WHAP final study guide

1. What aspects of Chinese civilization did mongol rulers in the Yuan dynasty adopt?
A) The traditional Chinese examination system
B) The use of traditional Confucian rituals
C) The disdain towards merchants
D) The practice of foot binding
2. The Mongol Empire played a significant role in world history because it
A) introduced a new alphabet that became the basis for most of the languages in Eurasia.
B) created a new religion that is still practiced throughout Central Asia
C) developed a hybrid civilization that blended together Persian, Chinese, and European culture.
D) brought together the nomadic peoples of inner Eurasia and the agricultural civilizations of outer Eurasia.
3. Which of the following was a feature of Mongol rule?
A) Persecution of merchants
B) Hostility of commerce
C) Tolerance of religions
D) Treatment of conquered peoples as equals
4. Which of the following philosophical or religious traditions provided a unifying ideology for peasant rebellions in China?
A) Hinduism
B) Confucianism
C) Daoism
D) Legalism
5. Mongol rule in Russia facilitated the rise to power of which city?
A) Moscow
B) Kiev
C) Riazan
D) Sarai
6. Although the practice of patriarchy varied in the classical civilizations, they all
A) prohibited women of all classes from entering public spaces.
B) challenged the assumption that female inferiority was natural.
C) conceptualized women's essential nature in terms of ritual purity.
D) defined women's roles in reproductive terms.
7. What language was spoken by the groups of people who had spread throughout most of southern and eastern Africa by the classical era?
A) Bantu
B) Hebrew
C) Latin
D) Greek
8. What initiated the division within Islam between the Sunnis and Shias?
A) Fear that Muslims in conquered lands were "going native" and abandoning Islamic teachings
B) The imam Ali's new revelation and elaboration of the teachings of Islam
C) The belief that Husayn, the son of Ali, was the real messiah
D) Disagreement over who should assume leadership in the Islamic world
9. Which of the following contributed to the doubling of the Chinese population during the Tang and Song dynasties?
A) The conquest of Japan
B) The adoption of a fast-ripening strain of rice from Vietnam
C) The end of warfare with pastoral peoples
D) The massive importation of food crops from Central Asia
10. A characteristic feature of pastoral societies was their
A) productivity
B) stratification
C) mobility
D) wealth
11. Which of the following is a distinctive feature of Sufism?
A) rejection of the idea that one can have direct or personal contact with Allah
B) renunciation of the material world in the pursuit of spiritual union with Allah
C) An exclusively male movement with no place for women
D) Belief that compliance with the sharia would bring the believer into the presence of God
12. In India, the caste system encouraged loyalty to
A) the state.
B) local communities
C) parents
D) Brahmins
13. Which of the following was a technological innovation that spread from china to the rest of Eurasia?
A) The processing of sugar
B) Printing
C) Cannons
D) The processing of cotton
14. In contrast to the Theravada Buddhism, the Mahayana version portrayed the Buddha as a
A) god.
B) teacher.
C) priest
D) bodhisattva.
15. China's most enduring and intense interaction with outsiders was with
A) the gathering and hunting societies of Southeast Asia
B) the nomadic pastoral peoples of the northern steppes
C) the various empires that ruled India
Muslim traders in the Indian Ocean
16. During the classical era, slaves compromised more than one-third of the total population in
A) India
B) China
C) the Persian Empire
D) the Roman Empire
17. Which of the following contributed to China's economic revolution during the Tang and Song dynasties?
A) The active suppression of internal trade in order to increase long-distance trade
B) The import of large numbers of slaves to work in agriculture and industry
C) The large scale immigration of Japanese workers
D) A complex network of internal waterways that provided cheap transportation
18. The culture of Meroe showed a shift away from the influence of
A) Egypt
B) Greece
C) China
D) India
19. The Arab Empire that accompanied the spread of Islam stretched from
A) Spain to India
B) Mesoamerica to Madagascar
The Andes to the Himalayas
D) The Gulf of Mexico to the Red Sea
20. Which of the following First Civilizations is sometimes referred to as the "mother civilization" of Mesoamerica?
A) Mesopotamia
B) Olmec
C) Norte Chico
D) Aztec
21. Which of the following contributed to the rapid expansion of the Islamic/Arab Empire in the century following the death of Muhammad?
A) The weakened condition of the Byzantine and Persian empires
B) A smooth succession of caliphs selected by election
C) The violent campaigns against infidels
D) The uniting of all Arabs behind Muhammad's relative Ali
22. Which of the following describes how Confucianism affected Chinese society?
A) Confucianism was adopted as the state religion of China
B) the civil service examination system was based on Confucian texts
C) Confucianism encouraged individualistic values.
D) Confucianism challenged social and gender hierarches
23. India and China during the classical era were very similar in that in both societies
A) birth had no place in determining the social status of most people.
B) social prestige was primarily attained through service to the state.
C) it was easy for people to improve their social status through hard work.
D) sharp distinctions and great inequalities characterized the social order.
24. Both the Buddha and Jesus
A) were transformed by their followers into gods.
B) actively opposed Zoroastrianism
C) actively sought to found new religions during their lifetimes
D) allied themselves with religious authorities in their regions
25. Which of the following represents a value of the Roman Republic, idealized as "the way of the ancestors"
A) Aristocratic privilege
B) Rule of law
C) Liberty
D) Benevolence
26. In Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire, what system emerged that emphasized the reciprocal ties between a king and his vassals, and between a lord and his serfs?
A) Paganism
B) Caesaropapism
C) Investiture
D) Feudalism
27. When Germanic tribes entered into the western part of the Roman Empire, they
A) were rapidly assimilated into Roman culture
B) ensured that slaves continued to make up a large portion society.
C) rejected all of Roman culture, instead imposing their own culture.
D) produced a hybrid culture that drew on both Germanic and Roman elements.
28. Which of the following was a feature of Egyptian rather than Mesopotamian civilization?
A) Salinization of the soil leading leading to a collapse in the production of wheat
B) Frequent and devastating invasions by outsiders because of a lack of physical barriers
C) A more cheerful and hopeful outlook on the world, as expressed in part through religious beliefs
D) A long tradition of written law codes based on the notion of natural rights
29. Which of the following is an example of the "Indianization" of Southeast Asia?
A) The architectural expression of Hinduism at Angkor Wat
B) The use of Arabic script to write the Swahili language
C) A bronze African lion with Indian designs
D) The adoption of Islam as the religion in Champa
30. Which of the following describes the transformation of the Turkic people from the tenth to the fourteenth centuries?
A) They changed from military leaders of confederations to slave soldiers in the Mongol Empire
B) They changed from rulers of agrarian civilizations to creators of steppe empire.
C) They changed from polytheistic worshipers to followers and carriers of monotheistic Islam.
D) They changed from sedentary farmers to pastoral nomads.
31. In which of the following ancient societies did women enjoy the fewest restrictions?
A) Han China
B) Athens
C) Sparta
D) Classical India
32. Persian political organization included which of the following features?
A) An emperor who was little more than a figurehead
B) Lower-level officials drawn from local authorities
C) A civil service examination system
D) A written constitution
33. In contrast to the Silk Roads, the Sea Roads of the Indian Ocean
A) carried more products for a mass market.
B) had much higher transportation costs.
C) did not transport any luxury goods.
D) were centered on the ports of East Africa.
34. Archaeological evidence suggests that the village located at Chavin was the center for
A) political experiments with democracy
B) the study of science and medicine.
C) a slave-based economy
D) a religious movement that spread throughout much of the Andes.
35. In comparison to Byzantium, Latin Christendom before 1000 C.E. was
A) an expanding empire.
B) a theocratic state.
C) a localized society.
D) a unified state.
36. Which of the following statements about the Chinese tribute system is true?
A) The tribute system operated at the end of wars of conquest and was designed to humiliate the conquered people.
B) China's neighbors in the premodern period often refused to submit to the rituals of the tribute system, resenting China's assumption of superiority.
C) the tribute system was an exploitative "one-way street," with foreign states paying tribute to China but the Chinese government offering nothing in return.
D) The Chinese government often gave other states gifts that were in fact worth more than the tribute that those states paid to China
37. Which of the following provided the primary economic foundation for civilization?
A) Slavery
B) Agriculture
C) Warfare
D) Writing
38. Which foreign religious tradition was absorbed into China during the classical period?
A) Hinduism
B) The Isis cult
C) Buddhism
D) Christianity
39. How did Buddhism change as it spread along the Silk Roads?
A) Buddhist practices increasingly emphasized asceticism and withdrawal from society.
B) Buddhist doctrines became more esoteric as attention focused more on the psychological teachings of the original Buddha.
C) The Buddha became more human and less divine.
D) The gods of many peoples along the Silk Roads were incorporated as bodhisattvas.
40. The invention of printing in China was linked with which religion?
A) Christianity
B) Daoism
C) Buddhism
D) Islam
41. How did the last Ice Age affect Paleolithic people?
A) Ice served as an important preservative for food, making it possible for them to settle in the same place for extended periods.
B) The cold weather killed off most large mammals that had preyed on early human beings.
C) As the glaciers advanced, humans could easily move into new regions since humankind had originated in cold climates.
D) The lower sea levels associated with the Ice Age created land bridges, allowing human beings to travel to many regions of the earth.
42. Which of the following was a unique feature of political life in classical Greece?
A) The granting of limited political rights to slaves
B) Representative democracy
C) The idea of free male citizens running the affairs of state
D) The universal right to vote for all men and women above the age of sixteen
43. Which of the following describes a feature of the Byzantine state?
A) Political authority was decentralized.
B) The state tightly controlled local affairs in the provinces.
C) The emperor claimed to be God's representative on earth.
D) Competing interests contributed to the fragmentation of the state.
44. In their relations with China, Korea and Japan both
A) came under direct Chinese political rule.
B) rejected Chinese civilization
C) declined to participate in the Chinese tribute system.
D) sent people to China to study Chinese thought and culture.
45. The spread of the Black Death from China to Europe in the fourteenth century occurred during an era of increased contact facilitated by
A) monsoon winds.
B) the spread of Buddhism
C) the spread of Islam.
D) Mongol rule.
46. Which of the following religious tradition blended elements of Hinduism and Islam?
A) Sunni Islam
B) Shia Islam
C) Sikhism
D) Sufism
47. Which of the following shows the relationship between religion and government in the First Civilizations?
A) Farmers were required to turn over a portion of their crops to support city-dwellers.
B) The Hebrew Scriptures attributed the act of creation to a single male deity, Yahweh.
C) The "demotion of the goddess" resulted from the extension of the power of creation and fertility to male gods.
D) Hammurabi claimed that his law code was inspired by Marduk, the chief god of Babylon.
48. Swahili civilization was most heavily influenced by which of the following cultures?
A) Chinese
B) Indian
C) Bantu
D) European
49. In their political organization, the Maya were most like
A) the city-states of classical Greece.
B) the imperial state of Rome.
C) the civilization of the Niger Valley.
D) The kingdom of Axum.
50. How did the sudden rise of Islam in the seventh century affect Indian Ocean commerce?
A) Islamic religious leaders decreed that Muslim merchants could have no dealings with non-Muslim traders.
B) Early rulers of the Arab Empire sought to promote trade within the empire by prohibiting trade by Muslim merchants beyond its borders.
C) Islamic rulers succeeded in suppressing the Silk Roads
D) Muslim merchants and sailors established communities of traders from East Africa to the south China coast.
51. The states that emerged in West Africa between 500 and 1600 shared which of the following characteristics?
A) A stateless system of government
B) A reputation in the wider world for great riches
C) An absence of urban or commercial centers
D) A city-state system of government which stopped empires from forming
52. Which of the following was a distinctive feature of the Greek way of thinking in the classical era?
A) Reverence for organized religion
B) Confidence in human reason
C) Respect for received wisdom
D) Deference to established authority
53. The trade conducted along the Silk Roads was largely a "relay trade" because
A) it linked the entire world into a single trade network.
B) it linked the large civilization on the outer rim of the Eurasian continent but bypassed the pastoral people of the interior.
C) goods were passed down the line rather than carried by one merchant along the entire route.
D) its purpose was to carry goods for the long-distance trade in the Americas.
54. Which of the following describes the Swahili civilization's relationship with the people who lived in the interior?
A) Swahili kings expanded into the interior, eventually establishing an empire that stretched coast to coast.
B) Swahili states demanded that people living in the interior pay an annual tribute to gain access to coastal trade.
C) Swahili cities operated as intermediaries for people from the interior to sell their goods to Arab merchants.
D) Swahili culture spread throughout most of the interior, as evidenced by widespread acceptance of Islam.
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