Immune system & Lymphoid organs/ respiratory system, Book questions

A vibrant illustration of the human immune and respiratory systems, highlighting key organs like the lungs, spleen, and lymph nodes in an educational style.

Test Your Knowledge: Immune & Respiratory Systems Quiz

Are you ready to challenge your understanding of the immune system, lymphoid organs, and the respiratory system? This quiz is designed for students, educators, and health enthusiasts looking to deepen their knowledge.

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Score your knowledge and identify areas for improvement
  • Engaging and informative content
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by ExploringCells47
Which functions is carried out by all lymphoid tissue and organs?
Filtration of lymph
Filtration of blood
Extramedullary hemopoiesis
Production of lymphocytes
Destruction of old erthrocytes
Which cell type gives rise to both memory and effector cells and is primarily associated with humoral immunity?
B lymphocyte
NK cell
T lymphocytes
Reticular cell
Which structure is partly encapsulated and covered by nonkeratinized stratified squamous epitheilum?
Lymph node
Palatine tonsils
Peyer´s patch
Thymic (hassal´s) corupuscle
Recycling of iron and heme, the major complex containing iron, occurs most actively in which lymphoid organ(s)/tissue(s)?
Lymph nodes
Peyer´s patches
Lymphatic vessels
Which description is true of all secondary (peripheral) Lymphoid organs?
Capable of antigen-independent lymphopoiesis
Contains crypts
Contain epithelial-reticular cells
Lack connective tissue capsules
Contain lymphoid nodules
Which structure would be most heavily labeled by an immunohistochemical method targeting the CD8 surface antigen?
Germinal centers
Peyer´s patch
Sheated arterioles
Splenic cords
Which of the following components increase(s) s a proportion of the respiratory tract wall from trachea to alveoli?
Elastic fibers
Smooth muscle
Goblet cell
Air moving rapidly across the vocal cords and causing them to vibrate and produce sound is contacting what type of epithelium?
Pseudostratified ciliated
Stratified squamous keratinized
Stratified squamous nonkeratinized
Simple squamous
Simple cuboidal
Which structural feature distinguishes between terminal and respiratory bronchioles?
Exocrine bronchiolar cells
Mucous glands in lamina propria
Smooth muscle
Which of the following features distinguishes a bronchus within a lung from the primary bronchii?
Glands in the submucosa
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
Smooth muscle in the wall
Irregular plates of cartilage
Goblet cell in epithelium
Which feature involved in protection of the respiratory tract is absent from digestive tract?
Goblet cells
Lymphoid nodules
Secretory IgA
Tight junctions
Which of the following is true of pulmonary surfactant?
Secreted by type I pneumocytes
Forms layer rich in phospholipid overlying a thin aqueous phase
Prevents alveolar collapse by increasing surface tension
Does not affect bacterial survival
Is secreted by goblet cells
The pulmonary (functional) and bronchial (nutritive) arterial systems enters the lungs separately at the hilus but anastomose into a single system at which level?
Terminal bronchioles
Segmental bronchioles
Respiratory bronchioles
{"name":"Immune system & Lymphoid organs\/ respiratory system, Book questions", "url":"","txt":"Are you ready to challenge your understanding of the immune system, lymphoid organs, and the respiratory system? This quiz is designed for students, educators, and health enthusiasts looking to deepen their knowledge.Multiple-choice questionsScore your knowledge and identify areas for improvementEngaging and informative content","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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