How far in advance of a meeting or waiting point must the Conductor remind the Engineer that their authority to proceed is restricted?
1 mile
1.5 miles
2 miles
2.5 miles
In 261 double-track territory, Train 17M announces it has brakes in emergency Westbound on Main Track # 2 at CP Howell. Train 119 is travelling Westbound on the adjacent track, and hears 17M's radio announcement. How must Train 119 proceed?
Train 119 may proceed on signal indication at authorized speed past 17M.
Train 119 must operate at Restricted Speed until the leading end reaches the next signal.
Train 119 must operate at Restricted Speed while passing Train 17M until it's determined that the track is clear.
Employees directing a shoving movement must:
Not engage in any task unrelated to the shove movement
Inform the Engineer or Remote Control Operator the means of communication to be used and how point protection will be provided.
Both (a) and (b)
When an engine is to be detached, equipment left standing must be properly secured with a sufficient number of hand brakes. After the engine is re-coupled, hand brakes must not be released until:
The movement is ready to proceed.
A signal to proceed has been given.
The air brake system is properly charged.
The brake pipe pressure on the rear is the same as the setting on the head end.
When necessary to control cars by hand brakes
It must be determined that the brakes are working properly
Permission must first be received by the Chief Dispatcher.
All air must be released from the reservoir.
All of the above
When engines or cars are detached from a train, return movements must be made at Restricted Speed to prevent damage to equipment when recoupling. What other requirement must be observed?
A crew member must be stationed at, on or ahead of the leading end.
Permission must be obtained from the Train Dispatcher/Controlled Operator.
TA-1 authority will be required.
All of the above.
Trains, engines, or cars left unattended must clear crossings and crossing signal circuits. When practicable, the equipment must be left at least:
100 feet from public crossings.
100 feet from public or private crossings.
300 feet from public crossings.
300 feet from public or private crossings.
On running tracks, yard tracks, and industrial tracks, trains and engines must approach crossings equipped with automatic warning devices:
Prepared to stop. If warning device does not activate, on-ground warning must be provided before proceeding over the crossing
Not exceeding 15 MPH.
At Restricted Speed
Train 321 is given a Track Authority to proceed in Rule 271 territory from Pritchard to Mossy. Mossy is a timetable designated siding. What instructions must be issued in order for Train 321 to pull to the last siding switch at Mossy on the Main Track?
Hold Main Track at Last Named Point
Clear Main Track at Last Named Point
No further instructions are required
After authority to pass a Stop signal has been received from the Train Dispatcher/Control Operator, the movement must operate as though a _____________ Signal is displayed.
Slow Clear
Slow Approach
A train is ready to leave a non-signaled branch line through a hand-operated switch and enter the main track in Rule 261 territory. The train will not pass a block signal when entering the main track and the next governing signal is one and one-half miles away. After receiving permission from the control station the train must proceed:
Prepared to stop short of the next signal.
At Restricted Speed to the next signal.
Train J29 is operating westward in Rule 261 territory between Prince, MP 156.0 and Royal, MP 184.7. After receiving a Clear signal at Queen, MP 164.8, the J29 proceeds for 2 miles miles and stops to inspect a car. The next governing signal is 3/4 mile away. When ready to depart the movement must proceed:
At Restricted Speed until the leading end of the movement reaches the next signal.
Prepared to stop at the next signal.
At Restricted Speed. The J29 may resume speed as authorized by the clear signal
A train or engine may make a reverse movement within the limits of the same block in Rule 251 or Rule 261 territory at Restricted Speed. This type of movement requires:
Verbal authority from the Train Dispatcher.
A Track Authority
A crew may be relieved from inspecting their train for Hot Wheel or Hot Box defect alarms by the Help Desk or the Train Dispatcher when information is available confirming it is safe to proceed. Trains relieved of inspection:
May proceed in accordance with existing authority, at a speed not to exceed 30 MPH to the next detector or to the location where the car is to be set out, if applicable.
May proceed in accordance with existing authority, at maximum authorized speed, to destination.
At the last detector prior to entering a yard must notify the Yardmaster, or other designated authority to ensure a proper inspection is made.
Both (a) and (c) are correct.
When operating in single track territory, a train receiving a hot wheel defect alarm, may proceed at a speed not to exceed 30 MPH to the next siding, double track, or yard location where the train must be stopped and inspected provided which of the following conditions are met?
Train is not a Key Train or Passenger Train.
No erratic operation of the train is detected by the train crew.
The Train Dispatcher is immediately notified of the hot wheel defect alarm and a job briefing is held to determine the location where the train is to be stopped and inspected.
All of the above.
Which of the following types of trains must be stopped and inspected with any detector failure?
Key trains
Any train carrying hazardous materials.
Solid unit bulk commodity trains.
Any train not passing over the final detector before the train's terminating point.
During a Class I brake test, an Air Flow Method (AFM) test or a Brake Pipe Leakage test must be performed and an inspection of the train must be made to determine that:
Brakes apply on at least 85% of the cars in the train.
Angle cocks and cut-out cocks are properly positioned, brakes are applied on each car, piston travel is correct, brake rigging does not bind or foul, and all parts of the air brake equipment are properly secured.
Before proceeding, it must be known that the brake pipe pressure as indicated at the rear car of the train is being restored.
Both (b) and (c).
A Class III Brake Test (Train Line Continuity Inspection) must be performed:
On a train at a point other than the initial terminal where a car or solid block of cars has received a Class I or Class II brake test prior to being added at that location and has not been off air for more than four (4) hours.
When a car or solid block of cars has not previously received a Class I brake test or has been off air for more than 4 hours.
When multiple solid blocks of cars are added to a train in the same relative order as when removed from the previous train, except for the removal of defective equipment.
Where a unit or cycle train has traveled 3,000 miles since its last Class I brake test.
Which of the following DO NOT indicate an EOTD failure?
Before locomotives are left unattended on any track the effectiveness of the parking brakes must be tested to ensure they won't roll away. Which of the following actions ARE REQUIRED?
Apply the parking brake on each locomotive.
Place the Independent and the Automatic brakes in the RELEASE position. The locomotive consist must remain stationary for 10 seconds.
Place throttle in the No. 1 power position or higher, if necessary, until movement occurs. NOTE: If the locomotive(s) is standing on a grade, the movement must be in a descending direction. Place the throttle in IDLE when the locomotive consist begins to move. Locomotive consist must stop within 25 feet
All of the above
A freight car found with defective air brakes at a location where repairs cannot be made may be moved to what location after the following requirements have been met: -- Qualified person has determined it is safe to move -- Qualified person has established a maximum speed for safe movement -- Conductor is notified by copy of the 'Home Shop" tag -- Other crew members are notified of defect, including any movement restriction, by the Conductor
The car owner for repair.
The last location where the car received a Class I brake test.
The nearest available location where the necessary repairs can be made
Any Norfolk Southern repair track approved to do air brake work.
Anytime emergency responders have been on, under, or between rail equipment, ____.
The equipment must not be left unattended until an inspection for proper securement is performed by a qualified employee
A Class I brake test must be performed on the equipment.
No more than __ conventional (non-high adhesion) axles may be operated under power on the head end of a train (except solid unit coal trains, solid loaded bulk commodity unit trains not exceeding 100 cars, and trains designated by Special Instructions).
When movements operate against the current of traffic in Rule 251 territory, the Train Dispatcher/Control Operator must:
Determine the track to be used is clear of opposing movements.
Maintain an Absolute Block.
Code signals governing opposing movements to Stop and apply blocking devices.
All of the above
When a train is authorized to occupy the same or overlapping limits with On-Track equipment,
The train may proceed at half authorized speed looking out for the On-Track equipment.
The train may proceed at a speed directed by the On-Track equipment operator.
Each movement must be made at Restricted Speed
Except at designated Quiet Zones, when approaching a public highway-rail grade crossing Federal Regulations require that the locomotive horn be sounded a minimum of _______ before occupying the crossing. The signal must be prolonged or repeated until the engine occupies the crossing.
How must a train crew proceed when an intermediate signal in Rule 261 or 271 territory displays no lighted aspect (dark signal)
The signal must be regarded as the most restrictive indication given by that signal
Continue by the intermediate operating on previous signal indication
If a train experiences an en route horn failure on the lead locomotive, the Train Dispatcher/Control Operator and the LCDI desk in Atlanta must be immediately notified. The movement may proceed at authorized speed, stopping before fouling any road crossing where sounding the whistle is required by rule or special instruction. A crew member must be on the ground at the crossing to warn traffic until the leading end of the movement has occupied the crossing. These actions are not required if:
Crossing gates, if equipped, are in the fully lowered position, -OR- No traffic is approaching or stopped at the crossing, -OR- A qualified employee, other than a crewmember, with the ability to communicate with trains is stationed at the crossing to warn traffic
No traffic is approaching or stopped at the crossing and train is instructed to operate at Restricted Speed.
Crossing gates, if equipped, are in the fully lowered position, and train is instructed to operate at Restricted Speed.
The standard whistle signal when approaching a public highway-rail grade crossing is two long blasts, one short, and one long (- - O -). Federal law requires which of the following:
The whistle signal may be omitted if a flagger is present protecting the crossing.
When approaching a public highway-rail grade crossing, start the whistle signal at least 15 seconds but no more than 20 seconds before occupying the crossing.
The whistle signal must be prolonged or repeated until the engine occupies the crossing.
Both (b) and (c).
What is the maximum authorized speed when a train is operating against the current of traffic?
Freight Trains 49 MPH and Passenger Trains 59 MPH
All trains 49 MPH approaching facing point switches at Restricted Speed unless advised that such switches have been spiked for main track movement.
You are operating a freight train with a maximum authorized speed of 50 MPH when all speed indicators on the controlling locomotive fail en route. At what speed may the locomotive continue as the controlling locomotive to the nearest forward point where repairs can be made, or next calendar day inspection, whichever comes first?
Restricted Speed, not exceeding 20 MPH
Not exceeding 10 MPH below the maximum authorized speed
Half the maximum authorized speed.
The locomotive may not continue as the controlling locomotive.
Local crew L23 receives a Track Authority that has a "Box 12 Rule 752(C) RWIC BAILEY between EVANS and WOLFE on MAIN track". The crew discusses that Restricted Speed will be required after receiving permission from RWIC Bailey to enter the working limits. One of the crewmembers then states that he remembers something about a rule revision that said someone could authorize you through the limits at a higher speed. Is he correct? If so, who can authorize the crew to operate at a higher speed through the work limits?
No, no one may authorize a higher speed. Restricted Speed must be maintained.
Yes, the Dispatcher may authorize a higher speed through the working limits.
Yes, the Roadway Worker in Charge (RWIC) may specifically authorize a higher speed through the working limits.
Which of the following examples constitutes an imperfectly displayed signal aspect and what action is required?
A white light displayed where a colored light should be. Regard as the most restrictive indication and report the condition to the Control Station.
A clear signal aspect displayed leading into a block occupied by a train. Proceed at restricted speed.
A crossing gate broken or missing. Report the condition to the Control Station.
A stop signal aspect displayed after receiving a clear signal indication to enter the previous block. Report the condition to the Control Station.
To establish working limits using Train Coordination, a roadway worker must communicate with the Engineer, or Conductor if communication cannot be established with the Engineer, in control of a train or locomotive holding exclusive authority to move and must determine: -The train or controlling locomotive number. -The train or locomotive is visible to the roadway worker who is establishing working limits. -The train or locomotive is stopped. -That further movements of the train or locomotive will be made only as permitted by the roadway worker in charge of the working limits while the working limits remain in effect, and -The working limits are protected from other train and locomotive movements.
- Sidings - Restricted Speed not exceeding ____ MPH - All tracks other than main track and sidings - Restricted Speed not exceeding ___ MPH - Movements diverting through turnouts or crossovers - ___ MPH
15 10 15
20 15 15
10 20 20
15 15 15
A train receives a defect message from a detector for a Hot Wheel. After stopping the train, is it permissible for the train to perform a roll-by inspection?
Yes, not exceeding 10 mph
Solid loaded unit coal trains, and any solid loaded bulk commodity unit trains other than coal not exceeding 100 cars are authorized to use to the equivalent of __ powered axles on the head end.
Southbound Train 125 has a track authority not to depart the siding at Tasso (271 territory) until the arrival of northbound engine NS 7557. As a headlight appears in the distance, what actions should the crew of train 125 take to ensure positive train identification during the impending train meet?
Visually identify the lead locomotive number of the passing train is NS 7557, establish positive radio contact with the passing train, verbally communicate the lead locomotive number, confirm that the lead locomotive number corresponds to the Track Authority, and record the identity of the passing train in writing on the reverse side of the Track Authority Form.
Visually identify that the lead locomotive number of the passing train is NS 7557, establish positive radio contact with the passing train, and record the identity of the passing train in writing on the reverse side of the Track Authority Form if radio communication cannot be established.
Contact the Train Dispatcher / Control Operator to confirm the identity of the passing train.
Establish positive radio contact with the passing train based on train symbol and crew information.
RWIC Smith is in charge of working limits in 271 territory between milepost 12 and 14. RWIC Smith has authorized other roadway work groups to occupy these limits. Local D67 needs to switch an industry located at milepost 12.5. Is it permissible for local D67 to enter the same working limits as RWIC Smith?
No, the rule prohibits trains in the same limits as roadway work groups.
Yes, after receiving verbal permission from RWIC Smith
Yes, after receiving verbal permission from the dispatcher.
Yes, after receiving a track authority from the dispatcher and verbal permission from RWIC Smith.
Referencing the below image and noting the type of equipment involved, at which location(s) is it permissible to mount/dismount moving equipment? Note, the tank car pictured below is NOT equipped with 2 vertical grab irons.
4 and 5
1 and 5
When conducting a Transfer Train brake test, after the train is charged to not less than 60 PSI as indicated by a gauge at the rear or end-of-train device, a 15 PSI brake pipe service reduction must be made and it must be determined that the brakes on each car are applied and remain applied until the release is initiated from the controlling locomotive. What is the maximum distance a crew could travel with these cars before triggering a Class I Brake Test?
20 miles
1000 miles
3000 miles
This test is only for moving cars within the confines of a yard, if the train left the yard, a Class I Initial Terminal Brake Test would be performed.
The following sign indicates that you are about to pass the designated distant signal that governs the approach to an automatic interlocking. Trains or engines must proceed prepared to stop approaching an automatic interlocking-railroad crossing at grade when: - Stopped while approaching or after passing the designated distant signal. - Moving less than ____ MPH approaching or after passing the designated distant signal.
To slow or stop a train when the dynamic brake is not available, or when necessary for proper train handling, the initial brake pipe reduction of 5 to 8 PSI should be made while working power, keeping the locomotive brake released. After the air brakes have taken effect throughout the train, throttle setting should be reduced gradually, keeping the train stretched. Additional brake applications of 2 to 3 PSI may be made to further reduce speed, keeping the locomotive brake released. These reductions should total at least ____ PSI to ensure that the train brakes fully release. After placing the automatic brake valve in release position, gradually reduce throttle to keep in-train forces at safe levels while train brakes are releasing.
The issuance of a Track Authority that includes a Box 6 'Do Not Depart until the Arrival Of' is prohibited in _________________ territory.
When must individuals located in the cab of the controlling locomotive, and all occupants of On-Track equipment, cease all communication unrelated to the safe movement of the train or On-Track equipment:
When receiving, copying or repeating a mandatory directive
When clearing or OSing a Track Authority.
When making a positive determination that a train for which the movement is restricted has passed.
For roadway workers, when granting joint occupancy or when confirming that all employees granted a joint occupancy are in the clear.
All of the above.
Prior to entering a Controlled Point, to confirm if the Controlled Point is included in the Track Authority limits.  ____ mile(s) in advance of the milepost limit of the Track Authority, when mileposts are used as a designated limit of the Track Authority, to confirm the current milepost and the plan to stop at the designated milepost limit of the Track Authority.
You have just attempted to perform a C-102 on a Triple Crown train and have advised the dispatcher that the locomotive parking brakes are insufficient to hold the train. What are your options?
Arrange for an alternate means of securement, such as adding additional locomotives for increased braking.
Arrange for a different location to leave the train where the locomotive hand brakes are able to hold the train.
Remain on the train until it is ready to be moved by another crew.
All of the above are viable options.
Anytime the temperature is below, or anticipated to drop below ____ degrees, the Engineer must leave all unattended locomotives running and throttled up from the controlling locomotive as follows:  Place the reverser in neutral position with the lever inserted.  Place the selector handle, when equipped, in motoring position.  Open the generator field switch or circuit breaker on each control stand.  Place the isolation switch in RUN position.  Place throttle in Position ____.
10 2
15 2
10 1
15 1
Trains carrying 20 or more loaded tank cars of Class 3 (flammable liquid) are restricted to ____ MPH within High Threat Urban Areas (HTUA).
Operating rule 223 "Equipment Left Standing" states, in part, that equipment must not be left fouling any adjacent track, except equipment may be left on a yard switching lead, fouling a yard track, provided the switch is lined for the yard switching lead. Assuming that all of the switches below are properly lined, and the equipment is unattended, which of the following scenarios are not in compliance with the rules regarding equipment left standing.
All of the above
The headlight facing the direction of movement on every train and engine must be displayed brightly by day and night. After notifying the Dispatcher, how may the train proceed if all headlight bulbs fail en route? (NOTE: These restrictions do not apply when the train has operable auxiliary lights.)
Ringing the bell continuously and sounding the horn frequently.
Approaching all public crossings prepared to stop and not exceeding 20 MPH over crossing (head end only).
Reducing speed at other locations as conditions warrant, not exceeding 50 MPH at night.
All of the above
A single light locomotive must not enter a rail-highway grade crossing equipped with automatic warning devices until: - Warning lights have been activated at least ___ seconds and gates, if equipped, have been in the horizontal position for at least ___ seconds, or - Crossing is protected by flag.
20 5
30 10
20 10
15 5
When tying down a Key Train, under what circumstances can a crew be relieved from performing a C-102 test of the equipment's securement?
Air brakes can be depended upon to hold unattended Key Trains.
Division or Terminal instructions will govern where it has been verified that the required number of operative handbrakes will secure the equipment with the air brakes released.
A C-102 test must always be performed on a Key Train to determine the applied handbrakes will secure the equipment with the air brakes released
The Conductor of Train 196 operating northward on the main track notifies the Train Dispatcher by radio their movement is stopping due to receiving a Critical Alarm while passing over the Stress State Detector (SSD) at Flat Rock, Kentucky (MP 186.0) The crew inspected the 18th head car for an Imbalanced load and found no defects. Following their visual inspection, Train 196 may proceed to a location designated by Division Timetable where the car must be set out not exceeding:
30 MPH
25 MPH
20 MPH
15 MPH
A train receives a "NO DEFECTS" message from a detector prior to clearing the detector. -The train is not a Key Train or Passenger Train. -There is no erratic operation of the train. -The previous detector over which the train passed detected "NO DEFECTS". After notifying the train dispatcher/control operator and the Help Desk of the detector failure, how may the train proceed?
This train may NOT proceed. It must be stopped and inspected.
This train may proceed at a speed not to exceed 30 MPH to the next siding, double track, or yard location where it must be stopped and inspected.
This train may proceed, in accordance with existing authority, at a speed not to exceed 30 MPH to the next detector.
This train may proceed, in accordance with existing authority, at authorized speed to the next detector.
Train 185 with 170 cars, 12,900 tons and pusher service attached in power experiences an emergency brake application at 29 MPH. Train 185 is not a key train and is not in a turnout or crossover. If the brake pipe pressure restores on the rear, would a visual inspection of Train 185 be required? Why?
Yes, a visual inspection is required for all trains that experience an emergency brake application
No, a visual inspection is not required because the emergency brake application occurred at a speed above 25 MPH, and the train is not a Key Train.
Yes, a visual inspection is required due to Train 185 having pusher service in power mode.
No, a visual inspection is not required because excessive power is not required to start and keep the train moving.
When adjusting couplers or coupling air hoses between equipment on a bowl (classification) track in an automated hump yard, train & engine service employees must know that the switch providing access from the hump has been lined against the movement to that track and the control lever for that switch has been blocked. How do you arrange for this protection?
Attain protection from the Hump Yardmaster
Attain protection from the Hump Crew.
Manually lock out the switches at the hump end of the bowl
You have just been notified by the Dispatcher that your train has left on 2 consecutive tracks and that you must stop and inspect your train. What type of inspection must be performed?
A standing inspection of both sides of the equipment.
A standing inspection of only one side of the equipment.
A roll by inspection of one side of the train, not exceeding 10 MPH.
A roll by inspection of both sides of the train, not exceeding 10 MPH.
If the below pictured Track Authority was copied in Rule 271 territory, how far would the authority extend?
The first siding switch at Sparks or the station sign if there is no siding at Sparks.
The second siding switch at Sparks on the Main Track, or the station sign if there is no siding at Sparks.
The south siding switch at Sycamore.
To the station sign at Sycamore.
Operating Rule 215 "Shoving Equipment at Any Location" allows a train to back up a distance equal to that train's length on a main track or signaled siding without a crewmember at, on, or ahead of the movement provided that the crew knows the train's length, and the movement: - Does not exceed the train's authority. - Does not enter or foul a public or private road crossing, or pedestrian crossing. - Is not made into or within yard limits, Form Y limits, drawbridges or railroad crossings at grade. - Does not pass any signal requiring Stop or Restricted Speed. - Does not pass a Controlled Point unless a member of the crew is in position to continuously observe the signal governing the shoving movement and determine that the train's movement has occupied the circuit evidenced by that signal assuming its most restrictive aspect. - Does not exceed ___ MPH.
Which of the following situations can a Key Train or rail cars meeting the definition of a Key Train be left unattended outside of a yard or terminal?
An on-duty crew during normal switching activity tying down equipment on a siding while switching a customer adjacent to the siding.
The Train Dispatcher authorizes tying down a Key Train while waiting for yard congestion to clear ahead.
The Train Dispatcher authorizes tying down a Key Train on the Mainline account a rock slide ahead.
All of the above.
While shoving into a track where Shove Lights are being used, the crewmember directing the shove movement must communicate with the Engineer/RCO at least every ____ car lengths during the shove.
When shutting down locomotives, DO NOT open the battery knife switch in which of the following situations?
When locomotives are shut down and moving in a consist.
When locomotives will be utilized within 2 hours.
When locomotives are equipped with AESS, Smart Start, or APU systems.
All of the above.
Both A and B only.
When any train is stopped, the crew will inquire on the length of delay and obtain updates on this information. If there will be a delay of _____ minutes or more, all locomotives except the controlling locomotive must be shut down.
The Take Action point is indicated by white reflective markers on the crosstie. If the Take Action point is not present or visible, it will be considered ____ feet (______ car lengths) beyond the Skate Retarders.
100 (2)
125 (2 and half)
150 (3)
225 (4 and half)
Train 29M is built and ready to depart the yard with the following consist from the head end: - 2 locomotives, 20 loaded multi-levels, and 74 empty multi-levels. At what speed must train 29M be operated? Why?
The train is restricted with a maximum speed of 30 MPH account the train has both loaded and empty multi-level equipment.
The train is unrestricted and can operate at the timetable maximum authorized speed account it is a solid multi-level train.
The train is restricted with a maximum speed of 25 MPH account there are more than 70 empty multi-levels in a solid block on the rear.
In the event of an activation failure of a highway-rail grade crossing warning system and an appropriately equipped flagger(s) is in place to provide warning to highway traffic, trains may proceed with caution through the crossing at a speed not exceeding ____ MPH.
During the countdown to a coupling, the Conductor using a railroad radio to direct the movement, notifies the Engineer the track is clear for 5 cars lengths. The Engineer must stop within ____ car lengths unless additional instructions are received from the Conductor.
When reporting "clear" of track authority limits in non-signaled territory at a main track hand-throw switch, when must the employee report to the Dispatcher that all main track switches operated have been restored to their normal position and locked?
Prior to departing the switch location.
Before releasing the authority limits.
Before going off duty.
Both (a) and (b)
Except when an on-duty crew is leaving properly secured cars unattended during normal railroad activity (ex. Switching activity), the Conductor or Engineer must notify the Train Dispatcher of the following information prior to leaving the equipment unattended:
Number of handbrakes applied and the performance of a successful C-102 handbrake test.
Tonnage and length of train or railcars, grade of the track in the tie down location, and any relevant weather conditions.
Train type, e.g. intermodal, mixed freight, coal train, etc.
Location of the reverser if removed from the controlling locomotive
All of the above
While running on an Approach signal, ______ from the planned stopping location, the crew must confirm the plan for stopping short of the next signal, and a fixed signal stopping point, distance or landmark, located short of the next signal.
1 Mile
2 Miles
1/2 Mile
1 Signal Away
A Conductor working a local is riding a box car while directing a shove move into a customer facility and is approaching a crossing equipped with cross bucks. Is the Conductor required to be on the ground to warn traffic prior to allowing the movement to occupy the crossing?
No, this is never required.
Yes, but only if there is traffic approaching or stopped at the crossing.
Yes, always.
You are stopped on a 5,000 foot solid bulk commodity train waiting on signal indication to proceed. You then receive a clear signal and begin to pull. After pulling approximately 3,000 feet your train goes into emergency, but you notice that the brake pipe pressure is being restored at the rear of your train. After the air is fully restored, is a visual inspection of your train required before proceeding, and must a slow order be issued for that section of affected track?
A visual inspection is required, and a slow order of 30 MPH will be issued by the Train Dispatcher.
A visual inspection is not required because the train is a solid bulk commodity train. Additionally, a track inspection is not required, and no slow order will be issued by the Train Dispatcher because you were pulling from a stop at the time of the emergency brake application.
Helper/pusher locomotive(s) cut off at the completion of helper/pusher service will be considered as having no assigned direction until authorized by the Train Dispatcher. Can an assigned direction be authorized in advance of detaching from the train being assisted? Will the location for detaching the helper/pusher locomotives also have to be approved by the Dispatcher?
Yes, Yes
No, No
Yes, No
No, Yes
The FRA Establishment Log, a report of the FRA reportable injuries and occupational illnesses for a designated establishment, is now posted at which of the following locations?
Yard Office
Division Office
Key Trains carrying 20 or more loaded tank cars of _____________________ are restricted to ____ MPH within High Threat Urban Areas (HTUA).
Crude Oil, 40
Any Class 3 Flammable Liquid, 40
Crude Oil, 35
Ethanol, 40
Referencing the below image, at which of the locations would it be permissible to mount and dismount moving equipment? (NOTE: The area to the left of the dotted line represents tracks that are within a yard or terminal. The area to the right of the dotted line represents tracks that are outside of a yard or terminal.)
1, 4
2, 3
3, 4
Reference the below image: After copying a track authority authorizing movement into 171 territory, this train receives a Restricting signal at CP Mike. How long must the train proceed at Restricted Speed?
1 mile or 1 train length beyond the limits of CP Mike. Whichever of the two is greater.
Until the rear end of the train clears the limits of CP Mike.
Until the head end of the train clears the limits of CP Mike.
Until the head end of the train clears the turnout at CP Mike.
After arrival at the final yard or terminal destination, a placarded tank car loaded with Chlorine (UN1017) (Toxic Inhalation Hazard - TIH) must be delivered to the customer's facility:
At the next available switch.
Within 24 hours.
Within 36 hours.
Within 48 hours.
When handling placarded hazardous material shipments, the definition of switching does NOT include moving rail cars to or from a shippers facility or an industrial track into or out of the yard:
The standard air pressure setting for the main reservoir is:
125 - 140
130 - 140
135 - 140
{"name":"RULES", "url":"","txt":"How far in advance of a meeting or waiting point must the Conductor remind the Engineer that their authority to proceed is restricted?, In 261 double-track territory, Train 17M announces it has brakes in emergency Westbound on Main Track # 2 at CP Howell. Train 119 is travelling Westbound on the adjacent track, and hears 17M's radio announcement. How must Train 119 proceed?, Employees directing a shoving movement must:","img":""}
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