American Women's Studies: How Much Do You Know?

Women are more likely than men to be harassed online, in general.
Women are less likely to be convicted as well as get shorter sentences than men for doing the same crimes, in general.
Women are more interested in watching and participating in sports than men, in general.
Sex differences in personality traits are larger in prosperous, healthy, and egalitarian cultures in which women have more opportunities equal with those of men.
In general, boys (9-32 months) played with male-typed toys more than female-typed toys and girls (9-32 months) played with female-typed toys more than male-typed toys.
Women account for ___% of US consumer spending.
In general, men are ___% stronger than women in brute strength.
What is the rate of women likely to be raped or sexually assaulted on campus?
1 in 3
1 in 4
1 in 5
1 in 10
1 in 25
1 in 30
1 in 44
1 in 52
Which of the following news topics are statistically more interesting to women than men? (Check all that apply.)
Health and Safety
International Affairs
Natural Disasters
Which of the following statements about overall differences between men and women have been proven to be attributed to the brain? (Check all that apply.)
Females are great multi-taskers, while men excel in highly task-focused projects.
Males tend to be more spiritual than females, while females tend to be more secular.
Females tend to sense a lot more of what is going on around them throughout the day, and they retain that sensorial information more than males.
Males have less variety in personalities than females do.
Females are more descriptive when discussing feelings and emotions and senses, and they tend to have more interest in talking about these things than males.
Males tend to analyze an emotive memory and then move on or they change course and do something active and unrelated to feelings rather than analyze their feelings at all. ; Females will often ruminate on and revisit emotional memories more than the male brain.
Females tend to cooperate better in pairs with other females than males cooperate in pairs with other males.
Males tend to be less inclined to sit still for as long as females.
Females think about sex more often than males do, but males think about sex in a wider variety of ways.
Males tend to be more physically impulsive and aggressive than females.
Which of the following statements about women in education are statistically proven? (Check all that apply.)
High school boys had superior overall academic high school records compared to girls.
High school girls had superior overall academic high school records compared to boys.
There are more men than women enrolled in college.
There are more women than men enrolled in college.
Men are more likely than women to have a Bachelor's degree.
Women are more likely than men to have a Bachelor's degree.
Which of the following statements about domestic abuse are statistically proven? (Check all that apply.)
Domestic violence is more likely to be mutual or initiated by men more than by women.
Domestic violence is more likely to be mutual or initiated by women more than by men.
Heterosexual women reported levels of intimate partner violence and sexual violence equal to or higher than those of homosexuals.
Lesbian women reported levels of intimate partner violence and sexual violence equal to or higher than those of heterosexuals.
Which of the following statements about domestic abuse are shown to be true by social experiments? (Check all that apply.)
When a man is abused by a woman in public, spectators are more likely to protect the victim.
When a woman is abused by a man in public, spectators are more likely to protect the victim.
When a man is abused by a woman in public, spectators are more likely to ridicule (or laugh at) the victim.
When a woman is abused by a man in public, spectators are more likely to ridicule (or laugh at) the victim.
Which of the following statements about child abuse are statistically proven? (Check all that apply.)
Mothers are less likely to abuse their child(ren) than fathers are.
Mothers are more likely to abuse their child(ren) than fathers are.
Mothers are less likely to abuse their child(ren) with their partner (who is not the father) than fathers are.
Mothers are more likely to abuse their child(ren) with their partner (who is not the father) than fathers are.
Mothers are less likely to kill their child(ren) than fathers are.
Mothers are more likely to kill their child(ren) than fathers are.
Which of the following statements about divorce are statistically proven? (Check all that apply.)
Men initiate over 2/3rds of divorces.
Women initiate over 2/3rds of divorces.
Men are more likely to commit suicide after divorce than women.
Men are less likely to commit suicide after divorce than women.
Women are more likely to divorce a breadwinner husband than stay-at-home husband.
Women are more likely to divorce a stay-at-home husband than breadwinner husband.
Which of the following statements about abortion are statistically proven? (Check all that apply.)
There is a bigger divide of opinion on abortion between the sexes than political parties.
There is a bigger divide of opinion on abortion between political parties than the sexes.
Men are more likely to support abortion than women.
Women are more likely to support abortion than men.
Men are more likely to oppose abortion than women.
Women are more likely to oppose abortion than men.
Which of the following factors are NOT included in regards to the $0.77-$0.79 alleged gender wage gap for the same work? (Check all that apply.)
Full-Time Hours
Health & Other Benefits
Median Annual Income
Overtime Hours
Parental Status (Including Amount of Children)
Part-Time Hours
Vacation/Time Off
Willingness to Negotiate Pay or Ask for Raise
Type of Work (Field, Responsibilities, Conditions [including safety])
Which of the following statements are true in regards to the Equal Rights Amendment? (Check all that apply.)
The ERA does not protect women against involuntary military service; Require women to register to the military draft equal to men.
The ERA asserts gender over all other factors in some financial matters including: cost, effectiveness, experience, proven gender-differences, choice preferences, merit, talent/skills and others.
The ERA could eliminate gender-specific bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons and other public facilities.
Women supported the ERA but it failed to pass due to overwhelming opposition by men.
The ERA was originally written by Gloria Steinem in 1967 and campaigned for in 1969.
Supporters of the ERA wrote the names of opponents in pigs' blood on the floors of the Illinois state capitol in 1982 after it failed to pass.
The Stop ERA campaign was started (and successfully accomplished) by a female lawyer named Phyllis Schlafly.
Two female representatives of labor unions voiced opposition to the ERA, arguing that it would threaten protective legislation based on gender difference.
How do women respond to other women – who are thin and/or in shape - dressing sexy as opposed to conservatively? (Check all that apply.)
Women rated conservative-dressed women as having more bitchy behavior (including negative facial expressions - looks of disgust, eye rolls etc. - dismissive/avoidant behavior, ‘‘once-overs/death stares’’, body posture, back biting or mocking, sarcastic tone of voice, and fake smiles) than sexy-dressed women.
Women rated sexy-dressed women as having more bitchy behavior (including negative facial expressions - looks of disgust, eye rolls etc. - dismissive/avoidant behavior, ‘‘once-overs/death stares’’, body posture, back biting or mocking, sarcastic tone of voice, and fake smiles) than conservative-dressed women.
Women felt more anger around the conservative-dressed women and more happy around the sexy-dressed women.
Women felt more anger around the sexy-dressed women and more happy around the conservative-dressed women.
Women made more negative comments - in front of and behind the back of - the conservative-dressed women than the sexy-dressed women.
Women made more negative comments - in front of and behind the back of - the sexy-dressed women than the conservative-dressed women.
Women laughed at the conservative-dressed women more than the sexy-dressed women.
Women laughed at the sexy-dressed women more than the conservative-dressed women.
Women rated the conservative-dressed women as more attractive than the sexy-dressed women.
Women rated the sexy-dressed women as more attractive than the conservative-dressed women.
Women trusted their boyfriend around the conservative-dressed women more than the sexy-dressed women.
Women trusted their boyfriend around the sexy-dressed women more than the conservative-dressed women.
Women were more likely to be friends with the conservative-dressed women than the sexy-dressed women.
Women were more likely to be friends with the sexy-dressed women than the conservative-dressed women.
Which of the following statements are proven true in regards to single mothers? (Check all that apply.)
A child in a female-headed home is 10x more likely to be beaten or murdered.
Of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders, 85% come from single-parent households.
Of high school dropouts, 70% come from single mother homes.
Following divorce, children are 50% more likely to develop health problems than two parent families.
Of all homeless and runaway children, 90% come from single-parent households.
Of rapists motivated with displaced anger, 80% come from single-parent households.
Of teen pregnancies, 70% come from single mother homes.
Of teen substance abusers, 70% come from single mother homes.
Of youth suicides, as well as nationwide suicides, 63% come from single-parent households.
Of welfare recipients, 90% are single mothers.
Of all single-parent families in the US, 84% are headed by single mothers over fathers.
From Millennials to the Silent Generation, more than half of each generation believes that being raised by a single parent is a bad thing for American society.
Single mothers have a lower divorce rate than women without children.
Of all single mothers, 63% live in poverty.
Of all single mothers, 78% are college-educated.
Which of the following are legitimate criticisms of American feminist groups? (Check all that apply.)
They attempt to curb freedom of speech in favor of feelings (ie Ban "Bossy") while proclaiming to stand for freedom of choice.
They immediately attack women against feminism and label them as "ignorant" or "misogynist" or otherwise denigrate their choice to be an anti-feminist in some way or another. (Failing to acknowledge any negatives, bad experiences with or shortcomings of feminism whatsoever.)
They claim to stand for "equality of the sexes" but only pursue issues that negatively affect women.
They push for equal placement of women in white-collar jobs in the name of "equality" but turn a blind eye to the gender gap in blue-collar jobs.
They claim to stand for "equality under the law" but never address the fact that women get less time for the same crimes as men.
They should not push for women to be in the workplace because women should not have the choice to work or opt out of having a family.
They support domestic abuse prevention for women but do not support domestic abuse prevention for men, while claiming not to favor one gender over the other.
They advocate against slut-shaming and for women having casual sex with the claim that "women should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies" but advocate against legalized prostitution.
They advocate for women being able to wear whatever they want, regardless of men's feelings or reactions but body-shame thin and/or in-shape women in the media for the feelings and reactions spurred in women.
They only advocate for lesbian women while claiming to represent "all women".
They advocate for equal placement rather than equal opportunity.
They advocate for working women and mothers but not for stay at home wife and mothers while claiming to represent "all women".
They advocate against abuse of adult women but do nothing to stop abuse of children by adult women – especially mothers.
They blame "systematic oppression" when men are perceived to be better off than women but blame "natural gender differences" when women are perceived to be better off than men.
They focus more on the gender of a person, representing the genders as uniformed/unvaried groups, rather than focusing on the individual personalities of people; Committing sexism themselves.
They claim to have fought for women's RIGHT to work traditionally male jobs and receive an education but the reality is that they fought for ENCOURAGEMENT to work traditionally male jobs and receive an education. (Only rights fought for and attained by feminist groups were the right to vote in 1920 and abortion in 1973.)
Which of the following are true "first accomplishments" by American women?
Margaret Corbin, the first female soldier in American history to receive a pension, fought in the Revolutionary War (1775-1783).
Elizabeth Hoisington, the first female soldier in American history to receive a pension, fought in the war in Vietnam (1955-1975).
Anna Leah Fox was the first woman to receive the Purple Heart in 1942.
Karen Offutt was the first woman to receive the Purple Heart in 1970.
Lettie Pate Whitehead was the first woman to serve as a director of a major corporation (The Coca-Cola Company) in 1934.
Jean Faust was the first woman to serve as a director of a major corporation (National Organization for Women) in 1969.
Harriet Quimby was the first woman to be licensed as an airplane pilot in America in 1911.
Amelia Earhart was the first woman to be licensed as an airplane pilot in America in 1921.
Which of the following are true "first accomplishments" by American women?
Louise Blanchard Bethune was the first woman to work as a professional architect in America in 1876.
Diana Agrest was the first woman to work as a professional architect in America in 1969.
Ann Franklin became the first female newspaper editor in America in 1762.
Ida Mary Inman became the first female newspaper editor in America in 1936.
Marie Luhring was the first woman in America to become an automotive engineer in 1920.
Sara Christian was the first woman in America to become an automotive engineer in 1949.
Anne McDowell was the first American woman to publish a newspaper completely run by women (titled, "Women's Advocate") in 1855.
Susan B. Anthony was the first American woman to publish a newspaper completely run by women (titled, "The Revolution") in 1868.
Which of the following are true "first accomplishments" by American women?
Elizabeth Blackwell becomes the first woman in the U.S. With a medical degree in 1849.
Emma Willits becomes the first woman in the U.S. With a medical degree in 1921.
Ellen Swallow Richards was the first woman admitted to MIT (which made her the first accepted to any school of science or technology), and the first American woman to earn a degree in Chemistry in 1873.
Gertrude B. Elion was the first woman admitted to MIT (which made her the first accepted to any school of science or technology), and the first American woman to earn a degree in Chemistry in 1967.
Edith Wharton was the first woman in America to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1921.
Hazel Brannon Smith was the first woman in America to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1964.
Jane Addams was the first woman in America to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.
Maria Goeppert Mayer was the first woman in America to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1963.
Which of the following are true "first accomplishments" by American women?
Genevieve R. Cline was the first woman appointed as a United States federal judge in 1928.
Julia Cooper Mackwas the first woman appointed as a United States federal judge in 1975.
Arabella Mansfield was the first female lawyer in America; she was admitted to the Iowa bar in 1869.
Florence E. Allen was the first female lawyer in America; she was admitted to the Ohio bar in 1922.
Frances Perkins was the first woman to serve as a cabinet member, as well as the first woman to serve as Secretary of Labor, in 1933.
Patricia Roberts Harris was the first woman to serve as a cabinet member, as well as the first woman to serve as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare in 1977.
Jeannette Rankin, of Montana, was the first woman in America to be elected to Congress in 1916.
Margaret Chase Smith, of Maine, was the first woman in America to be elected to Congress in 1949.
Susanna M. Salter was elected mayor of Argonia, Kansas becoming the first woman mayor in the country in 1887.
Lillian Cox Gault was elected mayor of Argonia, Kansas becoming the first woman mayor in the country in 1921.
Victoria Woodhull was the first woman to run for President of the United States in 1872.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was the first woman to run for President of the United States in 2016.
{"name":"American Women's Studies: How Much Do You Know?", "url":"","txt":"How much do you know about online harassment, sex differences, sexual assault, women and education, domestic abuse, divorce, stay-at-home mothers, abortion, gender wage gap, Equal Rights Amendment, feminism and more?","img":"","hash":"#womensmarch, #WomensMarchOnWashington, #WomensRights, #womensrightsarehumanrights, #womenempowerment, #WomensRevolution, #genderequality, #humanrights, #equality, #feminism, #sistermarches, #WomenMatter, #girls, #ladies, #women, #WomenAgainstFeminism, #FeminismIsCancer, #antifeminism, #FeminismIsAwful, #everydaysexism, #IStandWithWomen, #feminine, #embracefemininity, #SelfWorth, #DivineFeminine, #equalbutdifferent, #balance, #fatherless, #SingleMoms, #parentsmatter, #familiesmatter, #childrenfirst, #YesAllWomen, #genderwagegap, #EqualRightsAmendment, #tothegirls"}
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