3 Main Paths to Career Success - Which is right for you?
People often think there is only one main path - to move up in an organization.  Yet so many people reach mid-career unhappy in their work and wondering why.  There are actually 3 main paths to career success.  Finding which path is right for you will help you make smarter choices with future career moves and help you feel more fulfilled by your work.
Take the assessment to find out which path is right for you!
Select the statement in each pair that more closely represents you.

If I'm not learning and growing at work, I start to feel less satisfied with my job.
I relish learning a subject well, reaching a level of expertise.
Even when I’m not the leader of a team, 
People often look to me to lead in an informal way.
I leverage my expertise to influence the direction the team's work is taking.
I enjoy following thought leaders
In my field, staying on top of changes in approaches and technology.
In areas that are new to me, as I love learning about potential opportunities.
I’m often recognized for my innovative approach to challenges and opportunities.
I relish being the go-to expert in my organization/department.
I have clearly defined goals that will get me where I want to go.
I follow an unconventional career path, moving across functional areas and industries.
Having time for my personal life is more important to me than getting to the top of an organization.
My work is so consuming, I don't have many outside interests.
There are so many things I want to do, it’s hard to choose only one career path.
I'm very focused, and have clear goals for myself that I'm working to accomplish.
I know how to make things happen in my organization.
I don't like the internal politics in my organization, but I know how to maneuver through them.
I prefer to be the one setting the direction for the team, rather than executing someone else's vision.
I'm interested in growing my career, but I'm not that concerned with reaching the top.
Following a well-worn career path feels too constraining to me.
I have a good sense of where I want my career to grow.
I can get lost in my work and lose track of time when I'm deep into a project.
I love digging into a new project.
I sometimes get antsy if I’m in the same position too long.
It's comforting to know my career path is clearly defined.
I love to try new things,
And I’m OK if some of them don’t work.
But I'm hard on myself if they don't work out.
I'm open to changing careers to better suit my evolving interests.
I invest time in this career path, knowing it will pay off in long term career success.
I prefer my manager gives me the general direction of what they are looking for and then gives me the latitude to define the project from there, putting my own stamp on it.
I like to come up with great ideas and prefer my manager offers their support to see it through.
I take pride in accomplishments that earn me recognition.
I take pride in assignments that earn me a promotion.
I seek/ would like to seek out-of-the-box experiences (e.g. sabbatical, Peace Corp, a summer in Costa Rica) in between stints of work.
I'm focused on growing my career right now. There will be more time for fun later.
I like to be the one in charge.
I like time alone sometimes to focus on work I'm proud of.
I'm good at hiding what I'm really thinking, which helps when I have to go along with something I don't agree with.
If I don't agree with the direction of a project, it's hard for me to hide it.
I prefer to do work that challenges me, rather than the administrative work of managing others.
I enjoy advancing my career, even if it means I spend more time in meetings than doing work that challenges me.
Keep a running list of ideas I want to pursue
Focus on 1 or 2 areas of interest rather than spreading myself too thin in lots of different directions
It’s important to me to:
Do work I’m proud of
Have the latitude to create new solutions to complex problems
When managing others:
I enjoy developing them and seeing how far they grow under my guidance.
I’m excited to see how we as a team can create something innovative that changes how others see the work.
I have or would be willing to turn down a promotion because I like what I'm doing more.
I don't want to risk future career growth by turning down a promotion, even though I'd love more time for my personal life.
What type of organization do you work for?
Please Specify:
{"name":"3 Main Paths to Career Success - Which is right for you? People often think there is only one main path - to move up in an organization. Yet so many people reach mid-career unhappy in their work and wondering why. There are actually 3 main paths to career success. Finding which path is right for you will help you make smarter choices with future career moves and help you feel more fulfilled by your work. Take the assessment to find out which path is right for you! Select the statement in each pair that more closely represents you.", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"I take pride in my accomplishments that earn me a promotion., I love starting new projects or teams, energized by the thrill of the unknown that I get to figure out., Even when I’m not the leader of a team, people often look to me to lead in an informal way.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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