8th grade pre test modified

What type of society built towns or villages but moved them every few years?
Sedentary society
Semisedentary society
Nonsedentary society
Which of the following was a major advantage of complex societies?
Internal political revolts
Temporary camps
Larger labor force
Who founded the first permanent French settlement in Canada?
Samuel de Champlain
Giovanni da Verrazzano
John Cabot
Which explorer’s crew became the first people to sail around the world?
Bartolomeu Dias
Vasco da Gama
Ferdinand Magellan
Which of the following was a belief held by Roger Williams?
Puritans should be banned from Rhode Island.
Everyone should be forced to attend church.
Puritans should not impose their beliefs on others.
Both the colony at Jamestown and at Plymouth
Endured a “starving time.”
Were established for religious reasons.
Were founded by Puritan leaders
King Philip was the leader of which Native American Tribe?
The Mohawk
The Wampanoag
The Mohegan
Which of the following was a provision of the Navigation Acts?
All goods had to be carried on English ships or on ships made in the colonies.
African imports to the colonies had to pass through English ports.
Officials were to tax any colonial goods shipped to England.
Who benefited from the Magna Cara?
Nobles and freemen
Indentured servants and slaves
All English people
What did the Enlightenment emphasize as the paths to knowledge?
Reason and science
Hard work and education
Art and humanities
Why were British soldiers stationed in the colonies in 1763?
To prevent unhappy colonists from starting a revolution
To enforce the law that forbade colonists from settling west of the Appalachians
To conduct searches of colonists’ homes and businesses for smuggled goods
Why did Parliament pass the Stamp Act?
To pay the costs of defending the colonies
To stop the colonists from smuggling goods
To discourage the colonists from exporting goods
What was a result of the Battles of Saratoga?
George Washington crossed the Delaware River.
Burgoyne Surrendered to the continental Army.
Howe decided to try to capture Philadelphia.  
Why did the British try to seize the Hudson River Valley?
To cut off New England from the other states
To expand the war to the frontier
To gain the support of the Iroquois and Mohawks
Where was the constitutional Convention held?
Boston, Massachusetts
Washington, D.C.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
What power did the Confederation Congress lack that weakened foreign relations?
To control Western territories
To regulate foreign trade
To conduct foreign affairs
Why did Hamilton favor the use of tariffs?
To prevent Congress from creating a national bank
To encourage the growth of American Business
To allow state governments to manage their own affairs
Which of the following set up the federal court system?
The elastic Clause of the Constitution
The Federal Judiciary Act of 1789
The Alien and Sedition Acts
What principle was affirmed in the case of Marbury v. Madison?
Judicial review
Paying tribute to pashas
Maintaining public debt
One goal of the Lewis & Clark expedition was to
Bring back maps showing the locations of British and French forts.
Determine if an all-water route across the continent existed.
Warn Native Americans that the land had been purchased by the United States.
Where were most of the nation’s early factories built?
New England
The Midwest
The South
What was the goal of the American System?
To make the United States economically self-sufficient
To encourage American’s to buy cheap European goods
To support all individual state currencies
The practice of giving government jobs to political backers was known as
The spoils system
Checks and balances.
Popular sovereignty.
The doctrine of nullification was the idea that
A state could nullify a federal law that it considered unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court could rule that a federal or state law was unconstitutional.
The president had the authority to ignore any federal law of his choice.
Land speculators make money in the West by
Making and selling products to settlers in new communities.
Discovering the best trails that led west through the mountains.
Buying huge areas of land and selling smaller sections at a profit.
How did the Battle of the Alamo affect the fight for Texas’s independence?
The defeat discouraged Texans from fighting.
It showed Texans how hard they would have to fight.
The victory inspired the Texans to keep fighting.
What did the reform efforts of Dorothea Dix help create?
The first public high school
Special jails for children
Publicly funded mental hospitals
A famine in the 1840s brought many immigrants to the United States from which country?
The term describes the belief that the people living in a region should decide key issues?
Popular sovereignty
What caused the Kansas Territory to be called “Bleeding Kansas”?
A Kansas senator physically attacked another senator.
An armed struggle broke out between proslavery and antislavery settlers.
The Supreme Court’s decision in the Dred Scott case caused riots in Kansas.
Where was the capital of the Confederacy?
Richmond, Virginia
Charleston, South Carolina
Washington, D. C.
What was one Northern strategy for winning the war?
To offer Native Americans land in the South for joining Union forces
To cut off the South’s imports and exports with a naval blockade
To capture Texas and attack the rest of the Confederacy from the West
Which of the following was a result of the Emancipation Proclamation?
It made the Civil War a war of liberation.
It freed all enslaved people in the South.
It helped Lincoln win the support of Northern Democrats.
The Battle of Gettysburg
Crushed Lee’s hopes for a victory in the North.
Forced Lee to surrender to Grant
Gave Union forces control of Richmond.
What did the Fifteenth Amendment guarantee?
All men and women the right to vote.
African-American men the right to vote.
Native Americans the right to vote.
What brought Reconstruction to an end in the South?
Compromise of 1877
Supreme Court Decisions of 1877
Fourteenth Amendment
What is your first and last name?
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