Science Fair Project- Can adults pass an 8th grade science test?

What is your age?
18 to 24
25 to 34
35 to 44
45 to 54
55 to 64
65 to 70
What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?
Less than secondary school qualifications
Secondary school qualifications (GCSE, A-level, etc.)
Some university but no degree
Foundation degree
Bachelor degree
Post-graduate degree
If you pour water onto a sheet of wax paper, the water forms drops that are flat on the bottom and round on the top. Why does the water arrange itself in this shape?
Cohesion causes the water molecules to be attracted to the wax paper
Cohesion causes the water molecules to be attracted the one another.
Adhesion causes the water molecules to be attracted to one another.
Adhesion causes the water molecules to be attracted to the wax paper.
Which of the following statements about a river is true?
Rivers cannot drain into other rivers.
Wetlands cannot drain into rivers.
Water from the ocean cannot enter a river
Rivers flow until they reach a place to drain into.
Which of the following must occur before mitosis can begin?
The cytoplasm must divide.
Double-stranded chromosomes must line up at the center of the ce
The chromosomes must duplicate.
The spindle fibers must appear.
Which of the following is a risk of overusing antibiotics to treat infections?
Bacteria become resistant to the antibiotics.
Antibiotics increase the rate of the infection.
Antibiotics cause other diseases to develop.
Antibiotics only work once.
A student wants to do a research project about estuaries. Which of the following bodies of water would they most likely study?
Lake Erie
Mississippi River
Gulf of Mexico
Chesapeake Bay
A scientist wants to study the effects of acid rain on the water quality in a lake. Which of the following pieces of equipment would be most useful?
PH meter
Dissolved oxygen meter
Approximately 70% of Earth's surface is covered with water. What percentage of water is salt water contained in oceans?
Carlos has two unidentified liquids labeled A and B. The liquids look similar, but they are different colors. Carlos needs to determine if the two liquids have the same density. To do this, he combines the two. Will combining the liquids help Carlos determine if the densities are the same?
No, it will not be possible to tell them apart once they are mixed.
Yes, the liquids will form separate layers if their densities are different.
Yes, a reaction will occur if the densities are different.
No, density has nothing to do with how the liquids mix.
Mercury is a toxic metal that is found in small amounts in some species of fish, such as tuna. Mercury poisoning affects the nervous system and brain function. Why do doctors recommend that pregnant women limit the amount of fish they eat?
Tuna can make pregnant women nauseous.
Tuna can cause heart disease in pregnant women.
Eating tuna can cause mercury poisoning in a fetus.
Mercury makes tuna taste bad.
Which of the following structures is responsible for breaking down waste and worn-out cell parts?
Salmonella bacteria are commonly present in eggs. These bacteria are killed when the eggs are cooked. Several hours after dinner, a woman begins suffering from stomach cramps, diarrhea and a fever. She tells her doctor that she ate a Caesar salad that had a dressing made with raw eggs. What does her doctor conclude is the most likely cause of her illness?
Salmonella poisoning
The flu
E coli virus
A virus
Water circulating through pipes is often used to cool engines that produce large amounts of heat. Why is circulating water an effective method of cooling?
Water circulating through pipes is often used to cool engines that produce large amounts of heat. Why is circulating water an effective method of cooling?
The high specific heat of water allows it to absorb a lot of heat before it increases in temperature.
The low specific heat of water allows it to absorb a lot of heat before it increases in temperature.
The low specific heat of water allows it to cool off quickly.
You are given several unidentified substances and some water. If you use the water as a solvent, which of the following statements is true?
The water will dissolve both the non-polar and the polar substances.
The water will dissolve only the non-polar substances.
The water will not dissolve any of the substances.
The water will dissolve only the polar substances.
Which of the following is the easiest way for students to prevent the spread of bacteria while at school?
By keeping antibacterial tissues on the teacher's desk.
By regularly using antibacterial hand sanitizing gel throughout the day
By keeping antibacterial soap in the bathrooms
By wiping off desks with a dry paper towel at the end of class
Eric needs to determine if an unknown liquid is an acid or a base. He decides to do this by testing the reaction between the liquid and metal. How will this test help Eric determine if the liquid is an acid or a base?
The liquid will corrode if it is a base
The metal will corrode if it is an acid
The liquid will become a solid if it is a base.
The liquid will generate heat if it is a base
Mitochondria break down food and release energy for the cell. In which type of cell would you expect to find the most mitochondria?
Skin cells
Muscle cells
Nerve cells
Fat cells
Sally's daughter is not feeling well and needs to take some cold medicine. The directions say that children under 12 should take half a tablet every 4 hours but that adults should take one full tablet every 4 hours. Why should children take less of the medicine than adults?
A full-sized pill is too large for a child to swallow
The dosage is based on body weight, so children should take less medicine.
Children do not feel as sick as adults when they are ill
Most medicines are poisonous to children but not to adults
Miguel left a glass of ice water sitting on the table. After a few minutes, he noticed that water droplets were forming on the outside of the glass. What caused the water vapor in the air to condense onto the outside of the glass?
The air temperature surrounding the glass decreased
The water temperature inside the glass increased.
The temperature of the glass decreased
The temperature of the glass increased
Which of the statements about elements are true?
Elements are found only in nonliving things
The same element cannot be found in both living and nonliving things
The same element cannot be found in both living and nonliving things
Elements can combine to form both living and nonliving things
Which of the following statements about chemicals is true?
All chemicals are synthetic
Chemicals can be either synthetic or natural
Chemicals can be solids or liquids but not gases
All chemicals are harmful to humans
Index fossils are fossils of species that lived for only a short period of time and lived on many parts of the planet. How are index fossils useful to scientists?
They are used for naming new fossils
They are used to determine where unknown fossil is from
They are used to determine the age of an unknown fossil or rock layer
They are used to develop a list of all species that ever lived in a certain area
What are the structures that surround the cell of the paramecium and move it through water called?
False feet
Dr. Smith knows that many common chemicals can cause autoimmune diseases in humans. He designs an experiment to test the effects of several house hold chemicals on lab mice. Which of the following is a possible hypothesis that Dr. Smith could make about his experiment?
Artificial chemicals cause cancer in lab mice
Bleach and ammonia will cause autoimmune diseases in some cat
Household chemicals will lead to autoimmune diseases in some but not all lab mice
Household chemicals will cause autoimmune diseases in humans
{"name":"Science Fair Project- Can adults pass an 8th grade science test?", "url":"","txt":"What is your age?, What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?, If you pour water onto a sheet of wax paper, the water forms drops that are flat on the bottom and round on the top. Why does the water arrange itself in this shape?","img":""}
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