Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 2 Feb 21
[2102.00010] Thomas Schuster, Bryce Kobrin, Ping Gao et al.: Many-body quantum teleportation via operator spreading in the traversable wormhole protocol
[2102.00021] Christopher Portmann, Renato Renner: Security in Quantum Cryptography
[2102.00076] L. Hunold, S. Lagomarsino, A.M. Flatae et al.: Scalable creation of silicon-vacancy color centers in diamond by ion implantation through a 1-$μ$m pinhole
[2102.00126] Mladen Pavicic: How Secure Are Two-Way Ping-Pong and LM05 QKD Protocols under a Man-in-the-Middle Attack?
[2102.00229] Or Katz, Roy Shaham, Ofer Firstenberg: Coupling light to a nuclear spin gas with a two-photon linewidth of five millihertz
[2102.00241] Yang Li, Kimball A. Milton, Prachi Parashar et al.: Negativity of the Casimir self-entropy in spherical geometries
[2102.00278] Andrey Pupasov-Maksimov, Dmitry Karlovets: Smith-Purcell radiation of a vortex electron
[2102.00283] Philipp Aumann, Maximilian Prilmüller, Florian Kappe et al.: Demonstration and modelling of time-bin entangled photons from a quantum dot in a nanowire
[2102.00312] J. Z. Bernád, H. J. Moreno, G. Alber: Euclidean volume ratios of separable and entangled states in two-qubit and qubit-qutrit systems
[2102.00341] Xiao-Feng Shi: Single-site Rydberg addressing in 3D atomic arrays for quantum computing with neutral atoms
[2102.00342] Xiao-Feng Shi: Transition Slow-Down by Rydberg Interaction of Neutral Atoms and a Fast Controlled-NOT Quantum Gate
[2102.00344] Elham Jamalinia, Peyman Azodi, Alireza Khayatian et al.: Lyapunov-Based Stabilization and Control of Closed Quantum Systems
[2102.00345] Nicholas H. Stair, Francesco A. Evangelista: Simulating Many-Body Systems with a Projective Quantum Eigensolver
[2102.00371] S. Blinov, B. Wu, C. Monroe: Comparison of Cloud-Based Ion Trap and Superconducting Quantum Computer Architectures
[2102.00392] Jianhao M. Yang: Variational Principle for Stochastic Mechanics Based on Information Measures
[2102.00406] Wen-Xin Xie, Chengxian Zhang, Zheng-Yuan Xue: Implementation of high-fidelity geometric singlet-triplet qubits operating near the transverse sweet spot
[2102.00410] Jaskaran Singh, Arvind: Revealing quantum contextuality using a single measurement device by generalizing measurement non-contextuality
[2102.00433] Jiu-Peng Chen, Chi Zhang, Yang Liu et al.: Twin-Field Quantum Key Distribution over 511 km Optical Fiber Linking two Distant Metropolitans
[2102.00603] G. F. Xu, P. Z. Zhao, Erik Sjöqvist et al.: Realizing nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computation beyond the three-level setting
[2102.00609] Wei Wu, Zhen Peng, Si-Yuan Bai et al.: Threshold for a discrete-variable sensor of quantum reservoirs
[2102.00620] Gang Zhang, Mingxia Huo, Ying Li: Quantum operation of fermionic systems and process tomography using Majorana fermion gates
[2102.00673] Mengyao Hu, Lin Chen: Genuine entanglement, distillability and quantum information masking under noise
[2102.00706] Ning Wu: Note on a less ad hoc derivation of the second quantization formalism
[2102.00722] I Dahiri, M Jakha, S Mouslih et al.: Elastic electron-proton scattering in the presence of a circularly polarized laser field
[2102.00739] Cong Jiang, Xiao-Long Hu, Zong-wen Yu et al.: Composable security for practical quantum key distribution with two way classical communication
[2102.00740] Junaid ur Rehman, Hyundong Shin: Entanglement-Free Parameter Estimation of Generalized Pauli Channels
[2102.00746] Ali Asadian, Adán Cabello: Bosonic Indistinguishability-Dependent Contextuality
[2102.00759] Elija Perrier: Ethical Quantum Computing: A Roadmap
[2102.00780] Goutam Paul, Soumya Das, Anindya Banerji: Maximum Violation of Monogamy of Entanglement for Indistinguishable Particles by Measures that are Monogamous for Distinguishable Particles
[2102.00791] Junhui Huang, Hao Chen, Zhiyao Zhuo et al.: Analysis of Emission Dynamics of a Long Lifetime in Single InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots
[2102.00808] Ze-Lin Zhang, Ping Xu, Zhen-Biao Yang: Tracking quantum state evolution by the Berry curvature with a two-level system
[2102.00874] Zheng-Yuan Xue, Yong Hu: Topological photonics on superconducting quantum circuits with parametric couplings
[2102.00893] Li-Na Ji, Cheng-Yun Ding, Tao Chen et al.: Noncyclic and Nonadiabatic Geometric Quantum Gates with Smooth Paths
[2102.00896] M.S.Shikakhwa, N.Chair: Constructing Hermitian Hamiltonians for spin zero neutral and charged particles on a curved surface : physical approach
[2102.00908] Jefferson Luan D. de Oliveira, Moises Rojas, Cleverson Filgueiras: Two Coupled Double Quantum Dots Systems as an working substance for Heat Machines
[2102.00920] Alexia Auffèves: A short story of quantum and information thermodynamics
[2102.00949] Bálint Daróczy, Katalin Friedl, László Kabódi et al.: Quantum Inspired Adaptive Boosting
[2102.00987] Arthur Braida, Simon Martiel: Anti-crossings and spectral gap during quantum adiabatic evolution
[2102.00992] Benjamin A. Stickler, Klaus Hornberger, M. S. Kim: Quantum rotations of nanoparticles
[2102.01008] Roy J. Garcia, You Zhou, Arthur Jaffe: Quantum scrambling with classical shadows
[2102.01022] Pratapaditya Bej, Saronath Halder, Ritabrata Sengupta: Teleportation fidelity and its deviation for an arbitrary two-qubit state when the classical communication is noisy
[2102.01032] Fernando R. Cardoso, Daniel Z. Rossatto, Gabriel P. L. M. Fernandes et al.: Superposition of two-mode squeezed states for quantum information processing and quantum sensing
[2102.01042] M. Bauer, C.A. Aguillón: Second quantization of time and energy in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
[2102.01058] G.S. Thekkadath, S. Sempere-Llagostera, B.A. Bell et al.: Single-shot discrimination of coherent states beyond the standard quantum limit
[2102.01060] T. W. Penny, A. Pontin, P. F. Barker: Performance and limits of feedback cooling methods for levitated oscillators: a direct comparison
[2102.01064] Sepehr Nezami, Henry W. Lin, Adam R. Brown et al.: Quantum Gravity in the Lab: Teleportation by Size and Traversable Wormholes, Part II
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 2 Feb 21","img":""}
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