7 Principle

Create an image of a serene and balanced outdoor setting featuring elements like plants, clean water, sunshine, healthy foods, and a person engaging in yoga or meditation, symbolizing holistic living.

The 7 Principles of Holistic Living Quiz

Discover your level of commitment to holistic health with our 7 Principles quiz. Dive into various aspects of well-being, including breathwork, nutrition, fitness, relationships, and personal passions. This quiz will help you reflect on your daily habits and identify areas for improvement.

  • Assess your health habits and practices
  • Identify key areas to enhance your lifestyle
  • Gain insights into your personal growth journey
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by NurturingNature542

In this quiz you are going to learn a way to identify which areas of the 7 Principles of Health are most out balance. Imagine each principle is a spoke in a wheel, and if any of them are weaker, then the wheel doesn’t roll and you can be in for a bumpy ride.

These weaker areas may be the missing pieces to your health puzzle and by bringing them into balance with the rest of the principles you’ll likely see your health and life improve greatly.

Go through the following principles and identify each item you do consistently in your life.

Then go to the health wheel and mark your score for each relevant section.

At the end of the quiz you’ll have a clear visual of which areas of your life could do with some extra attention.

Choose the answers that you do consistently to fill in your health wheel with the number of items you check off.

In this quiz you are going to learn a way to identify which areas of the 7 Principles of Health are most out balance. Imagine each principle is a spoke in a wheel, and if any of them are weaker, then the wheel doesn’t roll and you can be in for a bumpy ride.

These weaker areas may be the missing pieces to your health puzzle and by bringing them into balance with the rest of the principles you’ll likely see your health and life improve greatly.

Go through the following principles and identify each item you do consistently in your life.

Then go to the health wheel and mark your score for each relevant section.

At the end of the quiz you’ll have a clear visual of which areas of your life could do with some extra attention.

Choose the answers that you do consistently to fill in your health wheel with the number of items you check off.

I have plants in my house
I do 7r7 or Wim Hoff at least once a week
I do some form of breathing exercise 3 times a week
I do a breathing exercise daily
I breathe consciously many times a day
I use essential oils regularly
I ventilate my house weekly by opening all doors and windows
I have an advanced water filter or buy clean filtered water to drink
I drink nearly a 1 litre of water before anything else daily
I drink about 1L per 22kg of body weight every/most days
I only drink clean water (never town water without a filter)
I energise my water with a pinch of salt, herbs, lemon or essential oils before drinking
I say affirmations or hum to my water before drinking
I have a water filter for my shower + for bathing
I get 15-30 min of sunshine at least 3 times a week
I get 15-30 min sunshine everyday it’s sunny
I only ever put plant based chemical free products on my skin (never chemical sunscreen)
I do sun-gazing 1-3 times a week
I only use sunglasses for safety (driving) or after having lots of sun exposure
I use a UV light or tanning salon 1-3 times a week during low sun season for vitamin D
I use Guasha at least once a week (skin cleaning)
I eat 85% + wholefood plant based diet
I am 100% plant based most days
I only eat organic or wash my conventional non-gmo food in ACV/veggie soak
I eat lots of fruit & veggies most days
I get into an emotionally balanced state before eating food
I chew my food well and eat consciously
I read the ingredients before I buy and only buy products with no numbers
I walk 45-60min 3 times/week
I do some form of exercise daily
I do the shake & bake (stretching) regularly
I do a form of sport or martial arts
I do strength/resistance training at least 2x per week
I break a sweat 3 x a week (sauna, hot bath, sport, exercise)
I do advanced stretching 5x a week (MR with TT, yoga, Pilates, own routine)
I am loving, kind and compassionate with myself
I take ‘me’ time to focus on filling my own cup most days
I have a great relationship with my mum
I have a great relationship with my dad
I have a loving relationship with my partner/lover and/or kids
I am compassionate, accepting and understanding with the people in my life
My relationships at work are healthy and productive and I am great with forgiveness & healing all relationships
I have discovered what I am truly passionate about
I take some time weekly to focus on my passion
I spend time on my passion daily
I spend many hrs weekly on my passion and improving my skills in that field
I have created my lifestyle and career around my passion
I understand by living my passion I am fulfilling my purpose on this planet
My passion consists of benefiting others in some way
{"name":"7 Principle", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Discover your level of commitment to holistic health with our 7 Principles quiz. Dive into various aspects of well-being, including breathwork, nutrition, fitness, relationships, and personal passions. This quiz will help you reflect on your daily habits and identify areas for improvement.Assess your health habits and practicesIdentify key areas to enhance your lifestyleGain insights into your personal growth journey","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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