Harmonizing Your Feminine and Masculine Energy in Business
Take this Quiz to find out which energy you are leading with, and how to find balance
Choose the answer that is the MOST like you more often.
Take this Quiz to find out which energy you are leading with, and how to find balance
Choose the answer that is the MOST like you more often.
Do you feel like your business systems are organized and well structured?
Yes, my processes are fairly streamlined
No, I struggle to organize my business
Which would you say describes you the most in your business?
Goal-driven. I enjoy setting goals and action plans.
Idea-driven. I love dreaming up creative ideas for my business
When you go to price an offer/ service, do you...
Feel fairly confident in setting a price. I know what my value is worth.
I find myself doubting, comparing to others' prices, questioning what it's worth
When I am on call with a client/ customer/ sales call, I usually....
Am good about starting and ending at the scheduled time.
I struggle to end the conversation and they sometimes go longer than anticipated.
Do you (primarily) find marketing to be...
Fun and Creative
Analytical and Strategic
Which do you prefer?
Coming up with new ideas
Taking action on a specific plan
With social media posts, do you?
I feel good about my content, but struggle with consistency
I am pretty consistent, but sometimes I post just to post something
{"name":"Harmonizing Your Feminine and Masculine Energy in Business Take this Quiz to find out which energy you are leading with, and how to find balance Choose the answer that is the MOST like you more often.", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Do you feel like your business systems are organized and well structured?, Which would you say describes you the most in your business?, When you go to price an offer\/ service, do you...","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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