DND Survey

A colorful and whimsical illustration of a Dungeons & Dragons tabletop scene, featuring adventurers, a dungeon master, dice, maps, and magical elements, set in a fantasy world.

DND Adventure Engagement Quiz

Discover your preferences for a more engaging Dungeons & Dragons experience! This survey helps tailor your game sessions to better fit your interests and create a memorable adventure.

  • Share your thoughts on companions and quests.
  • Let us know what excites you in the world of DND.
  • Provide feedback on session dynamics and enhancements.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by RollingStone27
How much do you care about companions? (People to join you on quests or tag-alongs)
Extremely Interested
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not so interested
Not at all interested
(CHECK 3) In the new book I make for this session, which is the MOST interesting for you, or which would you find more appealing to pursue in the game?
Treasure Maps
Big Bad Guys
Ingredients / Potion / Magic Crafting
Lore (Pertaining to Gods or greater than this world things)
Info about Towns
Pokedex of Special Creatures
(CHECK 1) Which of these is the LEAST interesting?
Big Bad Guys
Ingredients / Potions / Magic Crafting
Lore (Pertaining to Gods or greater than this world things)
Info About Towns
Pokedex of Special Creatures
Which is your favorite part of DND?
Passing Time in Towns
Dungeon Crawling (Fighting, Traps, Treasure)
Exploring Wilderlands
Cutscenes (Where I narrate a lot of story chunks)
Big Bad Boss Fights
Which is your least favorite part of DND?
Passing Time in Towns
Dungeon Crawling
Exploring Wilderlands
Big Bad Boss Fights
I plan for this session to be lethal. Would it be interesting to finally see people's characters die?
Is there anything in DND that we haven't done yet, that you have seen elsewhere and want to try?
What would make our next session more engaging? (Check all that apply?)
Better Music
More Realistic Characters
More Snacks
No Phones
More In-Depth Character Sheets (Numbers and Stats)
Scheduled Breaks (Every X Minutes/Hours)
Intermission For a Meal
Food. Do we eat before or in the middle
In the middle
Would you want super powers, or abilities that gradually get stronger (more like the zombnd perk trees I made)?
Super Powers
Would you want to pay more attention to numbers this time, or more casual?
Numbers and Stats!
Me Caveman Brain. Numbers no Good.
Jar Jar Roll?
Miniature Maps of Cities and Towns?
What takes you out of DND the fastest? What makes you lose focus over anything else?
{"name":"DND Survey", "url":"https://www.supersurvey.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Discover your preferences for a more engaging Dungeons & Dragons experience! This survey helps tailor your game sessions to better fit your interests and create a memorable adventure. Share your thoughts on companions and quests.Let us know what excites you in the world of DND.Provide feedback on session dynamics and enhancements.","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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