Are you CyberSMART?

You should always know who you're talking to online.
When it comes to online shopping, you can safely shop from any site.
You should be aware of pop-ups and downloads.
What is the best way to use Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram and other social networking sites?
Limit the amount of information you share about yourself
Make your page private
Only talk to people you know
All of the above
You posted a picture online, but soon decided to take it down. You are worried your friend may see it, but then soon remember that person DOES NOT have a phone. Your friend will never see the photo
Is it easier to say nasty things in the cyber world that you might not always say directly to someone's face?
The pictures you decide to post online today can affect your future reputation.
You are playing a game on a smartphone and the app asks for your current location. It's okay to enable location services because all of your friends play the game and if they do it, it must be okay
Your best friend asks you for the password to your Facebook account. What should you do?
Give it to her, then change it later
Don't give her your password
Give her your password, she's your best friend
After a disagreement at school, a group of kids send you threatening messages on Facebook. What should you do?
Block them
Tell your parents
Keep the messages/comments you receive
All of the above
"A man named John sends you a friend request and a message on facebook commenting on your profile picture. You don't know this person but they have one mutual friend. Would you:
Reply but ignore their friend request until you get to know them better
Ask your parent about how to respond because you aren't sure
Accept the friends request and reply to John, he has a mutual friend so he must be okay right?
Ignore both the request and message as you have never met john before
" You met this guy on tinder/online who wants to get together. They live nearby. Should you arrange a date?
Your friend tells you that he/she is going to go meet someone that they met online. They have never met this person before, but think they sound cool and fun. You’ve warned your friend it might not be safe but they still plan to go. Do you:
Go along with your friend to make sure it’s safe
Tell an adult about it and ask them for help
Beg your friend not to go
Ask your friend to call you when they get there
You need parental consent to be on a social network but you know your parents don’t want you to be online as they are afraid of what/who is on there. Do you
Sit down and talk to your parents about why you want to be online and the steps you will take to be safe
Use a fake email address and pretend to be your parents who say it is okay to join
Tell them that they are lame and that you won’t do your homework if they won’t let you.
Pretend to be old enough that you don’t need consent
If you’ve got a problem or something you’re worried about. You should
Tell your parents
Call Kids-helpline
Tell your teacher
Stay calm and think clearly
{"name":"Are you CyberSMART?", "url":"","txt":"You should always know who you're talking to online., When it comes to online shopping, you can safely shop from any site., You should be aware of pop-ups and downloads.","img":""}
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