Covid-19 Informational Survey.  ANONYMOUS
Summary results are provided at the end.

Someone I love has tested positive for Covid-19.
Social distancing and related cancellations is causing me anxiety and depression.
The information coming from the Center for Disease Control is accurate based on what they have available.
Someone I know of has died as a result of Covid-19.
I am fearful from an economic perspective.
I am fearful from personal and public health perspective.
I trust that the count of Covid-19 cases, recoveries, and deaths in China is accurate.
I trust that the count of Covid-19 cases, recoveries, and deaths in U.S. Is accurate.
I get the majority of my news from "Main stream" sources such as CNN, New York Times, FoxNews, Associated Press, NPR, etc.
The level of social distancing in my local area is excessive.
Everything should be cancelled everywhere, period, end of story.
It's appropriate to prepare to the maximum extent possible; people might label me as a hoarder.
I blame the US President for lives lost to Covid-19.
The US will be pretty much back to normal within the next 4-6 weeks.
It makes most sense to quarantine only high risk individuals at this time.
I personally know a front line health care worker, and they tell me what is happening.
There is far more to this story than we know.
I wear a mask or other face covering when going out.
I may have already had a strain of this virus.
My age group is:
{"name":"Covid-19 Informational Survey. ANONYMOUS Summary results are provided at the end.", "url":"","txt":"Someone I love has tested positive for Covid-19., Social distancing and related cancellations is causing me anxiety and depression., The information coming from the Center for Disease Control is accurate based on what they have available.","img":""}
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