Gynecology Knowledge Quiz
Test your knowledge in gynecology with our comprehensive quiz designed for students, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in women's health. Improve your understanding of crucial topics ranging from fetal development to adolescent health issues.
- 30 engaging questions
- Multiple choice format
- Assess your knowledge and learn at your own pace
Intra-abdominal cystic mass of fetus can be:
Ovarian cyst
Adrenal cyst
Mesenteric cyst
Enteric duplication cyst
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The risks of fetal ovarian cysts can be:
Intracystic hemorrhage
Rupture and hemorrhage
GI/UT obstruction
Ovarian torsion and necrosis
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The presentation of post pubertal ovarian cysts is:
Menstruation irregularities
Pelvic pain
Urinary frequency
All are correct
Teen pregnancy occur in marginalized communities commonly driven by:
Lack of education
Lack of sexual education
Employment opportunities
All are correct
How many stage of breast development?
4 stages
3 stages
5 stages
6 stages
2 stages
Nipple discharge can be:
Intraductal papilloma
Fibrocystic change
All are correct
Mastitis can:
Occur in newborn
Be staphylococcus aureus infection
Retroareolar cyst
Treat with oral antibiotics
All are correct
Breast cysts or mass should
Do sonography of breast
Not do aspiration with noodle
Do surgical resection
All are correct
Breast cyst can:
Result from ductal ectasia
Resolve spontaneously
Be fibroadenomas
Be juvenile papillomatosis
All are correct
The Tanner scale classify the pubis hair in:
7 stages
6 stages
5 stages
4 stages
3 stages
What are the multiple factors who do engage in high risk behaviors and become pregnant
Intrapersonal, and biologic
Low parental monitoring
All are correct
The most common cause of secondary amenorrhea in adolescent is:
Mental problem
Ambiguous genital
Chronic disease
During pregnancy some drugs with known or suspected teratogenicity include:
Anticonvulsants such as hydantoin and valproate sodium
Folic acid antagonists (methotrexate, aminopterin), diethylstilbestrol, isotretinoin, thalidomide
All are correct
In the past 25 years, adolescent pregnancy rates have decreased. All below are the reasons, except:
Increased motivation of youth to achieve higher levels of education
Greater knowledge about contraception among youth
Greater social support for services related to both pregnancy and disease prevention among adolescents
More effective contraception use especially of long-acting methods and improved ability to negotiate contraceptive practice
In high-dose radiation (100 to 200 rad) exposure during pregnancy can be provide:
Teratogenic effects
Growth restriction
Mental retardation
All are correct
Because of the high prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in pregnant teenagers. At the same time of the examination the 2 germs that we should do endocervical test are:
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis
Salmonella typhi
After diagnosing a pregnancy in a teen, A uterus felt to be larger than expected may be caused by
Twin pregnancy,
Molar pregnancy
A corpus luteum cyst of pregnancy
All are correct
After diagnosing a pregnancy in a teen. An abdominal examination is just palpable at the symphysis pubis of uterine at weeks:
12 weeks of gestational
40 weeks of gestational
30 weeks of gestational
20 weeks of gestational
10-20 weeks of gestational
The routine prenatal tests of pregnancy include:
Papanicolaou (Pap) tests
Serology for syphilis, rubella, HIV
Blood type and Rh factor
Complete blood count and hepatitis B surface antigen.
All are correct
Transmission of HIV from mother to infant can be dramatically reduced by:
Normal delivery
Medication and operative delivery
To pray
Breast feeding
The typical appearance of the newborn female genitalia under the effects of maternal hormones are characterized by:
The labia majora are full and the labia minora thickened
The hymenal folds appear thick and redundant
The vaginal mucosa is pink and moist
The pH of vaginal mucosa is acidic.
All are correct
Newborn infant present with leucorrhea is usually:
Materno-fetal infection
Normal (physiologic leukorrhea)
Ambiguous genitalia
When we should do anogenital examination:
In the delivery room
After a home birth
Before being discharged from the hospital
At routine pediatric chehs during infancy and early childhood at least once
All are correct
What should we exam on external genitalia , EXCEPT:
Labia majora and labia minora
Clitoris/clitoral hood
Vestibulum( Urethral, Vaginal orifice, Hymen , Fossa navicularis..)
Perineum and anus
How do you do for newborn anogenital examination:
The position of patient is supine
The best position is the frog-leg position
All are correct
The newborn female genitalia appearance (estrogenization signs) is under effect of maternal hormone , it will decrease as of the second week of life and disappear within :
1 – 2 week
2 – 3 week
3- 4 week
4- 5 week
6- 8 week
In newborn female genitalia are: The labia minora are thick, protruding and sometimes longer than the labia majora, the mucosa is pink and covered with physiologic leukorrhea, the clitoral hood and human maybe thick are the characterize of under effect of :
Growth hormone
Tyrosine hormone
Maternal estrogen effect
Glucagon hormone
ADH hormone
What should we do when a genital defect is discovered in the neonatal period:
Complementary clinical investigations
Hormonal investigations
Genetic, molecular
Radiographic investigations
All are needed to first diagnose the intersex state and determine the etiology and orient the therapeutic approach
The essential for the optimal management of ambiguous genitalia in the newborn is a multidisciplinary team of:
Pediatric endocrinologists,
Obstetricians, surgeon
Geneticists, biologists and pediatric psychiatrists working
All are correct
In male neonate, the genitourinary system examination we should focus upon congenital anomalies. Attention on :
Penile length and foreskin anatomy
Location of the urethral meatus
Scrotal anatomy
The presence and location of the testes, and the presence of abnormal scrotal or inguinal masses
All are correct
Sexual assault does not include
Forced sexual activity that does not result in penetration
Oral or anal intercourse
Flashing ones genetalia at the victim
Attempted rape
Which statistics are incorrect with regard to sexual assault?
90% of victims of sexual assault are women
98% of offenders are men
1.5% of the adult women are sexually assaulted each year
25% of sexual assault victims report the incidence to police
Less than 5% of sexual assault victims need admission to hospital
The definition of rape is?
Penile penetration of the labummajus
Penile penetration of the labumminora
Penile penetration of the distal most walls of the vagina
Deep penile penetration of the vagina
Does not require any of the above
Most non genital injuries of sexual assault are found on the
The risk of becoming pregnant from a rape is
Which site of bruising would make you suspicious of child abuse?
Anterior shins
Upper arms
Findings due to other conditions, which can be mistaken for abuse
Urethral prolapse
Lichen sclerosus and atrophicus
Vulvar ulcers
Rectal prolapse
All are correct
Finding caused by trauma
Acute lacerations or bruising of labia,penis,scrotum
Acute laceration of posterior fourchette not involving the hymen
Bruising ,petechiae abrasion of the hymen
Vaginal laceration
All are correct
Infection caused by sexual contact
Genital, rectal, pharyngeal Neisseria gonorrhea infection
Trichomonas, Chlamydia vaginal infection
All are correct
Findings diagnostic of sexual contact
Semen identified in forensic specimens taken directly from a child’s body
Vaginal laceration
Bruising ,petechiae abrasion of the hymen
All are correct
Sexually transmitted diseases are most common in which age groups?
Teens and young adults up to age 24
People age 30 to 40
People age 60
People age 70
People age 80
Which of these is a health problems that can be caused by STD in women?
Pelvis inflammatory disease ( PID)
Ectopic pregnancy
Higher risk cervical cancer
Cervicitis chronic
All are correct
Which is the most common STD by bacteria?
Genital warts
Herpes simplex
The bacterium Neisseria gonorrheae cause :
Strep throat
The leading STD in the us is:
Genital herpes
Symptoms of gonorrhea include:
Painful urination
Milky urethra discharge
Menstrual disorder
All are correct
The bacterium Treponema pallium cause:
Genital herpes
All answer are not correct
Syphilis has many stage:
Human papilloma viruses are associated with:
Skin cancer
Lung cancer
Cancer of the cervix
Brain cancer
Liver cancer
To lower your risk of getting STD:
Use a man condom
Don't have multiple sex partners
Delay having sexual relatives as long as possible
Don't stay with a group population with high prevalence STD
All answers are correct
At puberty women start producing:
The number of days the menstrual phase of menstrual cycle lasts about:
The phase of menstrual cycle in humans that last for 3-4 days is:
Luteal phase
Ovulatory phase
Follicular phase
In the human female, menstruation can be deferred by the administration of:
LH only
FSH only
Combination of FSH and LH
Combination of estrogen and progesterone
All answer are correct
The first half of menstrual cycle is called:
Secretory phase
Proliferative phase
Luteal phase
Follicular phase
None of these
Which of the following hormones is active during proliferative phase of menstrual cycle:
In human menstrual cycle ovulation occurs on:
1st day
5TH day
14TH day
25TH day
27TH day
Ovulation in females is under the control of:
ADH and LH
FSH and LH
Progesterone hormone is active during:
Follicular phase
Secretory phase
Menstrual phase
Proliferative phase
Cessation of menstrual cycle is termed:
Adolescents who become sexually active in their early teens are often involved with the following risks, except:
Substance abuse
Alcoholism and smoking
Unplanned pregnancy
Sexually transmitted disease (STD )
Traffic accidents
The ideal method of contraception should be:
Safe and reversible
Simple to use
Well tolerated
Few secondary effects
All are correct
The methods of contraception are all below except:
Condom, Oral contraceptives, Emergency contraception
Long acting: Injectables depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
Subdermal progestin implant 3 years, Vaginal contraceptive ring
Intrauterine devices and systems, Transdermal patch
Totally avoiding of sexual intercourse
Which is not true about combined oral contraception ?
Protect very effectively against pregnancy
Contain 2 types of hormones ( Estrogen and Corpus luteum hormone )
Severe complications can occur due to the use of these hormones
Complication could be venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism –
Risk of being pregnancy is 30%
Emergency contraception is indicate in case:
Unexpected coitus, coitus interruptus
Broken condom, dislodged diaphragma or cevical cap
Missed oral contraceptive drugs, Expulsion of IUD
Late injection of DMPA
All are correct
How do birth control pills prevent pregnancy?
The birth control pill works by stopping sperm from meeting an egg (which is called fertilization).
The hormones in the pill stop ovulation.
No ovulation means there’s no egg hanging around for sperm to fertilize, so pregnancy can’t happen.
The pill’s hormones also thicken the mucus on the cervix. Thicker cervical mucus makes it hard for the sperm to swim to an egg
All are correct
Male condoms have several advantages for adolescents, including:
Involving males in the responsibility of contraception
Easy accessibility and availability to minors
Use without a prescription
Low-cost sexual transmitted infections protection
All are correct
What is the recommended contraceptive method of HIV infected adolescence that has sex?
Oral contraceptive drug
Vaginal ring
Vaginal spermicides
Contraceptive implant (Implanon or Nexplanon) is a thin, flexible plastic implant (about the size of a matchstick) that contains a hormone and is placed under the skin of the upper arm. It has advantages as below except:
Provides safe and very effective long-term birth control
Teens don't have to remember to do anything every day, week, or month to stay protected from unintended pregnancy
Does not need to be replaced for 3 years
Contains a progestin hormone that prevents the ovary from releasing an egg
May have irregular bleeding at the implanted side, weight gain, headaches, and acne
Disadvantages of birth control pills are
Serious side effects, though rare, include blood clots, stroke, hypertension, migraine headaches
May have headaches, nausea, or breast tenderness
Must be taken consistently every day
It can be hard to remember for some teens to take regular
It could only prevent some sexual transmitted diseases
Vulvovaginitis are easily classified into two groups on the basis of etiology: nonspecific and specific. All below are the causes of specific vulvovaginitis EXCEP:
Bacterial agents
Sexually associated pathogens
Irritative-allergic reaction to topical or food agents, nickel, poor perineal hygiene
Most cases of nonspecific vulvovaginitis resolve by following hygiene education and lifestyle recommendations. All are correct EXCEP
Wiping front to back after using the toilet
Do not washed with water or mild unscented soap on vulva and perianal area
Wash hands frequently
Avoidance of harsh soap and bubble baths
Use and frequent changes of cotton underpants
If vulvovaginitis persist despite lifestyle changes and first-line treatment, we should do:
Important to overview the diagnosis
Evaluate urinary function
Evaluate intestinal function
Consider the possibility of multidrug resistant bacteria
All are correct
Differential diagnosis of genital/vaginal bleeding in childhood can be:
Vulvovaginitis, condyloma acuminatum (HPV)
Bleeding disorders
Urethral prolapse
All are correct
The reasons for referral to a pediatric adolescence gynecology consultation can be:
Problems in anogenital area (pruritus , bleeding, anogenital pain, virginal discharge)
Abnormal anogenital findings at routine medical check
Behavioral change, psychosomatic symptom
Suspicion for sexual abuse
All are correct
The most common genital viral infections in childhood are:
Molluscum contagiosum
Papilloma virus
Herpes simplex
Molluscum contagiosum, Papilloma virus, and Herpes simplex
Varicella zoster virus
Vaginal discharge and odor are the most common symptoms that bring prepubertal girls to the gynecologist. The symptoms may be vague, but usually are:
Discharge, erythema, soreness
Pruritus, dysuria, odor
Staining of the underwear
Prepubertal girls with vaginal complaints should always be evaluated for sexual abuse
All are correct
An evaluation for sexual abuse should be performed in any child who presents with:
Vulvovaginal complaints. Sexually -transmitted infections (STIs) and human papillomavirus(HPV) in children older than age 3 years
Urethral prolapse
Ambiguous genital
Ovarian masses
Labial adhesions
All below are the congenital hymen anomalies, except:
Imperforate hymens
Microperforate hymens
Septate hymens
Cribriform hymens
Hymen`s shape is annular, completely surrounding the introitus
The vulvar conditions that may present in girls of any age, except:
Lichen sclerosus
Condyloma , Contact irritant , Epidermoid cysts , Molluscum contagiosum
Pigmented nevus , Psoriasis
Vulvar abscess , Vulvar vestibulitis , Vulvar ulcers
Ovarian cyst
Which of the following is a definition of delay puberty?
Absence of secondary sexual characteristics by age 11 in boys
Absence of secondary sexual characteristics by age 13 in girls
Absence of secondary sexual characteristics by age 16 in girls
Absence of secondary sexual characteristics by age 10 in girls
Absence of menses by age 13 in girls
What is the most common cause of primary amenorrhea?
Kallmann syndrome
Gonadal dysgenesis
Mullerian agenesis
Anorexia nervosa
All are not correct
What is the most common mode of transmission for complete androgen insensitivity?
Autosomal recessive
Autosomal dominant
All are not correct
Which cause of amenorrhea is classified as a primary disorder?
Kallmann syndrome
Anorexia nervosa
Sheehen syndrome
Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
All are not correct
What percentage of secondary amenorrhea is due to premature ovarian failure?
Which is the most common primary pituitary cause of hyperprolactinemai?
Cushing disease
Prolactin-secreting adenoma
Nonsecreting adenoma
All are correct
Which of the following is not associated with increased prolactin secretion?
Luteal phase of the menstrual cycle
Pituitary infarct
All answer are correct
In boy puberty is considered delayed if it has not ensued by the age:
11 years
12 years
13 years
14 years
10 years
Normal semen ejaculate volume is:
1 to 3 ml
2 to 6 ml
5 to 7 ml
1 to 2 ml
7 to 9 ml
What age in boys puberty is considered are precocious:
9 years
10 years
11 years
12 years
13 years
What are the cause of avoidance of the first gynecological visit?
Fear of pain
False picture of such consultation
Lack of proper information
Sense of shame
All are correct
How many problem about vulvovaginal complaint in adolescent
Vaginal discharge
Vestibulum malformation
Labiaminora hypertrophy
All are correct
All following are for evaluation of the adolescent with vulvovaginitisexcept:
Vaginal secretion
Sexually active
Breast abscess
How many type of hymen form?
Hymen anularis
Hymen semilunair
Hymen bifenestratus
Hymen micropunctatus
All are correct
The order of pubertal development in girl is
In normal phenotype girl with amenorrhea and normal breast development the most likely cause is :
Multiple pituitary hormone deficiency
LH gene delection
Adrenal agenesis
Mullerian agenesis
How many statement for gynecological examination?
Genital inspection
Vaginal discharge evacuation
Instrument examination
Bimanual palpation
All are correct
The precise time for the burst of hormonal activity that trigger the onset of puberty depend on :
The presence of estrogen
Reaching a critical weight levels
The presence of androgen
All answer are correct
The principle sign of sexual maturity in male is the :
Onset of acne
Onset of menarch
Appearance of facialhair
Both breast bigger
Production of sperms
Studies suggest that puberty timing for the females is related to :
The amount of dysfunction in the girl’s family
Girl’s relationships with their father
Girl’s relationships with their mother
Their father’ Y chromosome
All answer are correct
{"name":"Gynecology", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge in gynecology with our comprehensive quiz designed for students, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in women's health. Improve your understanding of crucial topics ranging from fetal development to adolescent health issues.30 engaging questionsMultiple choice formatAssess your knowledge and learn at your own pace","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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