What does GPS stands for
Global positioning system
Global placement system
Global positioning satellite
What do GPS devices use to Pin Point location?
Radioactive wave
What is the short term for satellite navigation system?
Sate nav
Sat nav
Sat navis
How many satellite distance must a GPS receiver know in order to track its location?
How does a GPS device determine the distance between itself and the satellite?
By reading the information from the signal which is from the satellite
By seeing how long it takes for the signal to reach the GPS from the Satellite
By using an mobile phone app designed by the GPS seller to check
What do cars usually refer GPS to ?
Exact location system
Sat nav
Mapping device
What does GIS stands for?
Global information system
Geographical intelligence system
Geographic information system
GIS is a computer system which....
Collect Geographical information and pass it to a computer
Allow us to query and analyse large amount of data according to the location
Are placed in differnet place Geographically.
Which is NOT the application of GIS?
Weather forecasting
Planning business for site selection
Military operation such as solider deployments
What was the GIS example given in the lesson last time?
Google map
Google drive
Google earth
{"name":"GPS and GIS", "url":"","txt":"What does GPS stands for, What do GPS devices use to Pin Point location?, What is the short term for satellite navigation system?","img":""}

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