Test Your Parasitology Knowledge
Welcome to the ultimate parasitology quiz! Challenge yourself with 53 carefully crafted questions on various parasites, their life cycles, and associated diseases. This quiz is designed for students, teachers, and anyone with an interest in microbiology.
Key Features:
- 53 Multiple Choice Questions
- Instant feedback on your answers
- Enhance your understanding of parasitology
I- Entamoeba histoly tica is transmitted by eating:
A- Trophozoite
B- Contaminated survival cysts
C- Eggs of Entamoeba histolytica
D- A and B
2- The disease below is not caused by Entamoeba histolytica:
A- Amoebic dysentery
B- Amoebic liver abscess
C- Intestinal disease
C- CNS disease
3- Immature cyst of Entamoeba histolytica has chromatid body and nuclei:
A-.Chromatoid body and 4 nuclei
B- Chromatoid body and 2 nuclei
C- 4 nuclei
D- 6 nuclei
4- The diarrheal disease is caused by parasite below:
A- Ascaridiasis
B- Giardia lamblia
C- Entamoeba histolytica
D- Tapeworm
5- The infection of Giardia lamblia may be passed:
A- person-to-person
B- animal-to-person
C- oral-anal contact
D- AIl answers
6- The trematodes listed below live in the bile duct:
A- Paragonimus westermani ®
B- Pneumocystis carinii
C- Fasciola
D- Clonorchis
7- Which parasite live in small intestine and called dwarf tapeworm:
A- Tenia solium
B- Tenia saginata
C- Hymenolepis nana
8- Parasite that can cause Löffler's syndrome in patient:
A- Ancylostoma duodenale
B- Strongyloides stercoralis
C- Ascaris lumbricoide
D- Clonorchis sinensis
9- The cyst ofGiardia lamblia has structure below, except:
B- Axonemes
C- ParabasaL bodies
D- Chromatoid bodies
IO- The tests to diagnose Gardia Iamblia below are less common, EXCEPT
: A- Immunoassays
B- wet mount
C- Concentration methods
I I- The habitat of sporozoites of malaria is :
A- Liver
B- Blood stream
D- Stomach
12- The severe infection of Plasmodium falciparum cause the diseases as below, EXCEPT
A- Hemolytic anemia
B- liver disease
C- Cerebral malaria
14- Name of the intestinal fluke :
A-Fasciola hepatica
B- Fasciolopsis buski
C-Schistosoma haematobium
15- Name of the lung fluke :
A- Fasciola hepatica.
B-Paragonimus westermani
C-Opisthorchis sinensis
D-Schistosoma mansoni
16- identification of egg of Schistosoma japonicum :
A- Terminal Spine
B-Minute Spine
C- Lateral Spine
D- No spine
17-Drug of choice to treat schistosomiasis :
L D-Mebendazol
18-The intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni is :
C-Aquatic and plant
D- B and C
20-The infective stage of the Fasciolopsis buski worms is
A- Cysticercus larva
D- Metacercaria
B- Cercaria
C- Eggs
21- Each of the following statements is true concerning Diphyllobothrium latum:
A- D. Latum is the largest cestode
B- D. Latum egg is operculated
C- The infective stage is cercaria
D- Genital branches more than
22- Each of the following statements concerning hookworm infection is correct, EXCEPT:
A- Hookworm can cause pneumonia
B- The filariform larvae penetrate the skin
C- The infective stage is L2
D- N. Americanus transmission is by mouth
23- The smallest egg of parasites is:
A- Opisthorchis sinensis
B- Ascaris lumbricoide
C- Hookworms
D- Fasciola hepatica
24- The intermediate host of Opisthorchis sinensis are :
A- Fish B-Snail
C- Aquatic plant
D-Fish and Snail
26- Each of the following statements concerning Malaria is correct
A-Can cause blood loss
B- Can cause nephrotic syndrome
C- Fever every 3 days
D- Thrombocytopenia
27- Each of the following parasites is transmitted by mosquitoes, EXCEPT
A-Sleeping sickness
B- Plasmodium malariae
C-Plasmodium vivax
D-Plasmodium falciparum
28-The disease associated with Nocturnal Pruritus is
A- Ascaris lumbricoides
B- Necator americanus
C- Enterobius vermicularis
D- Trichuris trichiura
29-The manner of transmission of the parasite is by skin penetration and ingestion eau:
A- Ascaris lumbricoides
B- Trichuris trichiura
C- Strongyloides stercoralis
D- Hookworm
30-Parasite produces Ocular cysticercosis to man:
A- Dipylidium caninum
B- Taenia solium
C- Taenia saginata
D- B & C
31- Taeniasis solium developed in human after ingestion of the:
A- Cysticercoid larvae
B- Cysticercus cellulosae
C- Cysticercus bovis
D- Taenia egg
32- Each of the following statements concerning Giardia lamblia is correct, EXCEPT:
A- G. Lamblia transmitted by oocyst
B- G. Lamblia transmitted by uncooked meat
C- G. Lamblia causes liver abscess
D- G. Iamblia causes dehydration
33- Each of the following statements concerning Malaria is correct. EXCEPT
A- Mosquito is the vector
B- Sporozoites enter in hepatocytes
C- Merozoites in RBC cause fever and chills
D-The sexual cycle is in human
34- Each of the following parasite is transmitted by fecal-oral, EXCEPT :
A- Ancylostoma duodenale
B- Enterobius vermicularis
C- Trichuris trichiura
D-necator americanus
35- In malaria, the dormant form of plasmodium in the liver is :
A- Sporozoite
C- Merozoite
36- The Central Nervous System involvement are most common with
: A- Tenia solium
C- Plasmodium falciparum
D- All answers
39- A developing trophozoite has been described as follows: enlarged RBC, very ameboid, presence of Maurer’s dots. The species is most likely:
A- Plasmodium vivax
B- Plasmodium ovale
C- Plasmodium malariae
D- Plasmodium falciparum
40-L3 larva is the infective stage of:
A-Necator americanus
B- Ascaris lumbricoide
C- Enterobius vermicularis
D- Tenia solium
41-Anal pruritis is a manifestation for infection with:
A- Ascaris lumbricoides
B- Ancylostoma duodenale
C- Enterobius vermicularis
D- Trichocephalus trichiurus
42-The following is not snail transmitted parasites, EXCEPT:
A- Diphyllobothrium Latum
B- Ascaris lumbricoide
C- Hymenolepis nana
D-Fasciolopsis buski
43- AII of the following eggs are infective to man, EXCEPT:
A-Taenia solium
B-Taenia saginata
C- Hymenolepis nana
D- Clonorchis sinensis
44- The following eggs have 4 to 8 blatomers .
A- Taenia solium
B-Taenia saginata
C- Hymenolepis nana
D-Ancylostoma duodenale
45-The following intestinal nematodes are infective to Ian through the egg stage, EXCEPT :
A- Trichuris trichiura
B- Necator americanus
C- Enterobius vermicularis
D- Ascaris lumbricoides
46-AII of the following are belong to Hookworm:
A-Spread by the faeco-oral route
B- Adhesive tape from perianal
C- Causes diarrhoea in non-immunes
D- No above
47- The habitat of Trichuris trichiura is:
A- Small intestine
B- Large intestine
C- Liver
D- Lung
49- The diagnosis of schistosomiasis done by urinalysis is:
A- Schistosoma japonicum
B- Schistosoma manson
I C- Schistosoma intercalatum
D- Schistosoma Haematobium
50- Fasciola hepatica contaminated to the man by eating :
A- Unwashed vegetable
B- Uncooked meat
C- Uncooked fish
D- Swallowing rat fleas
51-Which of the following infestations leads to malabsorption ?
A-Giardia lamblia
B- Ascaris lumbricoides
C- Necator-americanus
D- Ancyclostoma duodenale
52- Which of the following agent is used to prevent Malaria:
A- Mebendazole
C- Inactivated vaccine
D- Zinc table
53- The rhabditiform larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis can detected in
A- Stool
B- Sputum
C- Urine
D- A & B
54- The laboratory diagnosis of Trematode is made by finding
A-Egg in stool
B- Larva in urine
C- Larva in stool
D- Cyst in urine
55- We can find cysticercus of Taenia solium in:
A-Muscle of pork
B- Muscle of the human
C- Intestine of pork
D- A & B
56- The neurocysticercosis is came from:
A- Beef tapeworm
B- Pork tapeworm
C- Chicken tapeworm
D- Fish tapeworm
57-Hookworm infection leads to deficiency of:
A-Vitamin B 12
B- Vitamin A
C- Folic acid
D- Iron
58-The larval form of Tenia solium is called:
A-Cysticercus cellulosae
C-Cysticercus bovis
D-Hydatid cyst
{"name":"Para", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the ultimate parasitology quiz! Challenge yourself with 53 carefully crafted questions on various parasites, their life cycles, and associated diseases. This quiz is designed for students, teachers, and anyone with an interest in microbiology.Key Features:53 Multiple Choice QuestionsInstant feedback on your answersEnhance your understanding of parasitology","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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