History 1.7 - 1.19

An artistic representation of Christopher Columbus setting sail with ships, surrounded by maps and symbols of the Dutch Revolt, vibrant colors

Exploring Columbus and the Dutch Revolt

Test your knowledge on the age of exploration, key historical reformers, and the causes of the Dutch Revolt. This quiz covers significant events that shaped European history, focusing on figures like Columbus and Jan Hus.

  • Multiple choice and checkbox questions
  • Open-ended responses for deeper thinking
  • Engage with history in a fun way!
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by NavigatingHistory42
In what year did Columbus find America?
What goals does Columbus have? (Multiple answers are correct)
Spreading Christianity
Capture slaves
Expand land
Discover a new route to the Indies.
Prove that the Earth isn’t flat
What are ways to expand your land? (Multiple answers correct)
Claiming it’s yours
Buying/Trading Land
Write the names of the four important Church Reformers. (In alphabetical order with only spaces seperating the names)
Why did Jan Hus get executed but the other Reformers didn’t? (No precise answer needed)
Example Q5 answer:
The printing press was discovered after Hus’ death. This allowed Erasmus, Calvin and Luther to spread their ideas easily and get many followers, and therefore the Church couldn’t execute them. Hus didn’t have that advantage. His ideas were local and he didn’t have many followers. The Church could easily execute him.
(Answer is an example, it’s fine if your answer is at least a little bit similar to mine)
Example Q5 answer:
The printing press was discovered after Hus’ death. This allowed Erasmus, Calvin and Luther to spread their ideas easily and get many followers, and therefore the Church couldn’t execute them. Hus didn’t have that advantage. His ideas were local and he didn’t have many followers. The Church could easily execute him.
(Answer is an example, it’s fine if your answer is at least a little bit similar to mine)
What were the causes of the Dutch Revolt? (Multiple answers correct)
Philips II
The States General
What was the death penalty for Protestants?
SMASHed to death
Burned at the stake
Drowned alive
Being licked by goats
What were Alva’s goals?
Arrest the ones involved in the Iconoclasm.
Wallop the Dutch people
Stop the unrest
Promote Christianity
What were French Protestants called?
In what year was Philips II not accepted as the Dutch King?
What happened in 1588?
Willem of Oranje was murdered
The Duke of Anjou fled
The end of the Eighty Years War
The formation of the Republic of the Netherlands
The Dutch were still searching for a new king
The Earl of Leicester fled the Netherlands
The Duke of Anjou died.
Balthasar Gérard
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