A thoughtful student studying law in a library filled with legal books and case files, with a stack of papers on the table, showcasing life insurance contracts and agreements.

BLAW IV: Life Insurance and Contract Law Quiz

Test your knowledge on life insurance and contract law with our engaging 50-question quiz! Whether you're a student, a professional in the field, or just someone interested in understanding the intricacies of beneficiary designations and contract conditions, this quiz is perfect for you.

Key Features:

  • 50 multiple-choice questions
  • Covering life insurance, contract law, and the UCC
  • Immediate feedback on your answers
50 Questions12 MinutesCreated by LearningLawyer202
Pat is the beneficiary of his father's life insurance contract. Pat is a (n) ______beneficiary.
A spouse who is named as the beneficiary in a life insurance contract is a __________beneficiary.
Allie entered into a contract with Camp Woe B Gone, paying 2,000 for a six week camping experience for her son, Bart. Bart is the ________________ of the contract between Allie and Camp Woe B Gone.
Donee beneficiary
Incidental beneficiary
White sold his business to Phipps. As part of the sale contract, Phipps agreed to pay off a bill White owed to one of his suppliers. Assume that Phipps does not pay the supplier as called for in the contract. Which parties may file suit against him?
Only White may sue Phipps on the contract.
Only the unpaid supplier may sue Phipps on the contract.
Either White or the supplier may sue Phipps, but not both.
Both White and the supplier may sue Phipps.
White sold his business to Phipps. As part of the sale contract, Phipps agreed to pay off a bill White owed to one of his suppliers. This supplier is a ____________beneficiary of the sales contract.
Jim sold his law practice to Ann. As part of the sales contact, Ann agreed to pay Aaron, Jim's paralegal, the back wages Jim owed him. Aaron is a (n)_____________ beneficiary of the sales contract.
Which of the following statements about an intended beneficiary is true?
There cannot be more than one intended beneficiary to a contract.
The intended beneficiary need not have knowledge of the contract at the time that it is made.
The intended beneficiary can sue if the other party to the contract breaches.
Both B and C are true
Laura lives on a cul de sac in a small town in Maine. The town does not have enough money to plow the cul de sac after each snowfall, so Laura personally pays Bill, who owns a plow, $5,000 a year to keep the cul de sac clear. The other residents of Laura's cul de sac are ___________beneficiaries of Laura's contract with Bill.
Bill receives quarterly dividends from a family owned corporation. He owes Sally 8,000 so he gives her his right to receive these dividends until the debt is paid. Assume that the corporation stops paying the quarterly dividend because of declining profits. What are Sally's rights in this situation?
Sally can hold Bill liable on the original debt.
Sally can hold Bill liable for breach of warranty
Sally can sue the corporation for the dividends only if Bill could have sued for the dividends because she has "stepped into his shoes."
A and b and c
Gourmet, an upscale restaurant chain, planned to open a new restaurant in downtown Smallville on Memorial Day weekend. Ye Olde Antique Shoppe, a merchant located next door to Gourmet, was looking forward to the increased sales it would realize from diners who dropped in from next door. Gourmet's contractor did not finish the building on time so Gourmet did not open for the big weekend. Can Ye Olde Antique Shoppe sue the contractor since it lost profits because of his failure to perform on time?
Yes, because it is a business beneficiary of the contract between contractor and Gourmet.
Yes, because it is an intended commercial beneficiary of the contract between contractor and Gourmet.
No, because it is a donor beneficiary of the contract between contractor and Gourmet.
No, because it is an incidental beneficiary of the contract between contractor and Gourmet.
In construing a contract, courts give greater weight to provisions that are printed in the contract than to those that are written in by hand.
In construing a contract, typewritten terms are given more weight than handwritten terms.
Conditions concurrent in a contract require that the parties perform their contract duties at the same time.
A contract clause that states that a buyer will purchase a new home only if she can get financing under 6.5 is an example of a contract with a condition subsequent.
If you must have contract work completed by a certain date, you should include a "time is of the essence" clause in the contract.
A "time is of the essence" clause is an example of a constructive condition in a contract.
If the buyer has the right to reject a tender because of personal dissatisfaction, whether the dissatisfaction is genuine or in bad faith is a question of fact for a jury.
Constructive conditions in contracts are bargained for by the parties.
Constructive conditions in contracts are imposed by the courts to serve justice.
A party will receive no compensation under a contract if his performance was merely "substantial" and not perfect.
Article 2A of the Code governs ___________.
Leases of goods
Sales of fixtures
Sales of securities
Sandy bought a large air conditioner from Big Box Home Store for $525. For an additional $100, the store delivered, installed and programmed the unit. Does this sale come under Article 2 of the Code?
Yes, because at least one element of the transaction was a sale of goods.
Yes, because the sale of goods predominates.
No, because this is an employment contract.
No, because this is a contract for the sale of services.
Which of the following is not classified as a good under Article 2?
Food sold and consumed in a restaurant
Food sold as take out and consumed at home.
An unborn race horse
A 3 month lease on a lakeside cabin.
Which law governs the lease of the goods?
State common law
2A of the Uniform Commercial Code
The Consumer Credit Act
The Convention on the Lease of Goods
The document issued by a storage facility acknowledging that goods have been accepted for storage is a ________________.
Bill of lading
Commercial acceptance
Warehouse receipt
Trade assignment
Lenny bought a computer from Computer Store for $1,000. For an additional $100, the store delivered the computer, connected up the various devices, and transferred Lenny's files from his old computer. Would this transaction constitute a sale of goods under Article2?
No, this is a contract for personal services.
No, this is a" work for hire" contract.
Yes, any transaction in which title to some "good" is transferred" is an Article2 sale.
Yes, in this transaction the sale of goods "predominates."
The document issued by a common carrier evidencing receipt of goods for shipment is an_________________.
Bill of particulars
Bill of lading
Bill of attainder
Which of the following is not a good under Article 2 of the Code?
An unborn horse
A farm tractor
A wheat crop that has not yet been planted
Natural gas extracted from the ground by the buyer
Under the Code, a consignment is treated like a______________.
Sale or return
Sale on approval
Installment sales contract
Mary runs a clothing store at a ski resort. She is approached by Sally who has several dozen funky hand knit ski caps she would like Mary to buy to sell in her store. Mary agrees on the condition that Sally take back any unsold hats at the end of the season. This agreement is a __________________.
Sale on approval
Sale or return
An unenforceable promise
An installment sales contract
Under the Code, both buyers and sellers have the right to _________.
Ask for adequate assurances
Repudiate the contract
Buyer sends Seller a written request for adequate assurances. Seller has ______days to respond.
Which of the following remedies are available to both buyers and sellers?
Specific performance
Adequate Assurances
In the past 6 months Supplier has made late deliveries to a number of customers and a good portion of the goods delivered have been defective. Buyer is worried that an important scheduled delivery will be late or non-confirming. He sends a written request to Supplier asking for confirmation that the contract terms will be met. If Supplier does not respond to Buyer's written request within ______________, Buyer is entitled to assume that Supplier has repudiated the contract and may purchase the goods from another seller.
10 days
30 days
3 months
6 months
Which of the following would be reasonable grounds for a seller feeling insecure?
Buyer's last two payments to the seller were 30 days late.
Buyer is making late payments to other suppliers in the business.
Buyer's check to the seller was returned for insufficient funds.
All of the above are reasonable grounds for feeling insecure.
In the past 6 months Supplier has made late deliveries to a number of customers and a good portion of the goods delivered have been defective. Buyer is worried that an important scheduled delivery will be late or non-confirming. He sends a written request to Supplier asking for confirmation that the contract terms will be met. Buyer has exercised the remedy of __________.
Specific Performance
Adequate Assurances
A buyer does not have the right to inspect goods before paying for them if
The seller gave adequate assurances
The goods are fungible
The delivery is C.O.D.
The delivery is one of several deliveries under the same contract.
If a buyer is paying for goods against a bill of lading or warehouse receipt he does not have the right to:
Return non-conforming goods to the seller.
Inspect the goods before paying for them.
Sue for incidental damages if the goods are non-conforming.
Sue for consequential damages if the goods are non-conforming.
If a buyer discovers that a tender is non-conforming he may:
Accept the entire tender
Reject the entire tender
Reject a commercially reasonable portion of the tender and accept the rest.
All of the above are remedies available to the buyer.
When an action takes place within an agreed upon time, or, absent an agreement, within a reasonable time, the action is taken _________.
To create an express warranty, the seller must use the terms "warrant" or "guarantee."
To recover for a breach of an express warranty, the buyer must prove that he actually relied on the seller's statements.
An opinion expressed by a jeweler about the value of a gem he sells creates an express warranty.
An express warranty arises when goods are purchased based on a catalogue description.
To create an express warranty, the seller must have the specific intention of making a warranty.
A warranty of title would not be implied for goods sold at a sheriff's sale.
An auctioneer at a judicial sale makes an implied warranty of title when he sells the goods.
There is no breach of warranty of title if the buyer knows that the property is subject to a lien or security interest.
In most states, the sale of used goods by a merchant of goods of that kind will not create an implied warranty of merchantability.
Written disclaimers of implied warranties of merchantability are not effective if printed in the same type face and color as the rest of the contract.
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