressure coupling schemes
[2106.13064] Tianjie Yang, Yaoru Luo, Wei Ji et al.: Advancing biological super-resolution microscopy through deep learning: a brief review
[2106.13079] M. T. Hedges, S. E. Vahsen, I. Jaegle et al.: First 3D vector tracking of helium recoils for fast neutron measurements at SuperKEKB
[2106.13108] Steven E. Anderson, Luis Chacón, William T. Taitano et al.: Fully kinetic simulations of strong steady-state collisional planar plasma shocks
[2106.13116] Joshua A. Rackers, Roseane R. Silva, Zhi Wang et al.: A Polarizable Water Potential Derived from a Model Electron Density
[2106.13117] Ping Lü, Clément Narteau, Zhibao Dong et al.: Direct validation of dune instability theory
[2106.13127] Zhao Song, Dane Taylor: Asymmetric Coupling Optimizes Interconnected Consensus Systems
[2106.13134] Maria Carvalho, Pedro Ribeiro, Verónica Romão et al.: Smart fingertip sensor for food quality control: fruit maturity assessment with a magnetic device
[2106.13149] Leonardo R. C. Moraes, Liliane B. Barichello, Ricardo C. Barros et al.: On the Application of the Analytical Discrete Ordinates Method to the Solution of Nonclassical Transport Problems in Slab...
[2106.13168] P. Agnes, S. Albergo, I. Albuquerque et al.: Performance of the ReD TPC, a novel double-phase LAr detector with Silicon Photomultiplier Readout
[2106.13177] Felix Kogel, Marian Rockenhäuser, Ralf Albrecht et al.: A laser cooling scheme for precision measurements using barium monofluoride (137Ba19F) molecules
[2106.13190] O. Roncero, V. Andrianarijaona, A. Aguado et al.: Vibrational effects in the quantum dynamics of the H + D_2^+ charge transfer reaction
[2106.13204] David Barral, Virginia D'Auria, Florent Doutre et al.: Supermode-based second harmonic generation in a nonlinear interferometer
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Fri, 25 Jun 21","img":""}
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