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New submissions in physics on Mon, 13 Dec 21
[2112.05187] Alexander V. Oleynichenko, Andréi V. Zaitsevskii: Projection population analysis for molecules with heavy and superheavy atoms
[2112.05203] Andrei G. Vladimirov: Non-local and local temporal cavity soliton interaction in delay models of mode-locked lasers
[2112.05217] Jordan Kemp, Luis M. A. Bettencourt: Statistical Dynamics of Wealth Inequality in Stochastic Models of Growth
[2112.05225] Yuji Aruka, Belal Baaquie, Xiasong Chen et al.: Cliophysics: A scientific analysis of recurrent historical events
[2112.05232] G. H. Eberwein, O. Kortner, H. Kroha et al.: Performance of the new Readout Electronics for the ATLAS (s)MDT Chambers and Future Colliders at High Background Rates
[2112.05257] Faisal Amlani, Heng Wei, Niema M. Pahlevan: A new pseudo-spectral methodology without numerical diffusion for conducting dye simulations and particle residence time calculations
[2112.05258] Heng Wei, Faisal Amlani, Niema M. Pahlevan: Direct 0D-3D coupling of a lattice Boltzmann methodology for fluid-structure hemodynamics simulations
[2112.05265] A. Ashtari Esfahani, Z. Bogorad, S. Böser et al.: Viterbi Decoding of CRES Signals in Project 8
[2112.05271] Carl Ekdahl: Further metrics for flash-radiography source spots
[2112.05284] Zeyang Mou, Zheng Zheng, Zhen Jian et al.: Singular jets in compound drop impact
[2112.05287] Hideaki Okayama, Yosuke Onawa, Daisuke Shimura et al.: Polarization rotator Bragg grating assisted wavelength selective polarization alignment
[2112.05292] Luk R. Arnaut: Fluctuations of Power versus Energy for Random Fields Near a Perfectly Conducting Boundary
[2112.05293] Naoki Masuda, Christian L. Vestergaard: Gillespie algorithms for stochastic multiagent dynamics in populations and network
[2112.05325] Nathan A. Garland, Romit Maulik, Qi Tang et al.: Efficient training of artificial neural network surrogates for a collisional-radiative model through adaptive parameter space sampling
[2112.05348] Vladimir A. Gunyakov, Vitaly S. Sutormin, Sergey A. Myslivets et al.: Synchronously controlled optical modes in the transmittance and reflectance spectra of multilayer photonic structure with du...
[2112.05352] L. Chang, L. P. Zhang, X. G. Yuan et al.: Coupling between multiple antennas through a plasma cylinder
[2112.05356] Xiao-Dong Chen, Fu-Long Shi, Jian-Wei Liu et al.: Second Chern crystals in four-dimensional synthetic translation space with inherently nontrivial topology
[2112.05401] Chao He, Jin-Kun Tang, Yang Yang et al.: Transversal Flexoelectricity of Semiconductor Thinfilm under High Strain Gradient
[2112.05418] Ulrich Bangert, Lukas Bruder, Frank Stienkemeier: High-resolution two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy reveals homogeneous line profiles in isolated nanoparticles
[2112.05430] Ichiro Inoue, Victor Tkachenko, Konrad J. Kapcia et al.: Delayed onset and directionality of x-ray-induced atomic displacements observed at subatomic resolution
[2112.05442] Valentina Valori, Robert Kräuter, Jörg Schumacher: Extreme vorticity events in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection from stereoscopic PIV measurements and reservoir computing
[2112.05446] Marcello Calvanese Strinati, Frank Vewinger, Claudio Conti: Nonlocality-induced surface localization in Bose-Einstein condensates of light
[2112.05466] Yi-Ping Chang, Zhong Yin, Tadas Balciunas et al.: Temperature Measurements of Liquid Flat Jets in Vacuum
[2112.05467] J. Gascon, E. Armengaud, Q. Arnaud et al.: Low-mass Dark Matter searches with EDELWEISS
[2112.05522] J. Hooker, J. Kovoor, K.L. Jones et al.: Use of Bayesian Optimization to Understand the Structure of Nuclei
[2112.05525] Cecilia Herrero, Michela Pauletti, Gabriele Tocci et al.: Connection between water's dynamical and structural properties: insights from ab initio simulations
[2112.05544] Hussein Hoteit, Xupeng He, Bicheng Yan et al.: Optimization and uncertainty quantification model for time-continuous geothermal energy extraction undergoing re-injection
[2112.05554] Bhupalee Kalita, Kieron Burke: Using Machine Learning to Find New Density Functionals
[2112.05581] W. Brian Lane, Cortney Headley: Student Representations of Computation in the Physics Community
[2112.05582] Victor C. B. Sousa, Carlo Scalo: A Legendre spectral viscosity (LSV) method applied to shock capturing for high-order flux-reconstruction schemes
[2112.05591] Nikolai Petkov, Anela Ivanova, Anton Trifonov et al.: Transient absorption, femtosecond dynamics, vibrational coherence and molecular modelling of the photoisomerization of N-salicylidene-o-ami...
[2112.05594] M. André, A. I. Eriksson, Yu. V. Khotyaintsev et al.: The spacecraft wake: Interference with electric field observations and a possibility to detect cold ions
[2112.05600] F.J. Artola, A. Loarte, M. Hoelzl et al.: Complete 3D MHD simulations of the current quench phase of ITER mitigated disruptions
[2112.05601] Natalia L. Kontorovsky, Juan Pablo Pinasco, Federico Vazquez: Random multi-player games
[2112.05606] Maciej Pieczarka, Dąbrówka Biegańska, Christian Schneider et al.: Crossover from exciton-polariton condensation to photon lasing in an optical trap
[2112.05629] E. Aprile, K. Abe, F. Agostini et al.: Material radiopurity control in the XENONnT experiment
[2112.05631] Samuel McDermott, Jaehyeon Kim, Aikaterini Anna Leledaki et al.: autohaem: 3D printed devices for automated preparation of blood smears
[2112.05642] Timothy LaRock, Ingo Scholtes, Tina Eliassi-Rad: Sequential Motifs in Observed Walks
[2112.05659] Ahmet Ilker Topuz, Madis Kiisk, Andrea Giammanco et al.: On muon energy group structure based on deflection angle for application in muon scattering tomography: A Monte Carlo study through GEAN...
[2112.05691] Kentaro Noi, Kichitaro Nakajima, Keiichi Yamaguchi et al.: Acceleration of amyloid fibril formation by multichannel sonochemical reactor
[2112.05720] D. Boumediene, F. Jouve, D. Lambert et al.: Measurement of Single Event Effect cross section induced by monoenergetic protons on a 130 nm ASIC
[2112.05736] A.V. Kopyev, A.S. Il'yn, V.A. Sirota et al.: Magnetic energy spectrum produced by turbulent dynamo: effect of time irreversibility
[2112.05738] A.V. Kopyev, A.M. Kiselev, A.S. Il'yn et al.: Non-Gaussian generalization of the Kazantsev-Kraichnan model
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Mon, 13 Dec 21","img":""}
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