Kindess Quiz

A new kid is trying to find a place to sit at lunch. Your table is full, except for the empty spot next to you, which you are saving for your friend. The new kid asks if he can sit there, what would you respond?
You would save the spot for your friend.
You would tell him to go away, and laugh at him.u
You would let him sit there, but move to a different table so your friend can sit next to you.
You would let him sit there, and tell your friend to move somewhere else for a day.
You prank your friend by spilling water on where they will walk, and they trip and fall. What do you think this is?
It's just a harmless prank
It's not funny, and somebody could be hurt.
You don't do anything
You laugh at him/her, and you've been doing this for the past few days.
A person shares a story about their dog dying, and somebody else laughs.
You laugh with them.
You call them out.
You don't say anything
You beat them up.
Which one of these do you think is the appropriate response to bullying or unkindess?
Bully the bully
Tell a teacher.
It's ok to be unkind once in a while
As long as it's not happening to me, I don't care.
{"name":"Kindess Quiz", "url":"","txt":"A new kid is trying to find a place to sit at lunch. Your table is full, except for the empty spot next to you, which you are saving for your friend. The new kid asks if he can sit there, what would you respond?, You prank your friend by spilling water on where they will walk, and they trip and fall. What do you think this is?","img":""}
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