Self-Assessment Quiz

Create an image of a person thoughtfully taking a quiz on a laptop in a cozy room, with bright colors and an inviting atmosphere.

Self-Assessment Quiz

Discover more about yourself with our engaging self-assessment quiz! Answer 70 carefully crafted questions designed to help you understand your decision-making, social skills, and work preferences.

In just a few minutes, you will gain insight into your personality and how you approach various situations. Highlights of the quiz include:

  • Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses
  • Improve your self-awareness
  • Explore your social interactions
  • Gain useful insights for personal development
70 Questions18 MinutesCreated by ThinkingFox47
When faced with a problem, I focus on solving the problem efficiently.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I sometimes jump right into a project without really thinking things through.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
Others would describe me as outgoing and friendly.
I often put off making decisions in case something about the situation changes.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I worry that others may view me as reserved and cold.
Even if I don’t agree with other's choices, I can still see things from their perspective.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
My workspace is very clean and organized.
I have no problem changing plans.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I have trouble starting conversations with someone I just met, but not with people I know well.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I focus on details when making a decision.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
Others would describe me as easygoing and flexible.
I find it difficult to meet new people.
At the beginning of a meeting, I like to have a friendly conversation.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I am almost never late.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
The best way to accomplish things is by making an organized list.
Being right is more important than getting along with everyone.
I take frequent breaks while working.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I would rather be called practical than inventive.
I enjoy brainstorming various possibilities.
I do my best work under the pressure of an upcoming deadline.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I can start conversations easily, even if it’s with someone I just met.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
If a customer started an argument with me, I would feel very uncomfortable.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree/Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I work well under pressure.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I have a knack for tasks that require good attention to detail.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I find repetitive tasks boring.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
Opinionated customers make me uncomfortable.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
F a customer was very forceful with me (e.g. Demanding a return for a small imperfection on an item, demanding to be served ahead of other customers, etc.), I would stand my ground.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree/Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I dislike having to answer to someone who has more authority than me.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I would feel shy or awkward trying to convince a customer to buy something.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree/Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Working on the same set of tasks day-in-and-day-out would bother me.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree/Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I manage to complete everything on my "to-do" list at work.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I put things back in their place when I'm done using them.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I am able to resolve problems at work without losing control of my emotions.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I am able to be assertive with customerss if necessary.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I would make sure to have a response ready for any reason a customer may give not to buy something.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I dislike being told what to do.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I get really frustrated when I have a lot of tasks to do.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I am comfortable putting a lot of pressure on customers in order to make a sale.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I am comfortable dealing with conflict when it arises.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
Having my performance closely monitored makes me uncomfortable.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
When I talk to someone, I put myself in his/her shoes.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I will do whatever I can to make a sale.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
I strive to be pleasant with customers.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
If I know I have a lot to get done, I try to arrive at work a little earlier than usual.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
When I really want to make a sale, I will not give up until I get it.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
No matter what I'm working on, I will spend the time and effort I need to make it look perfect.
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
When I am told that my performance at work needs improvement, I:
Feel motivated to do better.
Feel de-motivated or upset.
A co-worker who is often nasty to you and your other colleagues is making more sales than you are at the store you work in. One day, you notice that she hasn't claimed the commission from a sale that you know she made last week. What would you do?
I would try to hide the sale by throwing away the receipt or erasing it from the computer.
I would claim the sale as my own and pocket the commission.
I wouldn't say anything. I don't want to get in trouble, but I wouldn't want her to get the commission either.
I would tell her about the commission.
You've been assigned to train a new recruit at your work. He/She is pretty young and inexperienced, so you do your best to explain everything to him/her as slowly and clearly as possible. After a week of intensive training and note-taking, you leave the new recruit to his/her own devices. Not even two hours into it, he/she has come to ask you for help 3 times - and on the same task! What do you do?
I sit down with him/her again and go through the task step by step, leaving him/her time between each step to write everything down.
I tell him/her to pay close attention and to write notes as I explain it step by step - again.
I run through a quick explanation of the task and hope it sticks this time.
I tell him/her to go through his/her notes - I have my own work to do.
It's Friday afternoon and some of your co-workers have started chatting. You have an important task that you need to finish before your shift is over but you can't help overhearing their conversation. What would you do?
I'd quit what I'm doing and join in.
I'd take a break from the task at hand to join in, and then get back to work.
I'd try hard to concentrate on my business, but would listen in if it became interesting.
I'd find a way to drown out the distraction and get my work finished.
I'd ask them to keep it down and "keep my nose to the grindstone".
A client has asked for your opinion on a really expensive outfit. She really seems to like it, but is hesitant because of the price - it's a little more than she can afford. You're well aware that if you can convince this client to make the purchase, it will really impress your co-workers and boss - it's one of the priciest articles of clothing the store sells! How would you proceed?
I'd tell the client that if she's not 100% sure she wants to buy it, then she shouldn't. I wouldn't want to force her to buy something she may not really be able to afford.
I'd tell her to put it on layaway for 24 hours, and take the next day to think about it.
I'd tell her that if she really likes it and can see herself wearing it often, it would be worth the investment.
I'd encourage her to buy it as a treat for herself - and tell her that if she doesn't she'll regret it!
I'd push her to buy it, telling her everything I can to convince her ("It's a once in a lifetime opportunity"; "Buy it now because there won't be any left soon".).
A customer has come to your store to return a dress that you sold to her yesterday. She claims that she changed her mind and decided she didn't really like it, but upon inspecting the dress, you're not very convinced of her story. It clearly looks worn - and you happen to know that it was in perfect condition when she bought it. You calmly tell the client that you cannot return her money because of the condition of the dress, and she immediately starts yelling at you, calling you names, and causing a scene. How would you respond?
I'd calmly show her the evidence that the dress has been worn, and explain clearly that according to the store's return policy, I cannot return her money.
I'd call the manager and have him/her deal with this customer.
I'd tell her point blank that I know she wore the dress - I would probably be a little angry when I said it, but I would do my best to control my temper.
I'd tell her off. I'm not going to pull any punches - if she wants to start an argument, she picked the wrong person to mess with!
I'd keep my mouth shut and return her money.
One of your colleagues is preparing a display for a new product that recently arrived in the store. She really needs to get it done by the end of the day, but from the looks of it, she is nowhere near to finishing and she's starting to look anxious. You have your own tasks to complete, but your manager suggests putting them aside so you can give her a hand. How would you respond?
I wouldn't mind at all giving her a hand. In fact, I probably would have approached the manager on my own and offered my help.
I'd be happy to give her a hand.
I'd help her out, but only because I was asked.
I'd help her out, but I wouldn't be happy about it. If she's behind in her tasks, that's her problem.
I'd refuse to help. I have my own work to do.
Two inexperienced employees are assigned to work with you on an important task with a tight deadline. How do you feel?
Sarah and Anita are discussing a situation one of their friends was in last week. On Monday, the cash registers at the store she was working in were short $50 dollars, and she and her co-workers had to make up the money from out of their paychecks. On Friday, however, she found the extra money in one of the cash registers. She turned in the extra money to her boss. Sarah: She was crazy to turn in that money! She should have taken it or divided it among her co-workers to make up for the cash they had to pay on Monday. Anita: I disagree - it is not the same situation at all. The extra money isn't hers to take. That's just the way it works. Sarah:Well, I think it would only be fair if she did take the cash. If her boss makes her pay when cash is missing, she should share the money when there is extra. I think it's ok to level the playing field, especially for someone who is paid poorly.
I agree almost entirely with Anita.
I agree with Anita, but I think Sarah makes some good points.
I agree equally with Sarah and Anita.
I agree with Sarah, but I think Anita makes some good points.
I agree almost entirely with Sarah.
Danny recently found out that his co-workers at the music store he works at make much more money than he does. He was angry at this realization, especially since he hardly makes enough money to get by, but he knows that his manager won't listen to reason and that he just has to live with the situation. When his boss was away one afternoon, he decided to try to "level the playing field" by bringing home a couple of CDs he didn't pay for to give as Christmas presents. He would never have been able to afford the presents he wants to give on his salary! Was he wrong to take the CDs?
He wasn't wrong per se, but he definitely wasn't right.
No, he has to make up for his poor salary somehow.
Yes, his situation may be bad, but he was wrong to take those things.
Jill works in a clothing store. She has been working there several years without promotion or any substantial pay raise. She knows she brings in lots of money for her employer and feels that she deserves to make a better salary. One day she notices that the cash register has more money in it than the receipts for the day suggest. What should she do?
She should take the extra money to buy something for herself. She deserves it after all that hard work!
She should take the extra money and give it to someone who really needs it.
She should wait to see if anyone else notices, and if they don't, she should keep it.
She should tell her supervisor about the money.
Regarding the last question: Should she be punished if she decides to take the money and gets caught?
She should be arrested.
She should be fired.
She should have to make up the money from her paychecks.
She should be given a formal warning that goes on her record.
She should get a warning, but nothing that will go into her permanent record.
She shouldn't be punished - many people would do the same thing in her position.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
What is your major/minor?
What is your previous work experience?
What is your employment role at Catapult?
Practicum Student
Paid Worker
Independent Study Student
What do you hope to gain from this experience?
What retail area are you most interested in?
Retail Sales
Visual Display
Social Media
Customer Service
General Operations
Back Office
Please enter your name.
{"name":"Self-Assessment Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Discover more about yourself with our engaging self-assessment quiz! Answer 70 carefully crafted questions designed to help you understand your decision-making, social skills, and work preferences.In just a few minutes, you will gain insight into your personality and how you approach various situations. Highlights of the quiz include:Evaluate your strengths and weaknessesImprove your self-awarenessExplore your social interactionsGain useful insights for personal development","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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