PSY 2330 Exam 1 practice

Why is it important for professional psychologists to be familiar with research methods?
They might need to perform an evaluation to determine the effectiveness of an agency’s program
They might need to critically evaluate the scientific evidence for the effectiveness of some new clinical treatment for depression
Both A & C
None of the above—professional psychologists only need to apply the results of research; they need not be familiar with how the research was done
When students assume that their textbook must be correct, they are relying on _________ as a way of knowing.
The a priori method
As psychologists use the term, determinism means that
Free choice does not exist
All the events of our lives have been "determined" ahead of time
Every event has a cause that can be known by using scientific methods
Events can be predicted with greater chance probability
Research psychologists believe all of the following EXCEPT:
The causes of behavior can be discovered by using scientific methods
If statistical determanism is true, than free choices cannot be made
It may not be possible to predict behavior with certainty
Making effective choices requires that events be predictable
A major characteristic of psychological science is its objectivity, which means that
Science is free from human biases
Psychologists assume that people are essentially machines
Observations can be verified by more than a single observer
Results of research are always reported in terms of numbers (statistics)
An objective is one
That can only be made by a mechanical recording device
Completely free from any personal bias on the part of the observer
That can be verified by a second observer
That cannot be questoned
Which of the following is most clearly phrased as an EMPERICAL QUESTION
Are Newborns essentially good or bad?
Do Catholics believe in the reality of hell?
Are the mind and body two separate entities?
Is there life after death?
Which of the following research studies is most obviously an example of basic research?
The effect of delaying reward on maze learning in mice
The effectiveness of hypnosis for improving courtroom eyewitness memory
Worker productivity in well-lit vs. poorly-lit environments
Whether hands-free cellphones are less disruptive to driving than hand-held cellphones
Applied Research
Always has mundane realism but seldom has experimental realism
Always has experimental realism but seldom has mundane realism
Can either be laboratory or field research
Is always field research, while basic research is laboratory research
A researcher is measuring aggression. Which of the following is most clearly inadequate as an operational definition of the term?
Choosing a button which makes it difficult for another subject to complete a task
Honking one's horn at an intersection for a period of more than two wseconds
Attempting to harm someone
Delivering electric shocks to a competitor
Operational definitions
Are seldom needed because of modern advances in behavioral technologies
Arechers in needed to force researchers in different laboratories to all use the exact same definition of a construct
Force researchers to be clear about defining the terms of their studies
Differ from one study to another, which means that using operational definitions hinders the replication process
Two researchers with two completely different operational definitions for aggression nonetheless produce the same result- frustration leads to agression. This outcome is referred to as
Exact replication
Converging operations.
Differ from one study to another, which means using operational definitions hinders the replication process
Which of the following is an example of a construct?
Entering arm # 3 of a radical maze
Using fingers when adding
Social effectiveness
Naming letters
The problem with relying on a belief that "experience is the best teacher" is that
Our experiences might be limited and influenced by bias
Our experiences seldom provide any information about what life is like
Relying on experience makes us overlook the most important source of knowledge- authorites
None of the above-personal experience is the ONLY reliable way to truth
Our experiences can be a valuable guide tot he truth, but drawing firm conclusions from experience can be affected by our tendencies to ignore events that don't support our beliefs. That is, we sometimes
Use the availability heuristic
Have a confirmation bais
Decide on the truth on the bias of logic rather than direct experience
Rely too much on introspection
Which of the following definitions of GREGARIOUS is more operational?
Texting with friends for at least three hours every week
Being open and friendly when in social gatherings with others
Laughing at friends' jokes even when they are not funny
A self-report from the subject that they are gregarious
Magazine surveys about your mental health
Have shown to be highly reliable
Have criterion validity but not construct validity
Have construct validity but not criterion validity
Have face validity but not construct validity
A test might appear to be a good test of native intelligence and yet it might do a very good job of predicting how well someone does in school. This is, this test
Has both face validity and predictive validity
Has criterion validity but not face validity
Is reliable but not valid
Has criterion validity but lacks reliability
For each of the following, a construct is paired with a measure. Which measure has the least content validity?
Creativity--crossword puzzle completetion
Delay of gratification--chosing to wait for a larger rewrd
Verbal intelligence--vocabulary
Short term memory--recall of nonsense syllables
{"name":"PSY 2330 Exam 1 practice", "url":"","txt":"Why is it important for professional psychologists to be familiar with research methods?, When students assume that their textbook must be correct, they are relying on _________ as a way of knowing., As psychologists use the term, determinism means that","img":""}
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