World History Pre Test

A visually engaging landscape illustrating key events in world history, featuring iconic landmarks, historical figures, and symbols representing different eras.

World History Pre Test

Test your knowledge of world history with this engaging quiz! Explore significant events, influential figures, and transformative movements that have shaped our past.


  • 46 thought-provoking questions
  • Multiple-choice format
  • Instant feedback on your answers
46 Questions12 MinutesCreated by ExploringHistory91
How are powers divided in a federal system?
The power is divided between the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
The power is divided among the judicial, legislative, and executive branches.
The power is divided between the monarchy and the Parliament.
The power is divided between the central and state governments.
What was the Magna Carta?
The formal summary of the rights and liberties of the people
The laws that reflected the customs and principles established over time
The document signed by King John, guaranteeing certain English Rights
The assertion that the power of kings came from God
Which of the following was a major reason for the Reformation?
Northern merchants resented paying taxes to the Church in Rome?
The church was threatening to excommunicate the king of France.
The pope in Rome insisted on speaking only Latin.
Martin Luther said he could interpret the Bible better than the pope.
Which of the following was agreed upon at the Council of Trent?
The Church’s interpretation of the Bible was final.
Selling indulgences was an appropriate practice
Local priests had to originate the process of excommunication.
Church and state should be separate.
How did Timur the Lame’s military activities affect the growth of the Ottoman Empire?
They had no effect on it.
They interrupted its growth
They helped it grow more rapidly.
They permanently ended its growth.
What contributed to the decline of both the Ottoman and Safavid Empires?
Natural disasters
Disruption in trade
Religious rebellions
Incompetent leadership
What major barrier hindered effective centralized government in Japan?
The power of the daimyo
The difficulties of collecting taxes
The dissatisfaction of the peasant class
The interference from Christian missionaries
What was the purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas signed by Portugal and Spain?
To divide up the trade routes in the East
To decrease conflict over the claiming of new lands
To promote cooperation in the sharing of technological advances
To create an alliance that would offset Dutch domination of sea routes
What did the encomienda system provide for New Spain?
More land
More settlers
Military protection
A cheap labor source
How did slavery in African and Muslim societies differ from slavery in the Americas?
People in African and Muslim societies could not escape their slavery.
Slavery in the Americas was based on race and heredity.
Enslaved people in African and Muslim societies could not rise socially.
The slavery in Africa and Muslim societies was based primarily on race.
Which war resulted in the beginning of the modern state system in Europe?
Seven Years’ War
Thirty Years’ War
War of the Spanish Succession
War of the Austrian Succession
What is the significance of the English Bill of Rights?
It established the group of government ministers known as the cabinet.
It allowed for the bloodless overthrow of King James II.
It made clear the limits of royal power.
It restored power to the monarch.
The declaration of Independence was written by
John Adams
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
Patrick Henry
In the 1700s, which of the following showed the influence of Enlightenment ideas?
A woman reading a novel
A woman allowing her child to have a smallpox vaccination
A man attending a salon
All answers are correct 
In what way did the bourgeoisie differ from other members of the Third Estate?
They believed in Enlightenment ideals.
They had more political power.
They were poor.
They were fond of expensive clothing and elegant living.
What was one important effect resulting from the political changes made at the Congress of Vienna?
Russia and Prussia joined forces to control France.
Nationalistic feelings grew in countries placed under foreign rule.
Monarchs in Austria, Russia, and Prussia agreed to share power with elected officials.
France managed to retain control over the Netherlands.
One of the first European composer to experiment with romanticism in music was
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Ludwig van Beethoven.
Joseph Turner.
Johann Sebastian Bach.
Which of the following was true about nationalism?
One’s greatest loyalty should not be to a king.
One’s greatest loyalty should be to a nation of people.
The nation of people should have a common culture.
All of the answers are true.
How did landowners and aristocrats view wealthy members of the middle class?
Regarded highly
Looked down upon
Saw as equals
Saw as outcasts
How did the philosophy of laissez-faire influence early industrialists?
With ideas of a free market governed by natural laws, not government rules
With ideas of an economy supported by tariffs on foreign goods
With ideas that the elite had a responsibility to give to charities.
All of the answers are correct.
What did it mean to be a dominion?
It meant that a country pledged its allegiance to the Catholic Church.
It meant that a country was domestically self-governing but part of the British Empire.
It meant that a country paid tariffs to another country for protection.
It meant that a country could not take part in international trade due to war.  
What does the phrase "manifest destiny" mean?
Native American should keep all their lands from coast to coast.
The American people had the right and the duty to rule North America from coast to coast.
The British government should always have a say in the U.S. Foreign affairs, but not domestic.
The United States had the right to expand its territory to any continent.
What happened as a result of the Berlin conference of 1884-1885?
France and Britain agreed to govern their African colonies jointly.
There was less fighting between African leaders and European powers.
African leaders gave suggestions for better relations with Europe.
Europeans divided Africa into colonies without consulting African leaders.
How were Muhammad Ali’s policies and European colonial policies similar?
Peasants were forced to grow cash crops instead of food.
Peasants lost their local chiefs in exchange for centralized power.
Muhammad Ali ruled as an indirect ruler of a British colony.
Like most local rulers, Muhammad Ali had little real power.  
Why was the Mexican Revolution fought?
To free Mexico from Spanish rule
To gain back the lands Mexico had lost to the United States
To overthrow the dictator ruling Mexico
To overthrow the emperor imposed by Napoleon III
What led to problem within the self-strengthening movement in China in the 1860s?
Empress Cixi did not support it.
Political rebellions interrupted its progress.
Chinese officials feared that their positions would be threatened.
China suffered increasing foreign influence.
What is the policy of glorifying power and keeping an army prepared for war?
What key factor led to the formation of the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente?
Germany’s desire to isolate France and Britain’s desire to remain dominant
Germany’s hostility toward France and Britain’s allegiance to France
Bismark’s fear of France’s army and Britain’s fear of Germany’s empire
Germany and France’s separate desires to gain control of the Balkans.  
Which group was known for taking a 6,000-mile journey known as the “Long March?”
Chinese Communists, fleeing the Nationalists
Chinese nationalists, fleeing the Communists
Chinese peasants, fleeing the Japanese invaders
The Russian White Army, fleeing the Bolsheviks
How did czars Alexander III and Nicholas II deal with calls for reform?
The immediately moved to enact reforms.
They made a few reforms but not all.
They revisited all efforts for reform.
They appointed ministers to study reforms.
After World War I, most European nations had what type of government, if only temporarily?
Which of the following does fascism stress?
Individual rights
A classless society
What event occurred on the day described as “a date which will live in infamy”?
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Battle of Guadalcanal
Bombing of Hiroshima
Signing of the Atlantic Charter
What was the goal of Hitler’s “Final Solution”?
It was a process to divide up his territories among his generals.
It was a system for winning the war before the Americans entered.
It was a way to amass more soldiers for the invasion of Russia.
It was genocide of people the Nazis considered inferior.
What was the purpose of the Truman Doctrine?
To raise funds for Communist activities in Europe
To create a Communist party in the United States
To judge political parties that favored communism
To support countries that rejected communism  
What led the Soviets to blockade West Berlin?
The formation of NATO
A reunification of the three western zones of Germany
Marshall Plan aid to West Germany
The crash of a U2 spy flight over soviet territory
The 1956 Suez Crisis began when
The United States refused to give up control of the Suez Canal.
The Soviet Union bombed the Suez Canal.
Great Britain refused to make improvements to the Suez Canal.
Egypt seized control of the Suez Canal.
The extremist Islamic group that seized control of Afghanistan during the 1900s was known as the
Mau Mau
Who became the Russian Republic’s first elected president?
Vaclav Havel
Egon Krenz
Mikhail Gorbachev
Boris Yeltsin
What caused the two Germany’s to reunify?
The fall of the Berlin wall
The fall of communism in East Germany
The crumbling economy of East Germany
Kohl’s assurances that Germany had learned from the past
What is the purpose of the Internet?
Shopping from home
A national defense data base
€�virtual” travel to distant places
Shared information about research
What is meant by popular culture?
The laws and provisions established by government to regulate civil liberties
The ways in which the most famous members of a society present themselves
Cultural elements that reflect a group’s common background and changing interests
Cultural practices no longer used by majority groups but still used by minority groups  
In what ways have nations tried to combat overpopulation?
Building exhaust-free cars
Improving the status of women
Discouraging couples from marrying
Encouraging great use of the Internet
Which of the following characterizes a less-developed country?
No form of government
Not fully industrialized
No natural resources
A barter economy
Which of the following is a reason for world hunger?
Increased industiralization
Forest depletion
Natural catastrophes
What is your first and last name
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