Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in hep-th on Fri, 17 Jul 20
[2007.07891] Igal Arav, K. C. Matthew Cheung, Jerome P. Gauntlett et al.: Superconformal RG interfaces in holography
[2007.07892] Ben Heidenreich, Tom Rudelius: Infinite Distance and Zero Gauge Coupling in 5d Supergravity
[2007.07897] Falk Hassler, Thomas Rochais: $α'$-corrected Poisson-Lie T-duality
[2007.07902] Riccardo Borsato, Linus Wulff: Quantum correction to Poisson-Lie and non-abelian T-duality
[2007.07907] Cesar A. Agón, Elena Cáceres, Juan F. Pedraza: Bit threads, Einstein's equations and bulk locality
[2007.07914] Junyu Liu, David Meltzer, David Poland et al.: The Lorentzian inversion formula and the spectrum of the 3d O(2) CFT
[2007.07942] Alex S. Arvanitakis, Olaf Hohm, Chris Hull et al.: Homotopy Transfer and Effective Field Theory I: Tree-level
[2007.08143] Geunho Song, Yunseok Seo, Sang-Jin Sin: Determination of Dynamical exponents of Graphene at quantum critical point by holography
[2007.08227] Yang Guo, Yan-Gang Miao: Null geodesics, quasinormal modes and the correspondence with shadows in high-dimensional Einstein-Yang-Mills spacetimes
[2007.08249] F. Becattini, M. Buzzegoli, A. Palermo: Exact equilibrium distributions in statistical quantum field theory with rotation and acceleration: scalar field
[2007.08360] B. Ananthanarayan, Sumit Banik, Samuel Friot et al.: The Double Box and Hexagon Conformal Feynman Integrals
[2007.08422] Laura Donnay, Gaston Giribet, Julio Oliva: Horizon symmetries and hairy black holes in AdS
[2007.08436] Henriette Elvang: Bootstrap and Amplitudes: A Hike in the Landscape of Quantum Field Theory
[2007.08460] Thierry Grandou, Ralf Hofmann: On emergent particles and stable neutral plasma balls in SU(2) Yang-Mills thermodynamics
[2007.08485] F.R. Klinkhamer: IIB matrix model: Emergent spacetime from the master field
[2007.08510] Emanuel Malek, Yuho Sakatani, Daniel C. Thompson: E$_{6(6)}$ Exceptional Drinfel'd Algebras
[2007.08512] Simone Giombi, Arkady A. Tseytlin: Strong coupling expansion of circular Wilson loops and string theories in AdS$_5 \times S^5$ and AdS$_4 \times CP^3$
[2007.08515] Jorge G. Russo, Miguel Tierz: Multiple phases in a generalized Gross-Witten-Wadia matrix model
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Fri, 17 Jul 20","img":""}