
What is the definition of "Alignment"?
The length of a line segment between the center and perimeter of a circle or sphere.
The Voronoi polygon is a partition of space into cells. Each cell is an area in which the contained points are closer to the enclosed site than to any others. (Source: Mapping Analytics)How are Voronoi's used?A point location data structure can be built on top of the Voronoi diagram in order to answer nearest neighbor queries, where you want to find the object that is closest to a given query point. Nearest neighbor queries have numerous applications. (Source:
Position of report elements on a page. Vertical alignments are either top, center or bottom. Horizontal alignments are either left, ight or center.
Pertaining to a state that remains unchanged.
What is the definition of "Append"?
Alteryx Wizard File. The Alteryx Wizard file is a module to be reutilized into a stand-alone, simple interface  suitable for end-users or consumers. The developer creates a module in Alteryx then specifies a series of parameters that will define the user environment to execute  a specific data process.
A description of all columns in a dataset
To attach or add data fields to an existing set of data fields.
The method by which the curved surface of the globe is represented on a flat surface. Alteryx converts spatial data to WGS84 projection for processing. All maps Alteryx returns in Mercator projection.
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