Ribosomes are ___ in Eukaryotes, ___ in Prokaryotes.
Smaller; larger
Larger; smaller
Two subunits; one subnit
One subunit; two subunits
Ribosomes are made of...
Protein and rRNA
Protein and tRNA
Protein and mRNA
RRNA and ribose
Polyribosomal complex is the method of....
Feeding a single mRNA strand through more than one ribosome in Eukaryotes.
Feeding a single mRNA strand through more than one ribosome in Archaea.
Feeding a single mRNA strand through more than one ribosome in Bacteria.
Feeding a single mRNA strand through more than one ribosome in all cells.
In Eukaryotes, DNA...
Leaves the nucleus to find ribosome.
Leaves the cytoplasm to find ribosome.
Copy leaves the nucleus to find a protein.
Copy leaves the nucleus to find ribosome.
Code for proteins.
Do not code for proteins.
Stitch exons back together.
Stitch ligase back together.
Conjugation refers to...
A bacterium that finds a piece of DNA in its environment and engulfs it.
The use of a bacteriophage to inject DNA into a bacterial cell.
"jumping genes" that can transfer among plasmids and chromosomes.
The transfer of a plasmid copy through a pilus.
Transformation refers to...
A bacterium that finds a piece of DNA in its environment and engulfs it.
"jumping genes" that can transfer among plasmids and chromosomes.
The use of a bacteriophage to inject DNA into a bacterial cell.
The transfer of a plasmid copy through a pilus.
Transduction refers to...
"jumping genes" that can transfer among plasmids and chromosomes.
The use of a bacteriophage to inject DNA into a bacterial cell.
The transfer of a plasmid copy through a pilus.
A bacterium that finds a piece of DNA in its environment and engulfs it.
In gel electrophoresis...
The smallest DNA moves the farthest.
The largest DNA moves the farthest.
All sizes move the same distance.
The mutated DNA will not move.
Which mutation refers to a natural, non-mutated strain?
Wild type
Which mutation refers to a minor mutation that adds, deletes, or substitutes a single base?
A missense mutation...
Causes coding of same amino acid due to redundancy.
Changes a normal codon into a stop codon.
Causes coding of different amino acid.
Alters base, but does not change amino acid.
A silent mutation...
Is caused by an environmental factor.
Changes a normal codon to a stop codon.
Causes one or more bases to be added or deleted from a strand.
Base is altered, but amino acid remains the same.
Sepetate hyphae have...
Fungal filaments contained in a bulb-like structure.
A method of reproduction, referred to as dimorphism.
A method of reproduction, referred to as pseudohyphae.
Fungal filaments with divisions, or cross walls.
Select all differential agars.
Select all GNR agars.
Select all GPC agars.
If a colony appears pink, this means...
Bacteria ferments mannitol.
Bacteria ferments lactose.
Bacteria ferments sucrose.
Bacteria ferments dextrose.
{"name":"MICRO CH 8", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What is the Central Dogma of biology?, DNA is made of..., A codon has ____ nucleotides.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}