Health & Safety Overall Quiz 2017
Health & Safety Quiz 2017
Welcome to the Health & Safety Quiz for 2017! This quiz is designed to help you test your knowledge of health and safety regulations and practices within the workplace. Understanding these concepts is crucial for maintaining a safe and secure work environment.
Key Features:
- Comprehensive coverage of important topics
- Multiple choice questions for easier engagement
- Immediate feedback on your responses
Where can you find the FACS Health & Safety Manual?
A. At your co-workers desk
B. K/FACS All Offices/Human Resources/Health & Safety
C. On-top of the bookcase
D. In your Supervisor's drawer
Which of the following should occur after an incident?
A. The incident should be reported to one's supervisor/manager and corrections made
B. The supervisor should complete an Accident/Incident Investigation form and submit it to HR/H&S Manager
C. HR/H&S Manager will determine whether it is a OSHA recordable injury
D. Both A&B
Both B&C
What is the name of the document that a project manager should complete at the beginning for a new job which details the hazards encountered and controls/PPE required at the job? It applies primarily to uncommon or special jobs.
Analysis Hazard Job Form
Job Hazard Analysis Form
Hazard Evaluation Form
OSHA Compliant Form
5. An employee has purchased a small container of acetone for the office to clean tools he/she uses in the field. Which of the following should occur?
A. The employee’s supervisor/PM should determine whether the product is needed for the job
B. If the product must be used, the employee must let the H&S representative know so that the product and its Safety Data Sheet (SDS) can be inventoried
C. The supervisor/PM must ensure that the employee has the necessary training in order to understand the potential hazards, safe handling procedures, proper PPE, and emergency procedures. This can include requesting training assistance from H&S representatives
D. All of the above
6. TRUE or FALSE? An employee has been feeling dizzy and nauseous after conducting an inspection of a chemical spill in the morning, but has another job scheduled in the afternoon. She should notify her supervisor immediately, and rather than going to the next job may seek medical attention at the office’s designated hospital, during work hours, and bill the time to FACS.
7. What provision makes employers responsible for informing employees of hazards and identifying chemicals in the workplace which they may have exposure.
Program for Hazards
Notification of Hazards
Hazard Communication Program
None of the Above
How many extinguishers are in your office? (Be sure to be familiar with where they are and how many are at your office.)
9. If you are working at your desk, where do you plan to take cover in case of an earthquake?
A. In an open space in the office
B. Near a book case
C. Under my desk
D. In a doorway
Both A and D
10. What is your office’s designated meeting area during an evacuation? (If you do not know, please check with your Director or H&S Representative.)
11. TRUE or FALSE? You may not perform work requiring a respirator unless you have a current respirator medical evaluation, training, and fit test on file. (All items within the last 365 days. If you do not have all items current, please speak to your supervisor to arrange the required item.)
12. When and what PPE precautions are taken when there is the potential for coming in contact with blood or other bodily fluids?
A. When in a hospital setting
B. When possible exposure to blood or Other Potentially Infectious Materials (OPIM)
C. Wear gloves, wash hands, and wear eye shields when there is potential exposure
D. Both B and C
13. TRUE or FALSE? You have noticed that your coworker cranes his neck while working at the computer (i.e. Has an awkward posture). Since it is your responsibility as an employee to actively participate in recognizing and abating ergonomics risks, you can either encourage your coworker to request an ergonomic evaluation or report the observation yourself to an H&S rep.
14. Which one out of the following is not a Safe Ladder procedures?
A. Place Ladder on firm ground
B. Secure ladder in slippary areas
C. Setup a ladder near a door
D. Never set up ladders in high winds
15. TRUE or FALSE? When entering a hospital isolation room used for patients with infectious diseases like tuberculosis, PPE is not required to be worn unless blood or bodily fluids are visible.
16. What conditions would make a crawlspace beneath a house a confined space?
A. A space large enough and so configured that an employee’s entire body can enter and perform work.
B. A space where individuals can move freely
C. A Space not designate for continuous employee occupancy
D. Both A and C
E. None of the above
17. TRUE or FALSE? Statistically, the most hazardous part of a job is driving to the job.
18. What can you personally do to prevent workplace violence?
A. Help people feel like members of the in-crowd
B. Report any such behaviors by any staff to their supervisor as soon as they are noticed.
C. Allow individuals to grow and develop
D. All of the above
19. Which of the following represents overexposure to noise?
A. The wisper hum of illuminated lights
B. Equal or exceed an 8 hour time weighted average of 85 decibels or more
C. Garbage disposal for a few minutes
D. Food Blender for a few seconds
TRUE or FALSE? Each and every FACS employee is responsible for safety at work. When an unsafe condition or behavior is observed, this should be reported to a supervisor/management so corrections can be made.
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