Chp 3

Explore Ancient Egypt: The Ultimate Quiz
Test your knowledge of Ancient Egyptian history, mythology, and art with our engaging quiz! From the longest river in the world to iconic figures like Narmer and Khufu, this quiz covers a wide range of fascinating topics.
Challenge yourself with:
- 56 thought-provoking questions
- Multiple choice options
- An opportunity to learn more about Ancient Egypt
Which of the following is true?
Upper Egypt is north and Lower Egypt is south.
The Blue Nile is north of the White Nile.
Upper Egypt is south and Lower Egypt is north.
The Nile delta is in the south.
The Nile floods every year without fail.
The annual flooding of the Nile is symbolized by the birth and death of
The ________ shows the uniting of Upper and Lower Egypt and the establishment of the First Dynasty.
Palette of Naram-Sin
Palette of Narmer
Palette of Khafre
Rosetta Stone
Which of the following is true?
Isis is the mother of Horus.
Bes is a death god.
Anubis is in the shape of a crocodile.
Horus opens the mouth of the dead.
Amon is the sun disk.
Which of the following is true?
Hatshepsut was the first queen of Egypt.
Akhenaten was an Old Kingdom pharaoh.
Narmer worshipped Aten.
Nefertiti was Akhenaten’s mother.
Amenhotep III was Akhenaten’s father.
Which of the following is NOT true?
The Palette of Narmer utilizes a system of hierarchical proportions.
The Palette of Narmer is a ceremonial object.
The Palette of Narmer is decorated in high relief.
The Palette of Narmer is made of slate.
The Palette of Narmer dates to c. 3000 B.C.
The Rosetta Stone is important because
It led to the decipherment of hieroglyphics.
It is a unique stele.
It has Greek, cuneiform, and Egyptian writing on it.
It has Greek, Coptic, and Egyptian writing on it.
The Book of Two Ways is
A funeral text.
A pyramid text.
A map of the underworld.
A coffin text.
A ritual incantation.
Which of the following is an Old Kingdom Egyptian pharaoh who built his tomb at Giza?
All of the following are characteristic of ancient Egyptian artistic conventions EXCEPT
Head full front.
Eyes full front.
Shoulders full front.
Feet in profile.
The conventions for representing the human figure that dominated Egyptian art first occur about 3500 B.C. In the
Rosetta Stone.
Standard of Heliopolis.
Palette of Narmer.
Stele of Ramses.
The Egyptian canon of proportion was organized according to
A grid.
Curves and rectangles.
Triangles and trapezoids.
Royal figures in Egyptian art are
Naturalistic and assertive.
Hieratic and naturalistic.
Assertive and stylized.
Stylized and miniature.
Monumental and unassuming.
Menkaure and Khamerernebty are
A sculpture in the round.
A wall painting.
A sculpture in very high relief.
Egyptians gods.
Rahotep and Nofret are NOT
A prince and a princess.
Two seated sculptures.
A king and a queen.
Depicted in high relief.
Seated in rigid poses.
The source of Egyptian column types is generally
Human forms.
Animal forms.
Plant forms.
Architectural forms.
Symbolic forms.
The Egyptians used which of the following columns?
Papyrus reeds with flower capitals
Animal or human figure supports
Smooth, widening shafts with bud-shaped capitals
Fluted pillars with acanthus leaf capitals
A building technique commonly used in Egyptian temples was
The true arch.
Mortise and tenon.
Which is not true of the hypostyle hall?
It has columns with a base, shaft, and capital.
The center columns are shorter than the side columns.
The center columns are taller than the side columns.
It has columns with a shaft and capital, but no base.
The shafts of its columns are covered with hieroglyphs.
A cartouche
Is a form of cartonnage.
Is a serekh.
Is a scarab.
Frames the name of a king.
Frames a plan of the king’s palace.
The four pillars found in the tomb of Nefertari symbolically
Honored the four previous dynasties.
Represented the ancient elements of earth, wind, fire, and water.
Supported the heavens.
Protected her on the perilous path to the afterlife.
Hatshepsut’s greatest architectural achievement is
The temple at Karnak.
The temple at Thebes.
The temple at Amarna.
The temple at Deir el-Bahri.
The temple at Luxor.
The Amarna style showed
Caricatured faces and postures.
Intimate, relaxed poses.
The pharaoh in the traditional twisted view.
Both caricatured faces and postures and intimate, relaxed poses.
The Amarna period is associated with
Akhenaten and Amenhotep III.
Akhenaten and Nefertiti.
Akhenaten and Tiy.
Akhenaten and Amon.
Akhenaten and Isis.
Styles under Akhenaten were more ________ than before his reign.
Tutankhamon is a well-known pharaoh because
He lived a long time.
His tomb was discovered intact.
He was a great scribe.
He was a revolutionary thinker.
His mummy was discovered and preserved.
Canopic jars contain
Preserved foods.
Preserved works of art.
Preserved items of clothing.
Preserved organs.
Preserved texts.
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