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New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 21 Jul 20
[2007.09146] Nicolas Chauvet, Guillaume Bachelier, Serge Huant et al.: Entangled N-photon states for fair and optimal social decision making
[2007.09147] Sachin S. Bharadwaj, Katepalli R. Sreenivasan: Quantum Computation of Fluid Dynamics
[2007.09148] V. Akshay, H. Philathong, I. Zacharov et al.: Reachability Deficits Implicit in Google's Quantum Approximate Optimization of Graph Problems
[2007.09154] Yuxiang Yang, Yin Mo, Joseph M. Renes et al.: Covariant Quantum Error Correcting Codes via Reference Frames
[2007.09259] Ashok Kumar, Gaurav Nirala, Alberto M. Marino: Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox with Position-Momentum Entangled Macroscopic Twin Beams
[2007.09293] Ismael C. S. Araujo, Adenilton J. da Silva: Quantum ensemble of trained classifiers
[2007.09295] Konstantin Tiurev, Martin Hayhurst Appel, Pol Llopart Mirambell et al.: High-fidelity multi-photon-entangled cluster state with solid-state quantum emitters in photonic nanostructures
[2007.09298] Konstantin Tiurev, Pol Llopart Mirambell, Mikkel Bloch Lauritzen et al.: Fidelity of time-bin entangled multi-photon states from a quantum emitter
[2007.09422] Margaret E. Shea, Paul M. Baker, James A. Joseph et al.: Sub-ms, nondestructive, time-resolved quantum-state readout of a single, trapped neutral atom
[2007.09544] Xianfei Qi, Ting Gao, Fengli Yan: Strong superadditivity relations for multiqubit systems
[2007.09573] Li-Min Gao, Feng-Li Yan, Ting Gao: Monogamy of Logarithmic Negativity and Logarithmic Convex-Roof Extended Negativity
[2007.09574] Ying Li: Simulation of memristive synapses and neuromorphic computing on a quantum computer
[2007.09587] Jianwei Xu, Lian-He Shao, Shao-Ming Fei: Coherence measures with respect to general quantum measurements
[2007.09657] Tal Schwartzman, Benni Reznik: Entanglement on curved hypersurfaces: A field-discretizer approach
[2007.09659] Fei Yan, Nianqiao Li, Kaoru Hirota: QHSL: a quantum hue, saturation, and lightness color model
[2007.09713] Ninnat Dangniam, Yun-Guang Han, Huangjun Zhu: Optimal verification of stabilizer states
[2007.09729] Daniel Basilewitsch, Haidong Yuan, Christiane P. Koch: Optimally controlled quantum discrimination and estimation
[2007.09788] Pinchen Xie, Weinan E: Coarse-grained spectral projection (CGSP): A scalable and parallelizable deep learning-based approach to quantum unitary dynamics
[2007.09792] J.D. Young, A. Auyuanet: Entanglement-Coherence and Discord-Coherence analytical relations for X states
[2007.09804] Vickram N. Premakumar, M. Saffman, Robert Joynt: Measurement-free error correction with coherent ancillas
[2007.09825] Ye-Xin Wang, Zheng Liu, Yu-Hui Fang et al.: Quantum phase interference in a fullerene-based molecular qutrit
[2007.09842] Junchen Ye, Fuxiang Li: Emergent topology under slow non-adiabatic quantum dynamics
[2007.09896] Javid Naikoo, Subhashish Banerjee, C. M. Chandrashekar: Non-Markovian channel from the reduced dynamics of coin in quantum walk
[2007.09949] J. G. Muga, S. Martínez-Garaot, M. Pons et al.: Time-dependent harmonic potentials for momentum or position scaling
[2007.09961] Fei Shi, Mengyao Hu, Lin Chen et al.: Strong quantum nonlocality with entanglement
[2007.09974] Takahiro Sagawa: Entropy, Divergence, and Majorization in Classical and Quantum Thermodynamics
[2007.09983] Valeria Cimini, Ilaria Gianani, Massimiliano F. Sacchi et al.: Experimental witnessing for the quantum channel capacity in the presence of correlated noise
[2007.10009] Sooryansh Asthana, Soumik Adhikary, V. Ravishankar: Non-locality and entanglement in multi-qubit systems from a unified framework
[2007.10019] Zhen Wang, Yanzhu Chen, Zixuan Song et al.: Scalable evaluation of quantum-circuit error loss using Clifford sampling
[2007.10044] Martin Ekerå: On completely factoring any integer efficiently in a single run of an order finding algorithm
[2007.10056] A. Ferreri, V. Ansari, B. Brecht et al.: Spatial entanglement and state engineering via four-photon Hong-Ou-Mandel interference
[2007.10065] Yue Ma, Kiran E. Khosla, Benjamin A. Stickler et al.: Quantum persistent tennis racket dynamics of nanorotors
[2007.10067] Luca Innocenti, Lukáš Lachman, Radim Filip: Nonclassicality detection from few Fock-state probabilities
[2007.10177] Or Katz, Roy Shaham, Eran Reches et al.: Optimal control of an optical quantum memory based on noble-gas spins
[2007.10187] William F. Braasch Jr., William K. Wootters: Transition probabilities and transition rates in discrete phase space
[2007.10210] Dinka Milovančev, Nemanja Vokić, Christoph Pacher et al.: Towards Integrating True Random Number Generation in Coherent Optical Transceivers
[2007.10242] Saurabh Kumar, Siddharth Dangwal, Debanjan Bhowmik: Supervised Learning Using a Dressed Quantum Network with "Super Compressed Encoding": Algorithm and Quantum-Hardware-Based Implementation
[2007.10253] Chenyi Zhang, Jiaqi Leng, Tongyang Li: Quantum Algorithms for Escaping from Saddle Points
[2007.10282] Marta Sroczyńska, Zbigniew Idziaszek: Bound states of an ultracold atom interacting with a set of stationary impurities
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