Lush Skincare Quiz #1 Cleansers, Face masks & Toners
{"name":"Lush Skincare Quiz #1 Cleansers, Face masks & Toners", "url":"","txt":"The 'Cupcake' Fresh Face mask has a property that gives it pleasant 'tingly' sensation on the skin leaving it feeling fresh and new. Select the ingredient that is responsible for this..., Select the product utilised in several of the Fresh Face masks (and many other Lush products) for its ability to draw in excess moisture as well as oil and dirt and for its high mineral content. NOTE- see why minerals are important for the skin here (not an academic source): https:\/\/\/minerals-your-skin-is-craving\/, A customer tells you that their skin is in need of some serious hydration. Of this list select the Fresh Face mask you would be most likely to recommend...","img":""}