7th Grade SS

The Mayflower Compact was written beacuse
Captain Miles Standish forced the colonists to write it
William Bradford wanted to gain control over the colonists
The colonists were ordered to write it when they arrived
The colonists had landed too far away from Virginia to be ruled by its government
The Middle Passage was the
Training period for apprentices
Voyage from Africa to the Americas experienced by enslaved Africans
Journey from Britain to the Americas taken by British immigrants
Trade network between the British West Indies, the colonies, and Great Britain
What document called for the colonies to unite for the first time under a president general and a grand council
Albany Plan of Union
Stamp Act
Writ of assistance
Tea Act
The prime minister who decided to use the colonists to pay Great Britain's heavy debts from the French and Indian War was
George Grenville
James Wolfe
William Pitt
Edward Braddock
The Boston Massacre took place after
A British sentry argued with angry colonists
Angry colonists shot a British sentry
Colinists threw tea into Boston Harbor
Parliment passed the Intolerable Acts
Which minister published a pamphlet that attacked the tradionalists
Jonathan Edwards
George Whitefield
Charles Chauncy
Gilbert Tennant
How does Congress determine the corect appointment of representatives
It examines population changes shown in the census count
It does not allow a state to gain representatives unless another loses two
Each representative must be a citizen for at least nine years
There are two representatives from each state
The federal system of checks and balances
Grants sovereignty to the central government
Persuaded the Federalists to support the Constitution
Ensures that no one branch will overpower another
Was created as an attempt to reduce federalism in the new republic
The treaty ending the Revolutionary War was the Treaty of
The United States
The Fourth Amendment prohibits
The military from forcing citizens to house soldiers
Authorities from examining a citizens property without a search warrant
Nonmilitary citizens from owning and operating firearms
Courts from charging a person twice for the same crime
The author of Common Sense was
Thomas Paine
Ben Franklin
Patrick Henry
Thomas Jefferson
The Declaration of Independence
Said that manarchies were a good system of government
Defined what the colonists believed to be their rights
Was written primarily by Benjamin Franklin
Organized the First Continental Congress
Henry Clay wanted to tax Americans to pay for internal improvements such as
A powerful navy
Better raods and canals
A reservation system for AMerican Indians
Better public schools
Why were nominating conventions popular
Voters got to meet candidates
They loosened voting restricitons
They allowed more voter input
THey increased the political power of women and African Americans
Which of the following battles occurred two weeks after the United States and Britain signed a peace treaty
Lake Erie
Horseshoe Bend
New Orleans
The Missouri Compromise
Was submitted by JOhn Quincey Adams
Accepted Missouri into the Union as a free state
Was never approved by Congress
Allowed Missouri and Maine into the union
THe first capital of the US was in
New York
Washington DC
American Indians in the Northwest Territory went to war with the US beacuse
US citizens continued to settle in Indian Territory
British soldiers had supplied American Indians with guns and ammo
The US had broken the Treaty of Greenville
The US continued to build military forts on American Indian land
The invention of the steamboat improved the ability of farmers
In the West to ship goods east
In the East to ship goods west
In the North to ship goods south
In the East to ship goods overseas
After the US annexed Texas, Mexico
Began intense negotiations
Immediatley cut off diplomatic relations
Attempted to start a rebellion among tejanos
Withdrew its forces from disputed territory
The owner of the Tredegar Iron Works was
Lucy Breckinridge
Joseph R. Anderson
Eli Whitney
Catherine Green
The Santa Fe Trail ran from
Moline, Illinois to Santa Fe, New Mexico
Omaha, Nebraska, to Santa Fe, New Mexico
Iowa City, Iowa, to Santa Fe, New Mexico
Independence, Missouri to Santa Fe, New Mexico
The approach of hiring families and assigning simple tasks to children became known as
The Lowell System
The Rhode Island system
The Massachusetts system
The Cabot System
The US Army suffered its worst defeat at the hands of American Indians in which of the following battles
Sand Creek Massacre
Battle of the Little Bighorn
Massacre at Wounded Knee
Battle of Buffalo Spears
Which two are mond builder cultures
The Hohokam and Mongollon
The Aztec & Inca
The Adena & Hopewell
The Anasazi & Mesa
Vasco Nunez De Balboa found what he called
The Mountain of Gold
The Indies
The Fountain of Youth
The South Sea
What is feudalism
A document that established that even monarchs must observe the law
A social system in which people pledged loyalty to a lord in exchange for protection
An overland trade route several thousands miles long that stretched from the Black Sea to China
One person canoes almost completely enclosed by animal skins
Early French Settlements provided France with wealth from
The Aztec created a large trading empire by
Building effective roads
Encouraging agriculture
Negotiating trade agreements
Conquering most of central Mexico
Most important political offices in New Spain were held by
John Brown's raid was
A last resort after Brown had tried many nonviolent means to end slavery
Begun by the New England Anti-Slavery Society
Unsuccessful because no slaves would join Brown for fear of punishment
The first of many actions led by Brown
Why did union leaders want control of the Mississippi River
To sail down it and attack the Confederates
To send messages home reporting their progress
To cut the Confederates off from supplies
To access ammunition being sent down the river
The Ku Klux Klan
Used violence and terror to keep African Americans from exercising their civil rights
Was strongly opposed by many local governments in the south
Was made up of northern Republicans who moved to the South
Supported Radical Reconstruction
The Emancipation Proclamation
Freed all slaves in the North, South, and West
Said all slaves in territory controlled by the Confederacy were free
Freed all northern slaves
Was well-supported in the south
Slavery became illegal throughout the US with the passage of the
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
16th Amendment
During the Lincoln-Douglas debates
Douglas threatened to dissolve the Union in a war between the North and South
Lincoln said that Republicans believed that slavery was wrong
Lincoln tried to keep the focus on race, rather than on extension of slavery
Douglas insisted on social and political equality for African Americans
Who was elected president of the Confederate States of America
John C Breckinridge
John Bell
John J. Crittenden
Jefferson Davis
{"name":"7th Grade SS", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"The Mayflower Compact was written beacuse, The Middle Passage was the, What document called for the colonies to unite for the first time under a president general and a grand council","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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