Agencies and their Roles
Roles of Department of Homeland Security
€˘ Detect and respond to new and emerging health threats. • Research the biggest concerning causes of death and disability. • Use science and technology to support and promote the prevention of diseases. • Promote health. • Educate the public and support the growth of medical professionals and scientists, especially “disease detectives”. • Monitor the health of our country by tracking health and disease rates.
I. Protect the United Nations from disease and health related issues. ii. Provide leadership re: critical health issues. iii. Establish and implement research agendas and share the learned knowledge. iv. Establish and monitor health standards. v. Provide technical support. vi. Monitor health status and trends.
I. Predominantly researches to help protect and defend against biological threats. ii. Supports the investigation of disease outbreaks and threats to public health. iii. Collaborate with CDC to help ID suspected pathogens (i.e. Diagnostic assays for avian influenza and swine flu). iv. Trains and educates military personnel and civilians medical solutions, including therapeutics, vaccines, diagnostics.
1. Detection of an outbreak, anywhere in the world 2. Protect Americans with vaccine supplies 3. Preparedness in the event a pandemic influenza reaches the United States.
Roles of U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
€˘ Detect and respond to new and emerging health threats. • Research the biggest concerning causes of death and disability. • Use science and technology to support and promote the prevention of diseases. • Promote health. • Educate the public and support the growth of medical professionals and scientists, especially “disease detectives”. • Monitor the health of our country by tracking health and disease rates.
I. Protect the United Nations from disease and health related issues. ii. Provide leadership re: critical health issues. iii. Establish and implement research agendas and share the learned knowledge. iv. Establish and monitor health standards. v. Provide technical support. vi. Monitor health status and trends.
I. Predominantly researches to help protect and defend against biological threats. ii. Supports the investigation of disease outbreaks and threats to public health. iii. Collaborate with CDC to help ID suspected pathogens (i.e. Diagnostic assays for avian influenza and swine flu). iv. Trains and educates military personnel and civilians medical solutions, including therapeutics, vaccines, diagnostics.
1. Detection of an outbreak, anywhere in the world 2. Protect Americans with vaccine supplies 3. Preparedness in the event a pandemic influenza reaches the United States.
Roles of World Health Organization
€˘ Detect and respond to new and emerging health threats. • Research the biggest concerning causes of death and disability. • Use science and technology to support and promote the prevention of diseases. • Promote health. • Educate the public and support the growth of medical professionals and scientists, especially “disease detectives”. • Monitor the health of our country by tracking health and disease rates.
I. Protect the United Nations from disease and health related issues. ii. Provide leadership re: critical health issues. iii. Establish and implement research agendas and share the learned knowledge. iv. Establish and monitor health standards. v. Provide technical support. vi. Monitor health status and trends.
I. Predominantly researches to help protect and defend against biological threats. ii. Supports the investigation of disease outbreaks and threats to public health. iii. Collaborate with CDC to help ID suspected pathogens (i.e. Diagnostic assays for avian influenza and swine flu). iv. Trains and educates military personnel and civilians medical solutions, including therapeutics, vaccines, diagnostics.
1. Detection of an outbreak, anywhere in the world 2. Protect Americans with vaccine supplies 3. Preparedness in the event a pandemic influenza reaches the United States.
Roles of Center for Disease Control and Prevention
€˘ Detect and respond to new and emerging health threats. • Research the biggest concerning causes of death and disability. • Use science and technology to support and promote the prevention of diseases. • Promote health. • Educate the public and support the growth of medical professionals and scientists, especially “disease detectives”. • Monitor the health of our country by tracking health and disease rates.
I. Protect the United Nations from disease and health related issues. ii. Provide leadership re: critical health issues. iii. Establish and implement research agendas and share the learned knowledge. iv. Establish and monitor health standards. v. Provide technical support. vi. Monitor health status and trends.
I. Predominantly researches to help protect and defend against biological threats. ii. Supports the investigation of disease outbreaks and threats to public health. iii. Collaborate with CDC to help ID suspected pathogens (i.e. Diagnostic assays for avian influenza and swine flu). iv. Trains and educates military personnel and civilians medical solutions, including therapeutics, vaccines, diagnostics.
1. Detection of an outbreak, anywhere in the world 2. Protect Americans with vaccine supplies 3. Preparedness in the event a pandemic influenza reaches the United States.
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