Daniel's D&D Adventure Survey

Generate an image depicting a vibrant tabletop Dungeons & Dragons scene, featuring a diverse group of players around a game table, with character sheets, dice, and fantasy-themed art in the background.

Daniel's D&D Adventure Survey

Welcome to the Daniel's D&D Adventure Survey! This quiz is designed to understand your preferences and expectations for playing Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or new to the realm, your feedback will help create an engaging and enjoyable campaign experience.

Please take a moment to answer the questions below; your insights will allow for a tailored approach to gameplay that best suits you.

15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CastingSpell7
Are you new to 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons?
Yes. I have never played D&D, let alone 5th Edition.
Yes. I have played D&D, but not 5th Edition.
No. I have played and or watched at least one 5th Edition session.
No. I have played and or watched multiple 5th Edition sessions.
If you have no experience in D&D, specifically 5th Edition, how would you like to be taught the rules?
I would like a detailed explanation of important game rules before we start.
I would like explanations of important game rules as we play.
I would like to be given a PDF of the rules before meeting to play.
I would like to have a combination of the above answers. (Ask for it).
I have experience (books will be available regardless).
I will stick mostly to 5th Edition rules with campaign-related house rules added as well; how lenient would you like the rules to be?
Strict but fair (More number tracking, more detail-oriented, slower flow).
Moderate (Average number tracking, extraneous rules omitted, normal pace).
Relaxed (Low number tracking, simplified rule set, fast pace, less detail).
No Preference (Default will most likely be moderate with strict-leaning).
What aspect of play would you like to see MOST?
Role-Playing (Non-combat interactions; social interactions, intrigue, etc).
Combat (Self Explanatory: More fights, less diplomacy).
No Preference (Default will most likely be mixed play).
If a role-playing situation were to occur, what would you most like to see?
Diplomacy (Power exchanges, persuasion, intimidation).
Intrigue (Inter-character development, plotting, planning).
Bartering (Services or goods exchanges).
Performances (Musical, vocal, physical).
Deception (Lying, charming, subversion).
Mix of all of the above.
No Preference (Default will most likely be mixed).
If a combat situation were to occur, what would you most like to see?
Varied enemies (Armor, weapons, abilities, etc).
Improvised cover, weapons (Usable by players or NPCs).
Utility loot (Ropes, torches, paper, etc).
Magical or unique loot (Weapons, armor, etc).
Environmental danger (Breakable parts, cliffs, flowing water, etc).
Currency (Gold, gems, metals, etc).
Mix of all of the above.
No Preference (Default will most likely be mixed).
What would you like the prevalence of magic in the world to be?
High Magic (Magic is integral part of society, very common).
Moderate Magic (Magic is present, though most people don't practice it).
Low Magic (Magic is present, though it is very uncommon).
No Magic (Magic is mostly if not entirely absent from the world).
No Preference (Default will most likely be Low-Moderate Magic).
Pick the class(es) you might want to play in an upcoming session:
Custom Campaign Class (Ask me)
No Idea/No Preference
How large would you like the (player) group to be?
3-4 players
5-6 players
7-8 players
No Preference
The player's handbook provides many variants for rules: https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?743170-5e-List-of-optional-rules-in-the-DMG ; if you would like one to be used in the campaign, please write it below, otherwise write N/A:
Which of the following BASIC campaign ideas appear the most appealing to you?
Zombie Apocalypse (Modern, Firearms, safe-house building, bandits, local cities).
Magical Persecution (Medieval, Low Magic, Magic is more impressive but shunned).
Grand Adventure Against Evil (Medieval, Moderate Magic, "Classic" D&D).
Impending War/Invasion (Medieval, Moderate Magic, "Classic" D&D).
Divine Intervention (Medieval, Moderate-High Magic, "Classic" D&D).
No Idea Preference - Medieval
No Idea Preference - Modern
No Preference
If you have an interesting idea for a campaign/adventure you'd like to submit, please write a BRIEF synopsis below, otherwise write N/A:
What is your preference on music during sessions?
Ambient music for different environments.
Battle, defeat, and victory music.
Both of the above
No Preference (Default will most likely be both, with ambient music leaning).
What is your preference on player and DM responsibility? (DM has final say regardless)
DM rolls, describes, and tracks mostly everything.
DM rolls, describes, and tracks all NPCs and minor PC stats. Players manage their stats.
DM rolls, describes, and tracks all NPCs un-affiliated with party. Players track most of everything themselves.
No Preference (Default will most likely be even-split of responsibility)
If you have any additional recommendations/notes, please write them below, otherwise write N/A:
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