Exercise Science Final Exam

Exercise Science Final Exam
Test your knowledge in Exercise Science with our comprehensive final exam quiz! Designed for students and professionals alike, this quiz covers essential topics ranging from anatomy to exercise physiology.
- 25 carefully curated questions
- Multiple choice format for easy answering
- Immediate feedback on your performance
The following definition describes what term: the point that corresponds to the middle of the total body mass and is the point at which the body is at perfect equilibrium.
Center of Gravity
Base of Support
Limits of Stability
Center of Mass
Which system is the most dominant when on a fixed, flat, or firm surface?
When displaced forward with a small perturbation, what can you expect your client's firing pattern to look like?
Gastroc, Hamstring, Paraspinals
Paraspinals, Hamstring, Gastroc
Tib Anterior, Quads, Abdominals
Abdominals, Quads, Tib Anterior
When COM is displaced beyond limits of stability, which type of strategy is appropriate to use?
What type of balance is implied when a stepping strategy is used?
When your patient has their eyes open and is standing on a foam surface, which system are you testing?
You have swimmer who comes to you and reports how easily gassed they get during practice, but they a 40 yd race coming up in 6 weeks. Their current time for the race is 55 seconds. When training the ATP-PC system, what is the correct training time that should be implemented?
50 seconds
57 seconds
65.5 seconds
45 seconds
The appropriate recovery interval when training aerobically should be...
1:3 ratio
1:2 Ratio
1:1.5 ratio
1.15:1 Ratio
In general, aerobic training should be at what percentage of HR Max?
Fartlek training, when done appropriately overloads which system(s)?
All of the above
Which of the following warrants discontinuation of exercise?
Failure of SBP to raise when working at 3-4 METS
BP beginning at 120/80 and elevating 130/82 with significant exertion
Increase in SBP of 22 mm Hg with a walking exercise
Increase in SBP of 15 mm Hg with a walking exercise
Your patient in pulmonary rehab is exercising and reports a +3 on the Dyspnea scale. Can they continue with exercise?
When exercising a patient with moderate pulmonary disease, what range of the HR Max should they be within when exercising?
You are working with a patient in acute inpatient rehab who has diabetes as a comorbid diagnosis. They report onset of weakness, and headache, as well as slightly blurred vision. You have them sit and take their HR, which turns out to be 180 bpm. What are they likely experiencing?
A diabetic crisis
You are working with a patient in the home care setting who tests their blood glucose level before beginning exercise and reports a value of 80 mg/dl. You plan on doing intense exercise at your session today, as your patient has been doing well in their rehab and needs to progress their level of fitness to return to their job. How should you proceed?
Discontinue exercise
Ensure the pt has a 40g carbohydrate snack with every hour of exercise
Ensure the pt has a 15g carbohydrate snack with every hour of exercise
If blood glucose rises, stop activity.
Your patient with hip pain, who has varicose veins, is experiencing discomfort during exercise. What is the best course of action?
Continue with a walking program
Perform a supine circuit of hip strengthening exercises
Perform hip abduction and extension at a counter
Discontinue exercise and contact the patient's MD
When performing a chart review of a patient with PVD, you note that their ABI is 0.7. What can you expect?
Probable claudication
Stress testing to be performed d/t abnormality
Ischemic rest pain, possible tissue necrosis
Normal function
What is the likely the best way to prescribe exercise for your patient with renal failure?
High intensity, short duration intervals with 1:1 rest periods
Low intensity, short duration intervals with 2:1 rest intervals
High intensity, long duration intervals with 1:1 rest periods
Low intensity, short duration intervals with 1:1 rest periods
You are treating a patient with chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis in an outpatient clinic. They are coming to you to address ROM deficits and chronic pain as a result of their RA. What is the best course of action?
Heat to relieve pain, followed by gentle stretching
Heat to relieve pain, followed by vigorous stretching
Functional activities and gentle stretching
Cryotherapy to relieve pain and gentle stretching
In an acute care setting, you are treating a patient who has been hospitalized for a fall. They are also currently undergoing cancer treatment. You go to see them on a day when they are not receiving chemo and note that their white blood cell count is 3500 cells/mcL. How should you proceed?
Continue with treatment as usual and abide by recommended standard precautions of the facility
Contact the MD and hold PT for today
Use droplet precautions and treat the patient
Ask for another blood draw to re-check the patient's value so you can see them later if it improves
You are working with a patient who had a mild stroke 2 weeks ago. You are determining with the team whether they are safe to go home or if they need rehab at a Skilled Nursing Facility. The patient was in a wheelchair prior to the stroke due to other functional limitations. They are able to perform transfers to and from their wheelchair and can ambulate short distances from their bed to the bathroom with a rolling walker, but you have some concerns about their ability to perform other functional tasks at home. Which outcome measure would be the most appropriate?
A patient comes to you direct access in an outpatient orthopedic clinic who wants to work on his balance. He is 65 years old, had an incomplete Spinal Cord Injury 10 years ago, and ambulates with a single point cane limited community distances. Which outcome measure would be the most appropriate?
A BMI of _____ significantly increases risk of health problems.
Exercise recommendations for individuals who are overweight or obese should be as follows:
5 days a week, 70% HRMax, 45 min/day, aerobic activity
3 days a week, 70% HRMax, 45 min/day, aerobic activity
5 days a week, 50% HRMax, 45 min/day, aerobic activity
3 days a week, 50% HRMax, 45 min/day, aerobic activity
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