Navigational Mastery Quiz

Navigational Mastery Quiz
Test your knowledge of nautical navigation with this comprehensive quiz designed for mariners, students, and navigation enthusiasts. Covering a range of topics from coastal charts to voyage planning, this quiz will challenge your understanding of key navigational concepts.
- 58 engaging questions
- Multiple choice format
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Coastal charts are intended for inshore coastwise navigation, what is the scale according to chart
D. 600,000 and above
A. Below 50,000
C.150,000 to 600,000
C. 50,000 to 150,00
Which of projection has a planed conformal cylindrical projection of a surface of the earth made on a cylinder tangent along the equator?
a. Cylindrical Projection
B. Conic Projection
C. Mercator Projection
D. Lambert Projection
A mariner fundamental tool that provides water depths, locations of dangers to navigation, locations, and characteristics of aids to navigation, anchorages, and other features is called ____.
A. Map
B. Sailing Charts
C. Navigation Charts
D. Nautical Charts
In voyage planning, the most ideal chart that covers the entire length of the ocean passage is called _____.
A. Coastal chart
B. General chart
C. Particular Chart
D. Routeing Chart
Distance is measured on a Mercator chart using _____.
A. Compass rose
B. Latitude scale in the middle of the scale
C. Linear scale near the title block
D. Longitude scale at the middle of the scale
Which are single piles or multiple structures are driven into the bottom, on which are placed one or more signboards called day-marks?
a. Buoys
B. Day beacons
C. Lighthouses
D. Light ships
What buoy is used in conjunction with the compass to indicate where the mariner may find the best navigable water?
A. Lateral mark
B. Safe water mark
C. Cardinal Mark
D. Isolated danger mark
On a Navigational Chart, the compass rose will generally indicate the _____.
A. variation
B. Compass error
C. deviation
D. isobar
What is a method of representing all or part of the surface of a sphere or spheroid upon a plane surface?
A. Chart datum
b. Chart projection
C. Chart catalogue
D. Chart sounding
The chart symbol for CLAY bottom is ___.
A. C
Which is published weekly by UKHO or other hydro-graphic offices that advise mariners of important matters affecting navigational safety, including new hydrographic information, changes in channels, and aids affecting navigational safety, including new hydrographic information, changes in channels, and aid to navigation, and other important data?
A. Chart catalog
B. Notice to Mariners
C. Maritime Safety Information
D. Summary of corrections
The world's first satellite datum was named _____.
a. WGS-72
b. NASA-84
C. WGS-84
D. GGS-72
A comprehensive reference in graphical and textual form of all Admiralty charts and publications worldwide, listed by region, is called ____.
A. NP 131
B. NP 100
C. NP 133A
D. NP 5011
Which publication provides information on Radio Aids to Navigation, Satellite Navigation Systems, Differential GPS (DGPS) Legal Time, Radio Time Signals and Electronic Position Fixing Systems?
A. NP 281
B. NP 282
C. NP 283
D. NP 284
ECDIS should be capable of accepting official updates to the ENC data provided in conformity with _____ standards.
Which non-government body brings together representatives from the aids to navigation services of various countries to exchange information and recommend improvements?
A. International Maritime Organization
B. International Authorities of Lighthouse Association
C. International Lighthouse for Maritime Organization
d. International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
An anchor ball need NOT be exhibited by an anchored vessel if she is _____.
A. under 50 meters in length and anchored in an anchorage
B. over 150 meters in length
C. Rigged for sail
D. Less than 7 meters in length, and not in or near an area where other vessels normally navigate
The series of books provides extensive information on all lighthouses, lightships, lit floating marks (over 8m in height), fog signals, and other lights of navigational significance are called _____.
A. Lights and fog signals
b. Sailing directions
C. Tide tables
D. Pilot guide
Which country does NOT belong to IALA buoyage region B?
A. Japan
b. Canada
C. Singapore
D. Mexico
Which nautical publication displays the rate of tidal streams in selected coasts and channels in an easy to digest manner?
A. Tide Tables
B. Tidal Stream Atlasses
C. Coast Pilots
D. Sailing Directions
The extreme distance is limited only by the intensity of the light, clearness of the atmosphere, and the sensitiveness of the observer's eye is called _____.
A. Visual range
B. Geographical range
C. Luminous range
D. Nominal range
The maximum distance at which a light can be seen in weather conditions where visibility is 10 nautical miles is called _____.
A. Luminous l range
B. Nomina range
C. Visible range
D. Geographical range
The elements of voyage planning are formally divided into four distinct stages. Which one is NOT?
a. Appraisal
b. Planning
C. Performance / Execution
D. Monitoring
What is the point at which helm must be applied to achieve a required course alteration?
a. Margin of safety
b. Abort position
C. Wheel-over position
d. Parallel indexing
What dogs cross-hatching or highlighting areas on the chart during passage planning indicate?
A. No go areas
B. Contingencies
C. Alternative route
D. Potential hazards
When should a navigator relies on the position of floating aids to navigation?
A. Only one high and one low water occur during a lunar day
B. During daylight only, the high tide and low tide are exactly six hours apart
C. Only when inside a harbor
d. Only when fixed aids are not available
Which publications provide comprehensive information on Pilot Services, Vessel Traffic Services, and Port Operations?
A. NP 282
B. NP 284
C. NP 285
D. NP 286
Which book details Admiralty and International paper chart symbols in full color with information on hydrography, topography, navigational aids and services, abbreviations of principal terms shown on English and foreign charts?
A. NP 131
B. NP 136
C. NP 735
D. NP 5011
The difference between the magnetic north and compass north is the _____.
A. Variation
B. Deviation
C. Compass Error
D. Magnetic Error
The angular difference between the water track and the ship heading is called _____?
A. Course
B. Leeway angle
C. Track
D. Path
What is the heart of the compass system which contains a gyroscope, necessary gimbaling, and related electrical components, and wiring connections for the gyro repeaters, which are located on the bridge?
A. Mother compass
B. Magnetic compass
C. Master gyro compass
D. Main gyro compass
Which compass is consists of a compass rose on a suitable card so mounted that the directions of the ship’s head are indicated at the lubbers' line?
A. Gyro compass clients
B Gyro compass repeaters
C. Master magnetic compass
D. Pelorus
The ship’s head on a gyrocompass is indicated by the _____.
A. Lubber’s Line
B. Pelorus
C. Gyro Line
D. Isogonic Line
Magnetic dip is a measurement of the angle between the _____.
A. Geographic pole and the magnetic
B. Lubber’s line and true north
C. Horizontal and the magnetic line of force
D. Compass heading and the magnetic heading
An angle that is formed between the gyrocompass course and the true course, which is the same in all headings, is called _____.
A. Deviation
B. Gyro error
C. Total error
D. Variation
What is the term that signifies the process of creating a magnetic field to counter the natural magnetic field of the ship`s steel?
A. Aligning
C. Precession
D. Deviating
Which table is compiled after correction of the compass by direct observation of the residual errors and deviation?
A. Deviation table
b.Compass error table
C.Magnetic table
D. Variation table
The angular difference between magnetic north and compass north is known as _____.
A. Compass course
B. variation
C. deviation
D. Magnetic course
When you are heading on a pair of range lights and find the upper light is vertically inline above the lower light, which of the following statement is TRUE?
A.You should change heading to port
B.You should steady on your present course
C. You should change heading to starboard
D.You should wait until the lights are no longer in a vertical line
You, on course 024º having a speed of 10 knots have observed the Tower in transit bearing 029º by compass. The Charted bearing is 033º. What is the Compass Error?
A. 05W
C. 04E
D. 08E
You, on course 297º having a speed of 15 knots have observed the Tower in transit bearing 293º by compass. The Charted bearing is 291º. What is the Compass Error?
A. 6W
B. 04E
C. 04W
D. 02W
You are on course 030°T, the relative bearing of a lighthouse is 45°. Which is the true bearing?
A. 015 deg T
B. 075 deg T
C. 255 deg T
D. 345 deg T
1 You are on course 030°T, the relative bearing of a lighthouse is 45°. Which is the true bearing?
A. 015 deg T
B. 075 deg T
C. 255 deg T
D. 345 deg T
A vessel is steering 249° by compass. The deviation for the ship’s head is 11°E. Variation is 5°W. Find the true course.
A. 243
A vessel is steering 043° by compass. The deviation for the ship’s head is 3W. Variation is 11°E. Find the true course.
A. 35
B. 51
C. 29
D. 57
Find the compass course to steer to make good a true course of 109° if the variation is 5°E. And the deviation is 6°E.
A. 108
B. 110
C. 98
C. 98
Find the course to steer if the true course 128° T. The deviation is 3°E and variation is 7°E.
A. 138
B. 124
The true bearing of the sun at sunrise was calculated to be 252° T. A compass bearing was observed to be 251° C. If the variation was 8° E., find the deviation of the compass for ship’s head.
A. 7W
B. 9E
The true bearing of the sun was calculated to be 129° T. At the time a bearing by compass was 135° C. If the variation at the position was 7° E., find the deviation of the compass for ship’s head.
A. 1W
B. 1E
C. 13W
D. 13E
Which bearing is measured relative to the ship’s heading from 000° (dead ahead) clockwise through 360°?
A. True Bearing
B. Relative Bearing
C. Compass Bearing
D. Heading Bearing
What is the name given to the direction in which the "north" end of the magnetic needle, would point When influenced by the Earth`s magnetism?
A. Magnetic course
B. Magnetic error
C. Magnetism
D. Magnetic north
What is the true course of course N 28 deg. W?
A. 208 deg T
B.332 deg T
C. 028 deg T
D. 152 deg T
When the compass course is greater than true, the error is _____.
A. East
B. West
C. North
D. South
1 A compass is composed of 32 points. Each point is composed of how many degrees?
A. 12.25 deg
B. 11.25 deg
C. 11.15 deg
D. 12.15 deg
Which refers to the difference between the True North and Magnetic North?
A. Variation
B. Deviation
C. Compass error
D. Magnetic error
The difference between a gyro error repeater and a master gyrocompass is called _____.
A. Variation
B. Deviation
C. Gyro repeater error
D. Compass error
What is the direction indicated by the north point of the compass? R
A. True north
B. Geographhical north
C. Compass north
D. Magnetic north
What is the angular difference between true north and compass north?
A. Compass error
B. Compass course
C. Deviation
D. Variation
{"name":"Navigational Mastery Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of nautical navigation with this comprehensive quiz designed for mariners, students, and navigation enthusiasts. Covering a range of topics from coastal charts to voyage planning, this quiz will challenge your understanding of key navigational concepts.58 engaging questionsMultiple choice formatGet immediate feedback on your answers","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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