AP Gov Unit 3

One of the main function of parties is electioneering. Under the rubric, parties
Recruit candidates
Provide cues to voters
Promote a platform and issue
All of the above
Problems with media coverage of campaigns include
Obsession with the horse race aspects of the campaign
Proliferating polls of sometimes dubious quality
Expectation game they sometimes play
All of the above
In federalist 10, madison proposed to cure the mischiefs of factions by
Abolishing equality
Controlling the effects
Removing the causes
Amending the constitution
All are true about 527's except
Not allowed to run issue advocacy ads
They can accept donations
They are tax exempt groups
They can spend money on election activities
Libel is
Verbal malice
Written representation of fact
Verbal defamation of character
Written defamation of character
According to _____ theory, interest groups compete & counterbalance each other in the political marketplace
Free market
Hyper elitist
A PAC is the political arm of
Trade association
Professional group
All of the above
The S.C. Ruled the gov can't prevent the publication of classified docs in
Washington post v mitchell
Ny times v us
Us v ellisburg
Wright v us
Power not stated in constitution, but is considered to reasonably flow from article 1 section 8
Expressed power
Implied power
Derivative power
Concurrent power
Media may have less influence than many think because
Main goal is to earn profits
Must follow the fairness doctrine
Of selective exposure
Federal restrictions on issue advocacy ads
Largest number of PAC's are run by
Labor unions
Non connected groups
Trade association
State's rights are guaranteed under the ______ amendment
Mc culloch v maryland, the S.C. Ruled that
Commerce clause allowed congress to charter a bank
States had power to tax creations of congress due to congruent
Supremacy clause didn't apply
States could tax creations of congress due to 10th amendment
All of these are true about PAC contributions to candidate campaigns except
Not allowed less than 30 days before an election
Example of hard money
Amounts are limited by federal law
Must be disclosed to the FEC
Where is the supremacy clause applicable
State and national law concur
State and local law conflict
State and national law conflict
State law exists where no national law exists
S.C. Ruled no limit on candidates' expenditures of own funds/considered free speech
Nixon v us
Valeo v us
Buckley v us
Buckley v valeo
Sound bites
Appeal to elites more than mass public
Banned by FCC
Enhance a candidate's image
Not allowed in issue advocacy ads
According to madison in federalist 51, which would reduce the abuses caused by factions
Large republic
Republic of virtue
Bill of rights
2 party system
TV and radio are regulated by the federal gov by
Federal broadcast commission
National censorship association
national television regulation
Federal communications commission
A federally registered group that raises funds to donate to the political process is known as
Political party
Issue group
Special interest
The single member district system
Is used in european parliamentary government
Has been struck down by the supreme court
Is a barrier to success for the 3rd parties in the US
Supported by democrats
While (the) _____ may have at one time been democratic, it is now strongly republican
Orange county
Minority groups
In a state with a _____, a citizen could vote only for candidates of their party
Open primary
Open caucus
Closed primary
Money raised in unlimited amounts by political parties for party building purposes
Soft money
Hard money
Just right money
Green money
Article IV required states recognize judicial proceeding of other states. Known as the _____ clause.
Full faith and credit
Necessary and proper
Almost all lobbyists use ______ as a lobbying technique
Testimony at legislative and personal hearing
Protests and demonstrations
Filing suit or engaging in litigation
All of the above
What is true about newspapers in the 60's?
Number has increased but circulation has decreased
Number decreased and circulation decreased
Number decreased but circulation has increased
They have held steady
People gradually moving away from both parties is referred to as
Partisan drift
Coalition politics
In terms of organization structure, american political parties are
Organized by regions of the county that are at the state of national level
Decentralized and fragmented
Centralized and hierarchical
Info given to media by anonymous office as way of testing public reaction to possible policy
Trial balloon
Policy agenda
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