What Horse Breed Are You?

Okay. Remember, you are a horse for this quiz. L will warn you when you are back into a human. Tell me if you agree.
Yes, l agree to be a horse. Since, l just love them so much.
No, who wants to be a horse? l HATE them ( me:how dare you insult me?)
You are a horse. A rider comes to ride you one day. She doesn't groom you, feed you, and she hits you with a whip. How do you react?
L am NOT a horse, l repeat, NOT, and l never will even pretend to be! (HAHA!!!!!!!)
Kick her and snort. She gets what she deserves! And l'm just warming up... So you better get ready!
When she rides me, buck her off. That's what you get, bucko! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
Cry, just stay there and cry. That is so mean of her! Get her away nooooooow!!!!
Don't care. L'm a tough person. - _ - and l hate that rider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are still a horse and you go on a trail. You see a couple of hunters, waiting to kill you. What do you do?
I AM NOT A HORSE!!!!!!! Didn't l tell you quizmaker???????????????????????????????
Attack them directly! L'm so strong!! And how dare you try to kill me???????!!!!!!!!!
When they try to kill me, run away. Ha! Lead them on a wild goose chase! I'm so smart!
Run away, away, away, far away back to my stall. Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try to kill me! Cause they won't! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are in a tournament where you have to jump. Your rider is losing. What do you do?
L REPEAT I AM NOT A HORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
L show off my skills to the other riders. L'm going to win for the sake of my rider!
L jump the best jumps! So beat that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Cry and complain"This is allllll my fault" l deserve to be whipped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do my best. L don't care if l lose or win! L'm so tough!! And l'm not really a "horse" kinda person.
What horse do you like the best?
IDK CAUSE I HATE HORSES HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arabians! They are so fast and elegant, but so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thoroughbreds! L have noooooooooooo iiiiidddddddeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaa wwwhhhhhy l like them!
Quarterhorse, so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttte!
Clydesdale! Just LOOK at those LEGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mustang! Love that name. Mustang! Mustang! Reminds me of mustard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you aren't getting bored. Don't worry, l'll make a LOT more questions than this. Are you getting bored?
Yes, of course, who likes horses even?
No, l love horses so much l eat, sleep, and drink horses and ponies. Why would l ever get bored?
Depends, l mean, l'm not sure. L am getting sorta bored, but this quiz is nice (me: thank you )
Do you even like horses?
Of course l do, why would l be taking this quiz then?
No l do not, so obvious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you answered no to #7, then why are you here?
Oh..uh..sorry, gotta run!
I want to see my horse breed, even if l'm not into horses
L answered yes, for your information ( me: yes l think l can clearly see that )
Do you know anything about The Rolex?
Oh, those beautiful watches? Yeah, l would rather buy those than hug a horse!
Oh yes, l like it very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have a Rolex watch? Gimme gimme!
To your question, l do not have a Rolex watch. L mean the horse thingy. Never mind.
Tell me, do you really have a Rolex watch??
L wish we could go back to talking about horses.
Okay, about horses, what color hair do you have currently ( as a human )?
None of the choices
What color would you probably be ( as a horse )?
Some unusual color
L don't even wanna be a horse!!!!!!!
If your new owner starved you, as a horse, what would you do?
L am NOT a horse!!!!!
L would kick and snort. Gimme the food, l'm starving!
One question. Do you have food?
L would cry, cry all night. Why doesn't she give me food?
L would sneak out and eat the grass in the pasture. Who needs that awful owner?
L'm tough. L think l can handle some hunger.
No, my friend, l do not have food. Sigh.
Why sigh?
Can we please go back to talking about horses?
You are now a horse. You just hurt your leg, but you kept it a secret to the coach. But, one day, the coach pulls you out so someone can ride on you. What do you do?
Gasp. Gasp. Gasp. L said: I AM NOT A HORSE!!!!
Tell the truth. Besides, this is my day for some rest.
Collapse and lie there, crying. Why did l have to do this?
L don't care. L'm so tough. L think l can do this.
One day, you go to a trail and you fall in a river. ( As a horse.) What do you do?
L would never fall in a river
Get myself out, is the rider wet too?
Wait and whinny for help.
L can bear living in water!
You are now a human. Someone bullies you and picks on you. How do you react?
Now we're talking! L'm back as a human!
Punch them in the face! See if you wanna bother me anymore.
Cry! Why does everyone have to pick on me?
Name a horse, any kind of horse.
Rolex watch!
Arabian, Quarter horse, Warmblood, Mustang, etc.
Uh,uh, Bay horse!
Are you a horse expert ( this will not effect your result )?
No, and l never want to be one!
No, but l am learning ( me: that is ok )
Did you enjoy the quiz?
Not really
Will you comment?
Will you live in a pasture, barn, or stall?
L will not be a horse
Are you excited for your outcome?
Maybe so
Bye - _ -
See you soon!
Hopefully, we can meet each other!
{"name":"What Horse Breed Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Okay. Remember, you are a horse for this quiz. l will warn you when you are back into a human. Tell me if you agree., You are a horse. A rider comes to ride you one day. She doesn't groom you, feed you, and she hits you with a whip. How do you react?, You are still a horse and you go on a trail. You see a couple of hunters, waiting to kill you. What do you do?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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