Are You Ready To Be An Entrepreneur?

How do you feel about working for someone else?
I’m over it! 😤
It’s ok, it’s just not for me. 😒
There’s nothing wrong with it. 🙂
Are you an organized person?
Yes! Borderline OCD 🤪
Kinda, depends on the day. 😏
Not at all 😣
Are you a good listener?
Not really, but I’m working on it.
I listen, but I like to talk a lot too.
Yes, I listen more than I speak.
Are you financially literate?
I don’t even know what that means.
Depends on the day
Yes, I take pride in it!
Are you good at saving money?
No, 😩 but I’m working on it.
Yes, but only small increments.
YES. Reserves are a must-have.
Someone just gave you 1 million dollars. What is the FIRST thing that just came to your mind? (BE HONEST.)
Things I can spend it on.
People/Organizations I can donate to.
Ways I can invest it.
For the business you want to create, would you do that same work for free?
Definitely NOT. Why would I work for free??
Maybe discounted, but not free.
YES! I’m very passionate about this.
Who do you expect to support your business?
My cultural/ethnic/religion community
My family and friends
What kind of personality do you have?
I’m an introvert/shy person.
I’m an extrovert. I love people!
I mostly keep to myself, but I know how to interact with others in social settings.
Is the market/industry you’re interested in, saturated?
No, there is a high demand for my business.
Yes, but I believe there’s room for me too.
Yes! But I want to catch this money wave before it dies out!
Yes, probably OVER-saturated, but I think I have a chance.
{"name":"Are You Ready To Be An Entrepreneur?", "url":"","txt":"How do you feel about working for someone else?, Are you an organized person?, Are you a good listener?","img":""}
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