Biology Review Semester 2

A vibrant, educational illustration featuring chromosomes, mitosis, and meiosis diagrams; a study environment with a biology textbook and notes.

Biology Review Quiz: Semester 2

Test your knowledge on key concepts covered in Biology during Semester 2. This quiz is designed to help reinforce your understanding of cellular processes, genetics, and the differences between mitosis and meiosis.

  • 112 thought-provoking questions
  • Multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank formats
  • Ideal for students and educators alike
132 Questions33 MinutesCreated by StudyingCell22
The chromosomes in your body
Form as the cell begins to divide
Each can contain thousands of genes
All are possible
Exist in 23 pairs in all cells except gametes
Study the image of a human newborn baby
This image is a(n)
____ chromosomes are present
This baby is/will be a
In humans, the male determines the sex of the child because males have
Two X chromosomes
46 chromosomes
One X and one Y chromosome
Two Y chromosomes
Homologous chromosomes are pairs of chromosomes containing genes that code for
Same traits
Different traits
A ____ (body) cell has two sets of chromosomes
And is described as a ____ cell
A ____ (reproductive) cell has one set of chromosomes
And is described as a ____ cell
What is a major difference between mitosis and meiosis?
Meiosis produces 4 haploid cells, whereas mitosis produces 2 diploid cells.
Meiosis produces 4 diploid cells, whereas mitosis produces 2 haploid cells.
Mitosis produces daughter cells, whereas meiosis produces parent cells.
Meiosis produces genetically identical daughter cells, whereas mitosis produces genetically variable daughter cells.
Gametes must be haploid because
The gametes’ chromosomes will be replicated prior to cell division.
Fertilization results with a haploid zygote.
Gametes are small and can hold only the haploid number of chromosomes.
Two gametes will unite during fertilization to create a diploid zygote.
Refer to the diagram below. At the beginning, the cell is diploid with 4 chromosomes.
The diagram that represents a cell at the beginning of meiosis is
The diagram that represents a cell at the end of meiosis 1 is
The diagram that represents a cell at the end of meiosis 2 is
Two gametes, containing 20 chromosomes each, fuse during fertilization. How many chromosomes will the zygote cell contain?
What is the major advantage for sexually reproducing organisms over asexually reproducing organisms?
Genetic variation
Increased reproductive rate
Genetic stability
Increased fertilization rate
Refer to the illustration below
Homologous chromosomes can exchange segments of DNA in a process known as
This event takes place during
This is an important process because it
Match the phases with their descriptions
Phase in which pairs of homologous chromosomes line up along the equator (middle) of the cell.
Phase in which sister chromatids move to opposite sides of the cell.
Phase in which homologous chromosomes separate, and the chromosomes from each pair are pulled to opposite sides of the cell.
Phase in which the individual chromosomes align at the equator (middle) of the cell; each chromosome is made of two sister chromatids.
Which of the following does not provide new genetic combinations?
Independent assortment
Random fertilization
Crossing over
Different versions of a gene are called
Gene C controls black fur pigmentation in rabbits. Himalayan rabbits have a mutation - the enzyme producing the black pigment is heat sensitive and only active in cells less than 100°F. Rabbits have a normal body temp of 102°F, so, black fur only grows on their extremities (ears and nose) where the cell temp is cooler. The body remains white because it is warmer. When the air temperature is lower than 75°F, the rabbit has a black nose, ears, tail and feet with a white body. What would the phenotype be of a Himalayan rabbit raised at 90° F or warmer?
White and black
Punnett squares are used to show
Possible offspring genotypes and phenotypes
the genotypes of the parents' offspring
The phenotypes of the parents' offspring
Genotypes and phenotypes of parents
A plant with thick seed coats is crossed with a plant with thin seed coats. All of the offspring have thin seed coats. This probably means that…
The allele for thin coats is dominant over thick coats
Thin-coated seeds are healthier than thick-coated seeds
The allele for thick coats was weak and disappeared
Thin coats are better than thick coats
If two parents with dominant phenotypes produce an offspring with a recessive phenotype, then…
Both parents are heterozygous
One parent is heterozygous
One parent is homozygous
Both parents are homozygous
In mice, the allele for black coat color is dominant (B) and the allele for tan coat color is recessive (b). Also, the allele for short tail is dominant (T) and the allele for long tail is recessive (t).
This cross will be
The most likely coat color of a mouse with the genotype Bb is
A black short-tailed (BBTT) mouse is crossed with a tan long-tailed (bbtt) mouse. The F1 offspring of this cross could be best described as
Two offspring from the F1 generation are crossed. The F2 generation of this cross would be the closest to the phenotypic ratio of
Read the following paragraph… use the information given to determine whether the statements are true or false. Henry received a black guinea pig as a pet. He knew that black fur was a dominant trait and that white fur was recessive. He didn’t know if his guinea pig was homozygous dominant black (BB) or heterozygous black (Bb), so he decided to breed it with a pure white guinea pig (bb). Of the seven offspring born, four were black and three were white.
Both parents had at least one dominant allele.
Henry's pet guinea pig was homozygous dominant (black).
The black offspring have two recessive alleles.
In humans, having freckles is dominant over not having freckles. Both mom and dad are heterozygous for freckles.
Homozygous dominant for freckles would be represented as
Heterozygous for freckles would be represented as
Homozygous recessive for freckles would be represented as
The parents genotype would be
The parents phenotype would be
The probable genotypes for the children could be
The probable phenotypes for the children could be
A cross between a heterozygous individual for a trait and in homozygous recessive individual for a trait will probably produce offspring with
All the same genotype
Three different phenotypes
All the same phenotype
Two different phenotypes
An example of co-dominance is
Pink flowers in snapdragons
Height in garden peas
AB blood
Since the allele for colorblindness is located on the X chromosome, colorblindness
Cannot be inherited by females
occurs only in animals
Is autosomal
Is sex-linked
Four-o’clock flowers have 3 color variations: red, yellow, and orange. The allele for red flowers is FR and the allele for yellow flowers is FY. The heterozygous phenotype is an orange flower.
This type of inheritance pattern can best be described as
The genotype for a heterozygous orange flower is
A red flower and yellow flower are crossed. The possible resulting genotype will be
The possible resulting phenotype will be
Two of these offspring are crossed. The possible resulting genotypes are
The possible resulting phenotypes are
The genotypic cross of ____ will result in the greatest genotypic and phenotypic variations.
When one characteristic is controlled by two or more genes it is called
Multiple alleles
Incomplete dominance
Polygenic inheritance
A man has genotype IAi and woman has genotype IBi - for their blood type. This couple has a two year old son.
The blood type of the father is
The blood type of the mother is
The chance that the son could have the same blood type as his parents (either/both) is
The chance that the son could have different blood type than his parents is
Human blood groups are not an example of
Which of the following is an example of polygenic inheritance?
Skin pigmentation
ABO blood groups
Purple and white flower colors in peas
Pink flowers in snap dragons
Which scientist(s) are credited with discovering that DNA is a double helix?
Watson, Crick, and Franklin
Gregor Mendel
Watson and Crick
Wilkins and Franklin
What had to occur before Watson and Crick were able to discover the structure of DNA?
Chargaff determined that the amounts of A & T were always equal, and the amounts of C & G were always equal
All of these
Meischer identifies "nuclein" (later named DNA) in puss/white blood cells
Franklin had to photograph X-Ray images of DNA
What is the relationship among DNA, a gene, and a chromosome?
A gene contains hundreds of chromosomes, which are composed of DNA.
A chromosome contains hundreds of genes, which are composed of protein.
A chromosome contains hundreds of genes, which are composed of DNA.
A gene contains hundreds of chromosomes, which are composed of protein.
The main building block for all nucleic acids is
Amino acids
If the DNA of a certain organism has guanine as 30% of its bases, then what percentage of its bases are adenine?
Which of the following is TRUE regarding the genetic information in the cells of your body?
The genetic information in almost all of your body cells is identical.
The genetic information in your body cells changes in a predictable manner as you grow and develop.
Different kinds of body cells contain different genetic information.
Body cells do not have genetic information, but reproductive gametes do.
Suppose a scientist working on a new drug for cancer developed a chemical that irreversibly breaks the hydrogen bonds in the DNA molecules within cancerous cells but leaves all of the covalent bonds intact. Hydrogen bonds are relatively weak compared to covalent bonds, and they are routinely broken and reformed as the DNA molecule is replicated in a normal cell. Their stability is nonetheless critical for maintaining certain aspects of the structure and function of the DNA molecule. Based on this scenario and your knowledge of DNA, how would this newly discovered chemical affect the "molecule of heredity" in a human cancer cell?
It would allow the DNA molecule to function normally except during replication.
It would break the two strands of the DNA molecule apart, preventing it from functioning normally.
It would break the individual genes in the DNA molecule apart, preventing it from functioning normally.
It would result in constant DNA replication within the cell.
Which mutation would be most likely to have a catastrophic effect?
a base substitution
A base deletion near the end of the coding sequence
A codon insertion near the start of the coding sequence
A base deletion near the start of the coding sequence
The sequence of nitrogen bases on one strand of DNA could determine all of the following EXCEPT the sequence of:
Nitrogen bases in mRNA
Amino acids in a protein molecule.
Ribose and phosphate molecules in tRNA
Nitrogen bases in the complimentary DNA strand.
All of the following are benefits of sequencing the human genome EXCEPT:
Every genetic disorder is now curable or preventable.
Better comparisons can be made between human genetics and the genetics of other organisms.
The number of genetic disorders that can be diagnosed has increased.
genes were discovered whose functions were previously unknown.
Which DNA characteristics are unique to each individual person?
Type of sugar in nucleotide
Sequence of DNA bases
Shape of DNA
Size of DNA
What DNA sequence is complementary to A-A-C-G-T-T-G?
When does DNA replicate?
Why must DNA replicate?
If a bacterial protein is made from 30 amino acids, how many nucleotides are needed to code for its production?
DNA replication results in two DNA molecules,
Each with one new strand and one original strand
Each with two original strands
each with two new strands
One with two new strands and the other with two original strands
Use the amino acid chart to help you answer the following questions.
____ on mRNA codes for the polypeptide chain to end.
If the DNA sequence is CAG TAG CGA, the polypeptide chain will be
Valine-aspartic acid-alanine
This process happens in eukaryotic organisms.
The process indicated by arrow "A" is
The process indicated by arrow "A" occurs in the
The process indicated by arrow "B" is
The process indicated by arrow "B" occurs in the
Use the image to answer the questions
Structure A is
Structure B is
Structure C is
There are ____ codons on the mRNA strand
Structure B will form peptide bonds between each and eventually form a
If the sequence of bases in a section of DNA is TAGGCTAA, what is the corresponding sequence of mRNA bases?
A gene can be mutated with no resulting functional change in the protein that is produced from that gene if:
The mutation alters the active site of an enzyme.
An entire codon has been removed.
RNA polymerase can edit the mutation from the mRNA produced during translation.
A codon has changed, but it codes for the same amino acid as the original codon.
What determines which proteins are produced by a cell?
The location of the DNA molecule
The shape of the DNA molecule
The sequence of nucleotides in the DNA
The size of the DNA molecule
Which of the following shows the correct sequence of how proteins are formed?
MRNA -> protein -> DNA
Protein -> DNA -> mRNA
MRNA ->DNA -> protein
DNA -> mRNA -> protein
What determines the sequence of mRNA?
DNA polymerase
A strand of DNA with the sequence AAC AAG CCC undergoes a mutation, and the first A is changed to C.
How will this specific mutation affect the amino acid sequence?
What kind of mutation is this?
Which of the following is true about why living organisms need to make proteins?
all are true about proteins
Proteins are needed to act as enzymes for cell processes to occur
Proteins are made from a gene sequence or genetic code (codons) in the DNA molecule
Proteins act as channels in the cell membrane and help with cell transport
The following cell structures are located within the cells that make proteins. Which description best explains the relationship among these cell structures in making a protein? Nucleus, Ribosome, Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
DNA in nucleus codes for protein -> proteins are assembled in ribosomes and moves to ER -> ER processes and packages the proteins
Nucleus directs the ER to make the proteins -> ribosomes surround protein -> protein folds into its active shape
Nucleus makes protein -> protein winds through the ER -> protein folds into its active shape
ER creates protein -> DNA in codes for ribosomes to surround protein -> protein folds into its active shape
Evolution can be defined as
A change in the genetic makeup of a population over time
One species changing into another species
A change in the phenotype of an individual over his/her lifetime
A change in the genetic makeup of an individual over time
The theory of natural selection states that:
Individuals mutate in response to changes in their environment, and therefore survive better
Random assortment of genes will result in better characteristics in the future generations
The largest and strongest survive the best
The individuals best suited to their environments will survive and reproduce the best, contributing the most genes to future generations
Boa constrictors and whales have pelvic bones, even though they have no hind legs. These structures are nonfunctional "evolutionary baggage" called:
Homologous structures
Analogous structures
Vestigial structures
The bones in our arm are structurally the same as the bones in the wing of bats and birds, in the legs of dogs, and in the fins of dolphins. This can be used as evidence of an evolutionary relationship and are called:
Homologous structures
Analogous structures
Vestigial structures
The amino acid sequences of human and bonobo hemoglobin are almost identical, yet they differ considerably from the sequences of wolf hemoglobin. This indicates that:
Humans are more closely related to wolves than bonobos
We don't have enough info to say.
Bonobos are more closely related to humans than to wolves
Wolves and bonobos are closely related
Most commercial pesticides are only effective for 2-3 years because:
The pests learn to hide from the chemical when it is being applied
The pests with mutations that provide immunity will survive and reproduce
The chemicals mutate to become ineffective after time
New pests invade the area
Natural selection is the process by which
All are possible
Acquired traits are passed on from one generation to the next
Organisms with traits well-suited to their environment survive and reproduce at a greater rate than organisms less suited for the same environment
The age of selected fossils is calculated
When evolution occurs at a slow, constant rate, it is known as
Punctuacted equilibrium
Adaptive radiation
Natural selection
When evolution occurs very quickly in a short period of time, and then those changes remain stable for a period of time, we call it:
Directional evolution
Directed equilibrium
Punctuated equilibrium
Punctuated evolution
Evidence for evolution includes all of the following EXECPT
The fossil record
Similarities and differences in protein and DNA sequences between organisms
Homologous structures
Punctuated sedimentation
Homologous structures in organisms suggest that organisms
Have a skeletal structure
Are related in the evolutionary tree
Are now extinct
Must have lived at different times
Populations of the same species living in different places
Always show balancing selection
Do not vary
Become increasingly similar as each becomes adapted to its own environment
Become increasingly different as each becomes adapted to its own environment
The change in frequency of a particular gene in a population, in one direction (like the beaks of the finch after the drought or flood) is best described as
Stabilizing selection
Disruptive selection
Balancing selection
Natural selection
Directional selection
The average weight of a human baby is around 7 lbs. Most babies are close to that weight. Babies that are much smaller or much bigger are more likely to have health issues. This is an example of
Stabilizing selection
Disruptive selection
Balancing selection
Natural selection
Directional selection
When analyzing fossils, what does a break in the fossil record (a type of fossil was found for a period/several layers, then not for a period/layer, then found again in later periods/layers) mean for that organism?
They went extinct for a while
We just haven't found these fossils
All of these
They adapted or evolved
Why do many scientists believe we are entering a 6th mass extinction?
All of these
About 1/3 of organisms on earth (we study) are threatened/endangered
The current extinction rate is much higher than the normal/expected extinction rate
We have killed off about 1/2 of the living individuals on earth
Which of the following is an example of natural selection?
Mules are bigger than donkeys and stronger than horses (the 2 animals bred to create a mule)
Owls sleep during the day and hunt at night, while hawks sleep at night and hunt during the day.
A species of corn is genetically modified to produce a natural insecticide, resulting in an increase in crop growth and a decrease in insect population.
An aloe vera plant species possessing a trait for extra thick leaves survives a long drought in a desert, and an aloe vera species that has thinner leaves does not.
Which of the following is an example of adaptive radiation?
There are many different dark colored rock pocket mice groups living on different lava flows throughout the southwest US. They all look similar, but have different mutations that caused the dark fur.
A species of corn is genetically modified to produce a natural insecticide, resulting in an increase in crop growth and a decrease in insect population.
One group of finch arrived on the galapagos islands long ago, and have since developed into 13 species adapted to the separate island environments.
An aloe vera plant species possessing a trait for extra thick leaves survives a long drought in a desert, and an aloe vera species that has thinner leaves does not.
Which of the following is an example of convergent evolution?
When a rabbit evolves better camouflage, the hawks will also evolve better eyesight in response.
There are many different dark colored rock pocket mice groups living on different lava flows throughout the southwest US. They all look similar, but have different mutations that caused the dark fur.
One group of finch arrived on the galapagos islands long ago, and have since developed into 13 species adapted to the separate island environments.
A species of corn is genetically modified to produce a natural insecticide, resulting in an increase in crop growth and a decrease in insect population.
Which of the following can evolve?
All of these
What evidence do we have to support a meteor hitting Earth off the coast of Mexico?
All of these
Compressed rock with broken crystal structure at the sight of impact
Bullseye ridges seen with satelite and/or sonar
Fragments of limestone found around the world in the same layer/time frame
How did the meteor cause mass extinction?
All of these
First extreme cold, then extreme heat because of the smoke and changes in the atmospheric gasses
Lack of sun caused most plants to die off
Rock/debris falling back to Earth started wide-spread forest fires
{"name":"Biology Review Semester 2", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on key concepts covered in Biology during Semester 2. This quiz is designed to help reinforce your understanding of cellular processes, genetics, and the differences between mitosis and meiosis.112 thought-provoking questionsMultiple choice and fill-in-the-blank formatsIdeal for students and educators alike","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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