Boot Camp - Employee and Labor Relations (Pre-Assessment)

Most institutions operate with the intent of facilitating the resolution of workplace complaints arising from employment. As such, in most cases it is policy that an employee attempt to resolve the complaint with the immediate supervisor.
Alternative dispute resolution, or ADR, is a popular form of resolving workplace disputes. Which of the following are true of ADR? (Choose all that apply)
Usually less costly than litigation
Usually faster than litigation
Increasingly being used in disputes that would likely involve court litigation
Mediation is not appropriate for all situations. Select the choice that best illustrates when it would be appropriate to mediate a situation.
Interpersonal conflict or disagreement
University policy violation, employee misconduct, employee performance, salary issues
What is the first step in the progressive discipline process?
Written reprimand
Verbal warning
What is the final step in the progressive discipline process?

A union is an organization of employees who band together to secure:

  • More generous wages and benefits
  • Improved working conditions
  • Resolution of grievances
  • Better work hours or work rules
The National Labor Relations Act, or Wagner Act, created the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), a federal agency that has the authority to conduct elections should private-sector employees desire to organize bargaining units in their workplace and to dissolve labor unions through a decertification election.
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