Onboarding touchpoint

An engaging and colorful illustration depicting diverse young people participating in AIESEC activities, showcasing global collaboration and leadership.

AIESEC Onboarding Quiz

Welcome to the AIESEC Onboarding Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your knowledge about AIESEC values, programs, and culture. Whether you're a newcomer or looking to refresh your understanding, this quiz will help you engage with the core principles of AIESEC.

  • Learn about AIESEC's mission and values
  • Explore sustainable development goals
  • Understand key AIESEC statements and events
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by EmpoweringLeader275
Ime I prezime
Od ĝega se sastoji AIESEC Way?
Why, how?
Who, how, what?
Why, Who, How, What?
Koliko ima AIESEC vrednosti?
Koliko SDG-a postoji
Od kojih statementa se sastoji AIESEC 2025?
Empowering Youth Leaders
Building a long lasting AIESEC
Developing purposeful partnerships
Sve od navedenog
Šta je Roll Call?
Koreografija koju igramo na AIESEC žurkama
Koreografija kojom se LC-jevi / Entiteti predstavljaju na konferencijama
Pogledao/la sam Roll Call LC Niša
Koliko standarda za razmenu postoje (Exchange standards)
Koje programe praksi nudimo?
Volonterske, Work and Travel
Društveni Kamp, Volonterske, Predavaĝke
Volonterske, Predavaĝke, Struĝne
Volonterske, Struĝne
Koji su statementi kulture AIESEC-a u Srbiji?
Empowering Youth Leaders, Building a long-lasting AIESEC
Activating youth leadership since 1948.
One AIESEC in Serbia, supportive enviroment, purpose driven
Sve od navedenog
Šta je shout?
Uzvik kojim se izražava kultura I identitet LC-a / Entiteta
Uzvik kojim dozivaš drugi LC / Entitet
Navedite strukture u LC-u
LCP, Team Leader, Team Member
Team Member, Team Leader, Coordinator
LCP, LCVP, Team Leader, Team Member
Šta je Global Village?
Događaj gde dolaze svi AIESECovci iz Srbije
Događaj gde imamo priliku da se upoznamo sa kulturama iz celog sveta sa našim praktikantima
{"name":"Onboarding touchpoint", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Welcome to the AIESEC Onboarding Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your knowledge about AIESEC values, programs, and culture. Whether you're a newcomer or looking to refresh your understanding, this quiz will help you engage with the core principles of AIESEC.Learn about AIESEC's mission and valuesExplore sustainable development goalsUnderstand key AIESEC statements and events","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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