Study Quiz For The Second SS Assesment

What runs along the Shawsheen River?
Route 93
Route 28
The railroad
Route 495
What body of water is north of route 133 but south of route 495?
Haggets Lake
Pomps Pond
Fosters Pond
Haggets Pond
Which river makes up part of the border of Andover?
Merrimack Stream
Shawsheen River
Merrimack River
Shawsheen Creek
Which route intersects Andover from west-ish to east-ish that is north of route 133?
Which route is directly south of route 495?
Which road intersects route 133 and route 495 and goes north/south?
Route 95
Route 93
Route 125
Route 28
Which road goes north/south and intersects the Shawsheen river near Lawrence?
Route 28
Main Street
Main road
Route 125
Which route intersects route 28 in the south part of Andover?
Route 125
Route 28
Route 10
Route 66
Which body of water is directly southeast of Shawsheen River? (Northwest of Foster's Pond)
Lake Lake
Pomps Pond
Jeff's Lake
Harold Parker
What is the state park in the southeast of Andover?
South Forest
Harold Parker
North church
Tall tree forest
These next questions will need an exact answer to move on. Make sure you capitalize. (Southeast, Northeast etc.)
North Andover is _____ of Andover
Methuen is _____ of Andover
Where is dracut in relation to Methuen?
Tewksbury is to the ______ of Andover.
Wilmington is _____ of Andover.
What town is south of Harold Parker State Forest?
North Andover
Which town is Northwest of North Andover?
What are the three positions that the voters elect?
The School Committee chooses the ______ who chooses the ______.
Who runs the town meeting and that person chooses the members of the what?
Who advises the Selectmen and the School Committee about money?
Who acts as the lawyer for the town? Who is that chosen by?
Because their job is part time, the ______ choose a _______ to run the town.
Who handles the paperwork for the employees of the town? Which department has the most employees?
What office runs the elections and what do you go there for?
What department tries to look ahead to the future to make sure the town uses its land in a way that matches the voters ideas?
What two departments run programs for the adult and kids in town?
Why are the voters on top of the flow chart?
Who are the town meeting members?
Who is the moderator?
Who is the clerk?
Who is the town manager?
Who is the finance director?
Who are the finance committee?
Who are the school committee?
Who is the superintendent of schools?
Who are the town counsel?
Who are the planning board?
Who are the conservation commission?
What is the greater Lawrence regional vocational school?
Each town in the early 1800s had approximately how many families living in it?
50 to a few hundred
Every town needs to be chartered by the what?
Name the three important needs the town had to do?
Why was local government much more important?
Most towns had a limited form of direct democracy called a _______.
Who was allowed to vote in these meetings?
What was a basic task performed at these meetings?
Chose officers and reps
Determined needs of their community
Voted on tax burden
Decided on rules
All of the above
What is a warrant?
What do the moderator, the clerk, the treasurer, and the selectmen do?
Other functions?
Why did towns create school districts?
What was the job of the school committee?
Why did a man have a good chance of serving on a committee at some point in his life?
{"name":"Study Quiz For The Second SS Assesment", "url":"","txt":"What runs along the Shawsheen River?, What body of water is north of route 133 but south of route 495?, Which river makes up part of the border of Andover?","img":""}
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