6H - Mesopotamia - The Historian - Quiz

Your first and last names:
A city-state:
Had its own king
Had its own god
Had only farmers and fishermen
Had priests, merchants, craftsmen, shopkeepers, farmers and fishermen
Had buildings made of baked mud
Had buldings made of mud and stone
Had important important people who had slaves doing their work for them
A ziggurat:
Is a temple for a city-state's god
Is usually on one of the corners of the city-state
Is right in the middle of the city
Has different levels of the same size
Has different levels with each higher level being smaller than the one below it
Has a temple right on the top
Is the workplace of the king and the priests
Has offices, work-places and storage rooms
Was the tallest building in the city-state
The city-state is planned as follows:
The ziggurat is in one of the corners
The most important people (priests and merchants) live closest to the ziggurat
The ziggurat is right in the middle of the city-state
Important people lived in single storey houses
Important people lived in two-storeyed houses
Shopkeepers and craftsmen lived in one storey houses
Farmers and fishermen lived right next to the priests
Farmers and fishermen lived fathest from the ziggurat
Most people lived inside the city walls
Most people lived outside the city walls
The land just outside the walls belonged to the city-state
Jobs that people had in Mesopotamia:
Could be captured in war
Had an easy life
Could have owed money to someone
Could never be set free
Could work for 3 years in the fields and then set free
Kept the gods happy
Were more important than the king
Offered food to the gods
Were the only ones allowed inside the ziggurats
Shared all the food with the people making sure everyone got enough
What are people who worship several gods called?
What are people who worship a single god called?
Details of the religious beliefs of the Mesopotamians:
They were polytheists.
They were monotheists.
Their gods were nature gods
Were believed to have been chosen by the gods to rule
Got the laws of the land from the gods themselves
Resolved disputes between people
Were in charge of all trade with other cities
Decided who tended the fields
Made sure that the gods got their offerings
Were lower than the priests in status
Scribes kept records of everything that happened each year on clay tablets.
The people of Mesopotamia didn't pay taxes.
Were paid as money
Were usually paid in the form of sheep or grains
Were charged on many things
Were only on farmers
Took special forms like the "burden" in which the male head of the household had to offer his time for rendering services to his community
Were used to better the city
Went to the king
Went to the priests
Were used to build a better army
The Royal Library of clay tablets was built in:
Towards the end, Babylon was captured, first by the Persians and then by Alexander the Great.
There were many city-states in Mesopotamia and they often fought amongst themselves.
{"name":"6H - Mesopotamia - The Historian - Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Your first and last names:, A city-state:, A ziggurat:","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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