Should I Publish With Amazon or Smashwords?

Which of these subjects do you plan to write about?
Noncon or rape (even if it's a fantasy, daydream, or roleplay)
Incest (including step family, adopted family, and extended family such as cousins or aunts/uncles)
Hypnosis or mind control
Pheromones that make someone irresistible
Deceiving someone so they think they're having sex with someone else
Scat or watersports
Shifters or werewolves having sex while in animal form (knotting, etc)
Sex with fantasy animals that resemble real ones in some way (centaurs, mermaids, catgirls, etc)
Barely legal, jailbait, ageplay
Gore, vore, or mutilation
Agreeing to sexual acts while held at gun or knifepoint
Family members (including step, adoptive, and extended) being present during sexual situations, even if not engaging in sex with each other
Human religious figures such as priests, nuns, etc
Sexual slavery
Drugged or drunk
Anything that impairs ability to consent, or ability to change their mind at any point
Lacking mental capacity to consent
Coercion or reluctant consent
Dubious consent/would not have consented if fully informed
None of these
{"name":"Should I Publish With Amazon or Smashwords?", "url":"","txt":"Which of these subjects do you plan to write about?","img":""}
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